Perfectly Imperfect

We start walking again, and I take a fortifying breath when we step into the outer waiting area of my father—no, Dominic’s office. Luck is on my side because the transparent walls of his office are set to their foggy privacy setting. His door is open, and I can hear him inside laughing.

A few steps further and I hear my sister’s hyena-like laugh and cringe. I don’t think I realized just how annoying that noise she makes when she laughs was until this moment. It puts a smile on my face when I realize just how much I had built her up in my head to be flawless. No one with a laugh like that could be considered flawless.

I step into the open doorway and keep my smile in place with no effort when the occupants inside look over in surprise at the intruder.

“Looks like lady luck was even more generous than I had initially thought,” I tell Kane with a laugh over my shoulder. “Everyone I wanted to see today just happens to be here together. I’m sure we can all agree to skip the polite ‘how have you been’ portion that usually comes when you haven’t seen family in so long and all admit that we really don’t care.” I continue into the room, Kane’s hand still holding mine, and let the powerful rush their surprise gives me spike my adrenaline a little more.

Looking over at a stunned Ivy, practically draped over an equally shocked Brad, makes me roll my eyes. They’re both dressed impeccably, but I notice Ivy’s face looks a little less Botox perfect now. Her skin, not having been kind to her as she ages, is dry from years of skin damage, and the bags under her eyes could probably count as a carry-on with most airlines. I’m now seeing the woman I had always thought got the better genes through the eyes of reality. She hides it well, but the way she’s lived her life is clearly catching up with her. You can’t expect money to buy everything, and Ivy is living proof. It can’t buy happiness.

“Nice to see that you two are still together. I had worried, Ivy, that it wouldn’t last. I mean, you worked so hard for him that it would be a shame for all of that to be in vain.” Turning to Brad, I continue. “And Brad. Nice to see you. As you can see,” I point at Kane over my shoulder, “I should be thanking you. After all, had I not been lucky enough to find you with my sister, I would be stuck married to you and I wouldn’t have Kane. After years of thinking you were the best I would have, I can’t even tell you how exhilarating it is to find out what I assumed was life’s ten was more like a two. So thank you for pushing me out the door and right into the arms of a ten.”

“Excuse me!” Dominic booms through the office.

Turning from Brad’s incredulous eyes, I look at the man whose love I had always thought I needed.

“Dominic,” I sweetly say in greeting. “You’ll have to excuse my frankness, but I think you’ll find I actually have no trouble speaking my mind these days. It really is a wonderful feeling.”

“You’ll keep in mind whom you’re speaking to, Willow,” he seethes.

I cock my head and look at him in confusion—well, fake confusion for his sake. “I’m sorry? And exactly who would that be, Dominic? Surely, you aren’t implying that I should watch my mouth because there is someone I should be respecting in here?”

“You have a lot of nerve,” he heatedly mumbles, moving to stand from his chair. “You have no right to be here!” he yells.

Kane’s hand tightens, and I give him a squeeze.

“Perhaps, but I’m here, and I’m not leaving until I get a few things off my chest, so do me a favor and sit down, shut up, and for once in your life, listen.”

He sputters but doesn’t move around the desk. He also doesn’t sit, but that’s okay. Looking at each of them for a few seconds, I measure my next words—my reason for coming and everything that I hope to get off my chest. Short and sweet but everything I need to say in order to let go of my past. I couldn’t care less if they agree; all that matters is how I feel at this moment.

“Dominic,” I begin. “I want you to know that I forgive you.” He sputters again, but this time it isn’t anger driven. He’s confused, clearly not expecting that. “I forgive you for being a terrible stepfather to me. I forgive you for treating me with nothing but hate and verbal abuse for years. I also forgive you for your inability to love because that is really just heartbreaking. I used to think I needed your love. For what reason, I’m not sure. I allowed you to beat me down because I felt the guilt of losing Mom, guilt I shouldn’t have had to burden. It was a terrible accident I had no control over, and even though I’ll miss her for the rest of my life, I know that the years I had with her were beautiful and even you can’t take that away from me. I know now that if she were here, she would be as disgusted with your actions as I am. But most of all, I forgive you for being blinded by evil and not helping me heal after she was gone.”

Harper Sloan's books