PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance

“Yeah. I overheard him telling his dad he felt sick.”

I exhaled sharply, feeling terrible. “Is it okay if I leave with you tonight and spend the last few weeks of summer at your place? My dad is on vacation, but he’s coming back in a couple of weeks, so I could leave a bit earlier. It’s an emergency.”

Sarah rubbed my arm comfortingly. “Of course. My parents love you. Are your parents going to be okay with you leaving here so early?”

“They’re going on their honeymoon tonight, so it’s not like I would see her much for the rest of the summer, anyway,” I explained. “I just need to get out of here. I can’t spend another minute around him.”

I looked at my mother and Gary posing for a picture. They looked so happy, and I knew in my gut that I was doing the right thing. I wished that my heart would figure it out.


Jen cuddled into my shoulder. We were both naked, huddling under the blankets. I opened my eyes, feeling the chill of the fall fill me with cold. I sat up in my bed, looking around my room. The sun was beginning to leak in, which meant I had work soon. I grumbled to myself, still not quite used to getting up this early. I shook Jen gently, trying to wake her up.

“Babe, I have to get ready for work,” I said.

Jen opened her clear blue eyes and made a face. “Ugh. Why do you have to get up for work so early?”

“It’s a full-time job. You can’t be too picky.”

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. “Okay. Let’s shower together.”

“Sounds good,” I replied with a sigh.

I shivered my ass off as I walked to the shower. I turned it on, and steam quickly filled the room. I wasted no time getting into the shower and rubbing body wash all over myself. Jen followed soon after.

“Shit, it’s cold this year,” she said.

“That means winter is coming early,” I teased.

“Please. We all know winter is already here.”

I rubbed soap all over her back, and she smiled, letting out a soft and relaxed sigh. She arched her shoulders into me, responding to my touch.

“There’s nothing like smelling like a man first thing in the morning,” she teased.

“It’s better than smelling like my jizz.”

“Come to think of it, I still feel it all over my face.” She winked.

She helped wash my body, and I enjoyed her warmth. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to ignore my thoughts, the comparisons I made between her and Amy. When we had sex, I had to keep my eyes open so I wouldn’t pretend it was Amy beneath me. I wondered if she ever noticed my weird behavior, but she was so into having sex with me that I wasn’t sure.

We got out of the shower and dried off, an awkward silence between us. Silences were always awkward because questions about the status of our relationship would always follow.

“So when are we making things official?” she asked.

I took a deep breath and threw my shirt over my head. I searched for my pants, trying not to look at her. I couldn’t deal with the pained expression on her face. “I told you I’m not ready for anything like that. I just want to have fun. I thought you were okay with that,” I said, trying to be honest without being a total douche.

She looked down, disappointed as usual. “I’m not exactly looking to get married, but I would like to know that I’m the only girl you’re seeing. And I know I’m not.”

“I’m not the only guy you’re seeing either, so what’s the big deal?” I asked, exasperated.

“The only reason I’m seeing anyone else is because you’re seeing other people. I want to be just with you.”

I shook my head, buckling my belt. “This is a conversation we can have another time. Right now, I have to get to work. I can’t be late my first year there. It’s not how this kind of business works.”

She rolled her eyes at me, pulling up her pants. “Whatever.” She laced up her boots, got her purse, and left.

I was well used to this routine with her. A part of me wondered if it was wrong that we still hooked up, especially since I knew she really liked me. Not that I didn’t like her at all, but my heart was still set on Amy, even if I could never really be with her.

I grabbed my wallet and car keys, stuffing them into my sweatshirt. I went downstairs and smelled bacon and eggs. My dad also left early to commute to the city, and Emma had to attend to guests at the bed and breakfast.

“Good morning, dear,” Emma said. From behind, she looked so much like Amy. Sometimes, her voice even sounded a bit like her. It was oddly comforting. I sat down at the table and gave her a small wave.

My dad put his paper down and cleared his throat. “I have to say, son, I am proud of you. You went out, got a full-time job, and you’re being consistent.”

“Thanks?” I replied, trying to figure out if that was an insult or not.

“How is your new job going, sweetie?’ Emma asked.

Mia Carson's books