PRINCE CHARMING: A Stepbrother Secret Baby Romance

It wasn’t an hour before my mother came up the stairs. Her face was tanned from the day, and she sat next to me on my bed. “We had something to tell you both, but you weren’t downstairs, so we couldn’t.”

“I have something to tell you, too,” I said.

“Gary and I…We were so lost in the moment today and, well, we got married.”

I nearly fell over. “What?!” I gasped.

“Don’t worry! We’re still having the standard reception in a couple of months, but we just had to make it official,” Mom said dreamily. “Now, what is it that you had to tell me?”

“I...” I began, faltering. “I just miss home a lot, that’s all.”

“Oh, honey…” She gave me a hug, and I looked over her shoulder, blank and expressionless. The door to Ashton’s room was closed. The damage had already been done.

My mom left, and I texted him.

Amy: What happened was fucked up. We can’t do that anymore.

Ashton: I know. It was. But we couldn’t help it. We just wanted each other so much.

Amy: We should have resisted.

Ashton: If you think about it, though, it makes sense. We have the same genetics as our parents, who are also fucking.

Amy: That isn’t helping. What would help, though, is for you to find other girls.

Ashton: But you don’t get it. I don’t just want to fuck you. I kinda like you.

I paused, looking down at my phone. Shit.

Amy: I like you too, but it’s too late. Our parents are married. Just find someone else and leave me alone.

He didn’t text me back, and part of me was relieved. The rest of me was devastated. This summer would go by so slowly, and I just wanted it to be over. I called Sarah, crying.

“Girl, what’s wrong?” she asked, her voice sounding so especially familiar and comforting right now.

“I fucked him,” I said.

“Whoa. No way! That’s great,” she squealed.

“No, no, it’s not. Remember? He’s my stepbrother now. It’s actually official. Our parents tied the knot today—one of my mom’s random, crazy fucking ideas,” I said through tears, crying hysterically.

“Okay, listen. Try to calm down. I’m sure you’re not the first person this has happened to, and you won’t be the last,” she said.

“I’m pretty sure I’m the first! Who is weird enough to have sex with their future family member? To make it worse, he is my family member now. I just wanted him so bad. I’ve never felt like that before.”

“It’s called being horny, and people have done worse things.”

“Really?” I asked, sniffling through tears.

“Of course! It’ll be okay. Just keep it a secret and try to keep your distance from him for a bit, I guess,” Sarah replied.

“I think your psychology studies are paying off. That’s pretty solid advice.”

“It’ll all be okay. Just breathe. Have you spoken to him since it happened?”

“Yes… I told him to find someone else and that it was over,” I said, noting how sad my voice sounded.

“Good. You did the right thing. I mean, you can’t totally pretend it didn’t happen, but for now, just act like it didn’t. For your sake and your parents’ sake.”

“I just want to go home. I miss you, my dad, and our friends at school. Maybe I should just come back early. But Mom would be so upset, though. I don’t know what to do!”

“Just relax for this weekend. Make decisions tomorrow,” Sarah said.

I took a deep breath. “All right.”

“My boyfriend is about to get home, so I gotta go,” she said. “I’ll talk to you later. Text me if you need anything.”

“I will. Thanks, Sarah. Goodnight.”

We hung up, and I felt so cold and alone. The bathroom had a Jacuzzi, thank God. I turned the steaming water on and felt soothed by the scents of lavender I poured into the tub. I ripped my clothes off, feeling dirty and unclean. Perhaps I could wash away my sins, and none of this would have ever happened. I cried softly as I scrubbed my hands and feet with the soap, the roaring of the water spout hiding my angst.

I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and put on my robe after an hour in the bath. My phone pinged. I had a friend request from none other than Ash. With shaking hands, I accepted.


I was rarely uncomfortable in a car, but the ride home had been hostile. My dad and Emma wanted to sit together, so I was forced to sit with a highly uncomfortable Amy. She stared pointedly out the window, her arms crossed tightly.

“How did you like the beach, Amy?” Emma inquired.

“It was beautiful. Thanks.”

“How about you, Ashton? Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Very much so,” I answered, deepening my voice, trying to hint to Amy that I had enjoyed our sex together. Amy’s face was slightly pink. Fuck, I loved it when she got nervous like that.

“Ah, I am so happy that we are finally married,” Dad said, putting his hand on Emma’s thigh.

“If only the stress of the formal ceremony wasn’t still there, but I think having it at the bed and breakfast will help. I also think we’re going to need a handyman,” Emma hinted, smiling at me.

Mia Carson's books