Out of the Ashes (Sons of Templar MC #3)

And that voice, the warmth that had taken up residence in his belly turned to ice. His body froze as Lexie ran in. Lexie covered in blood, her tearstained face locked on his.

He didn’t think. He covered the distance between them in seconds, ignoring everything else around him. His hands went to her shoulders, eyes searching her for wounds, his heart beating a thousand miles a minute. Her whole body trembled under his grip.

“Where are you hurt, baby?” he asked urgently, able to keep the tremor out of his voice. He struggled to keep the tremor out of his hands. His girl was covered in fuckin’ blood and he couldn’t lay eyes on his woman.

She didn’t answer and he moved his gaze from her body, unable to find the source of the blood. His hand moved to grasp her chin in his fingertips. “Lex, you need to tell me where you’re hurt,” he repeated, trying to sound calm. Problem was he wasn’t calm. His girl was covered in fucking blood. Her expression was etched in horror and her body was shaking in terror.

“It-it’s not mine,” she stuttered. “It’s Killian’s,” she half sobbed.

The kid limped through the doorway, holding his shoulder and shrugging off Steg, “Lexie,” he grunted.

Bull registered the obvious gunshot wound in his shoulder. “What the fuck happened?” he clipped.

Lexie’s gaze darted between Killian and Bull. “They shot Killian, then they took Mom,” she uttered, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Pulled up to Lexie’s, something felt wrong. Couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was off,” Killian explained.

His face was pale but determined. He had barely let the doc stitch and bandage him up. The only reason he’d stayed still for so long was because Steg had declared that he couldn’t fill them in on what was going on if he died of blood loss. Even that hadn’t swayed him. He finally relented, only with Lexie by his side. She had clung to Bull’s hand as she watched Killian get stitched. Without anesthetic. Kid was tough. Bull didn’t give a fuck. Personally, he would have been happy to get the story as soon as fuckin’ possible, whether or not the kid was bleeding or not.

His fists clenched on the table as they sat in church listening to what had happened.

Gwen had turned up minutes ago and was cleaning Lexie up. She had not wanted to leave Bull. Bull wasn’t too hot on having her far from his side but he needed to find Mia. Had to. There was no alternative.

“That’s when I heard Mia scream,” Killian continued.

Bull stiffened and Cade’s gaze flickered to him in worry.

“Didn’t think, knew Lexie was in there, knew you were on a run.” He glanced at Bull. “Got inside, some guy had a gun to Lexie’s head.” Killian’s face turned stormy at the memory. “Didn’t think about that either, charged the fucker. We struggled, gun went off.” He frowned slightly. “Must have got me then, didn’t feel it though. Managed to knock him out, grab Lexie. Some other guy had Mia, top of the stairs. Had a gun too.” A grim, guilt-filled expression cloaked the kid’s face and he met Bull’s eyes. “Mia was yelling at me to take Lexie and run. Fucker was shooting at me, I had to get Lexie outta there,” he explained.

Bull stared at him for a long moment, thoughts churning in his head. He wanted to be angry with the kid. Be furious for leaving Mia. But he couldn’t. He was a fuckin’ kid. A kid who not only took a bullet for his girl, but more than likely saved her life. For the second time Bull stood, making his way over to Killian. The entire table tensed; all his brothers were expecting him to lose it. Instead he clapped Killian on his good shoulder. To his credit, the kid didn’t even flinch as he approached, but his eyes flickered in surprise at the gesture.

“Saved my girl,” Bull muttered quietly. “Took a bullet for her,” he continued. He searched his eyes. “Owe you,” he told him.

Killian met his eyes. “Give my life for her,” he said. “Didn’t do it for you. She’s mine,” he declared.

Bull didn’t have time to worry about that statement.

“We need to get my fuckin’ woman back,” he addressed the table calmly. He didn’t think they expected him to be like this. To be locked down. He didn’t have a choice. The monster inside him was pounding at the walls, roaring to get out. Bull knew he couldn’t unleash the fury that simmered barely below the surface. That wouldn’t help Mia. Wouldn’t help Lexie. Boys would have to lock him down like before. He wouldn’t be able to save his woman like that. And he had to save his woman.

Cade recovered first. “What do we know? Who the fuck has a beef big enough with the Sons to go after an Old Lady?” he asked calmly. “Who’s fucking crazy enough?” he added. His face was blank but he knew his brother was feeling this.

“Devils?” Lucky suggested, referring to a club who had caused a bit of trouble recently.

Brock shook his head. “Don’t have the numbers. Shit we got on them, they don’t take a piss without our approval unless they want the mob knowing that they’re ripping them off,” he clipped.

Anne Malcom's books