Out of the Ashes (Sons of Templar MC #3)

I almost choked on my tongue. “Million?” I gasped.

I knew Ava and Steve were wealthy. Their house was beautiful, in an upscale area and they had an equally amazing condo in Malibu. Steve owned four boutique hotels all over and they all did extremely well. They did well because he worked hard, came from nothing and put his blood, sweat, and tears into them. So even though I knew they had money, it was never something I thought too hard about. They didn’t act like rich people, and I sure as hell did not take a dime from them, even in my hardest times when I struggled to find a dollar to give Lexie to buy a candy bar. I was proud. Didn’t want charity. I knew it hurt them, which was why we got outrageous gifts every birthday and Christmas. I knew from the gifts, and from the fact that he ran all of those successful hotels they were comfortable, but a million dollars? Not counting everything else? Fuck.

“I, um…” I stuttered, unsure of what to say.

Heidi smiled at me. “I understand this is a shock. Nothing needs to happen straight away. We will need you to sign some things—transfer of ownership, things like that. Then we can organize the possible sale of the houses if you like. And you can also decide what you would like to do with the hotels. They’re running fine at the moment.” She glanced around. “As I’m sure you well know, Steve hires excellent managers. But you will need to give this some thought.”

She slid a piece of cardstock across the table to me. “My card,” she explained. “When you’re ready.”

And like that, it seemed Lexie and I had become millionaires. And I had become the owner of a small hotel empire. I contemplated it all while sitting on that step, my head in my hands. Ever since I escaped that day I worked hard. I wasn’t born into privilege; I was born into poverty. A lot of Lexie’s early life was spent near poverty, not that Steve and Ava would ever let it get that far, but I was stubborn. When I could afford to get a place for us both I did. I worked like a dog to make a home, however shabby it was. Studied hard while still working. And when I finally was qualified, it was still a struggle. Even prior to this day money issues were always at the back of my mind. Now, it was something I’d never have to worry about. Not about unexpected bills, mortgage payments, college for Lexie, nothing. And in an instant I’d give every cent of it back, welcome every one of those worries, if I could have Steve and Ava back.

But I couldn’t. Something clicked in me. Lucy was right. I could protect Lexie from every single thing I thought had the possibility of hurting her. I could do that out of love. But by doing that, I’d just hurt us both, taken away an entire family that Lexie already loved. Taken away a man that already was part of our family. That was my soul. My head snapped up. My heart dropped at the Harley in the driveway. I blinked. I wasn’t hallucinating. It was there. I didn’t think. I just ran. Ran over to the door and pounded on it hysterically.

Finally, the door opened and I lost my breath. He was there, beautiful as ever. I drank him in. His huge body taking up the entire doorframe. The splashes of color peeking out from the arms of his black Henley. The two-day stubble shadowing his face. The hair that was growing, shiny and black and almost long enough to grab. His eyes. The dark eyes focused on me and they flared slightly before turning hard. His whole face was blank while he seemed to be running his eyes over every inch of me.

“So you’re back,” I commented needlessly.

His eyes didn’t move from mine, nor did he speak, most likely because I was stating the obvious.

There was a silence for a long while. I didn’t know what to say. For once I didn’t want to say anything, just drink in the fact he was here. In the flesh.

“I was wrong,” I blurted.

His body jerked and I continued.

“To push you away. Let you leave, I was wrong,” I whispered. “So fucking wrong,” I repeated, definitely needing the “fuck” in this moment.

Zane stayed silent.

“You’re everything to me, to Lexie. We need you,” I told him honestly.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Couldn’t speak. So instead I launched myself at him and hoped he’d catch me.

The moment my mouth touched his, his stiff demeanor changed. He lifted me, devouring my mouth. I wrapped my legs around him, melting into his touch. The kiss went furious and desperate in an instant. Months without him and I felt like I wanted to climb inside his skin. I couldn’t get close enough. He pushed me against the door and I vaguely noted we were inside. That wasn’t important at the current moment.

“Wait,” Zane clipped, pulling his head away from mine.

I jutted my lip out. He pressed his finger to my lips.

“Can’t do this shit, Mia.” His eyes were dark, and the veins in his neck pulsed.

Anne Malcom's books