Out of Bounds

“Yeah. He is. But I only have one. Don’t need four like LeBron,” I say, since the basketball player is famous for relying on his four best friends from childhood to help with his business decisions. “What about you and your sister? You’re close, right?”

“Very close. She’s one of the reasons I work so hard. I love my job, but I’m also taking care of her,” she says, and then I learn she’s putting her sister through nursing school. “I was very focused my first few years out of law school, working late nights and getting ahead, but it was time well spent since I could pay off all my school loans. Now, I’m in a position to help her so she can just concentrate on school now, and then on being a nurse practitioner when she graduates.”

“Damn. That’s impressive,” I say with a whistle.

“She’s worth it. And hey, I’ll have someone to take care of me in my old age.”

“Ha. It’s good that family can do that,” I say, then glance at the clock. Nine p.m. I need to be awake in nine hours for a run.

“I should let you get your sleep,” she says, as if reading my mind.

“Wait. You can’t go without me telling you how gorgeous you looked tonight.”

“By all means. Tell me.”

I scrub a hand across my chin as I remember how she looked. My cock stirs at the memory. “As soon as I saw you I was thinking about unzipping that dress you wore and having my way with your body.”

There’s a pause on the phone, a rustling of sheets. “You were thinking about me naked at the Skee-Ball machine?”

I laugh. “Can’t help myself. I see you and I think about you naked. I hope you don’t object to the way I undress you mentally.”

“I hope you don’t object that I do the same thing.”

“You pictured me in my birthday suit?” I ask and my dick now gives a full and proper hello when she says, “I sure did.”

I sink deeper into the couch, my hand drifting down my chest. “How did I look?”

“Drew, you have a beautiful body. I’d like to see it naked. Isn’t that clear?”

I chuckle at her directness, then groan at her words. She makes me laugh and she turns me on. “Damn shame you haven’t stripped me down.”

“Are you naked now?”

“No, but I also know better than to send a naked selfie.”

She cracks up. “I wasn’t asking for one. But why don’t you tell me what you’re doing . . .”

“My hand is in my shorts now,” I say, as I reach into the waistband and grab my dick. I groan as I stroke. Fuck, it feels good to get some relief, especially as I hear her voice. Besides, this is the only way we can deal with all this fucking lust. Phone sex—I need it bad now.

“Are you rubbing that fantastic cock of yours?”

I wrap a fist around my hard-on and stroke down to the base, then back up to the head, squeezing at the tip. A jolt of pleasure ripples through my body, and I push my shorts down to my knees, freeing my dick completely from the confines of clothes. “I am. Wishing it were your hand, your mouth, your pussy.”

“Mmmm,” she says her voice taking on a sexy purr. “I want that too. Tell me what you want most right now.”

I pump faster, harder, desire surging through my body as I answer her.

If you were here right now, I’d get down on my knees.

Worship your body with my tongue.

Bend you over my couch. Raise your ass, lick your pussy like that.

Make you come on my face.

She moans loudly, and it’s a long, lasting sound. “Oh God, that sounds so hot. I want that so much,” she says breathily, and I picture her hand between her legs right now, her fingers flying, her thighs spread wide.

The images make me harder, as lust rattles through my veins with every rough stroke. “I want to make your legs shake, your knees weak. Want you to tremble as I kiss you between your legs, and fuck you with my tongue.”

Her breath catches, and her moans turn into a cry.

“Are you fucking yourself?”

“I am,” she says on a loud pant.

“And you’re picturing what I’m saying?”


I grip tighter, my fist flying. “You want me to eat your sweet little pussy, don’t you?”

“I want that so much.”

My hand shuttles up and down my length, desire shooting through my body. I punch my hips, fucking my fist harder and faster. “I’d make you come so fucking hard, then I’d put you on all fours, and slide into you. I’d take you like that, Dani. I’d fucking take you so hard.”

She cries out, her sounds telling me she’s nearing the edge. I’m so goddamn close too, and I can’t stop telling her what I want right now.

Grab your hair.

Pull it in my fist.

Grip your hips. Drive into you. Fill you all the way.

Watch your back bow as I fuck you.

“Oh God, please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me,” she says, calling out, crying, chanting, begging, as she comes undone on the phone to the image I painted.

Seconds later, my visions blurs, and an orgasm barrels down my spine, as I come in a powerful release that makes me want her even more.

After I clean up, I laugh lightly and say, “Can I come over now?”

“I wish. I want that so much.”

I sit up straight on the couch, dragging a hand through my hair. I’m at once satisfied and frustrated. “Don’t get me wrong. That was awesome. But I really want the real thing right now.”