One Second (Seven Series Book 7)

I might have blacked out for a few seconds. Heck, I might have been speaking Old Norse or some other extinct language. My scream snapped me out of my haze, and I gripped the edge of the table, riding it out. Suddenly there was heat everywhere when Austin fell on top of me and slid back in.

“You taste like heaven,” he whispered in my ear, moving steadily. His weight felt delicious—as if he were claiming me with every inch of his body. “No pulling out this time.”

His whispers caressed my skin and made the tingles start all over again. I wanted this damn bustier off so I could feel his hot skin rubbing against mine.

“You look sexy in this top,” he panted, moving faster. “You don’t know how hard it’s been to keep my distance. I’ve wanted to fuck you on this table since the day you made me homemade banana pudding.”

“I hate bananas.” I moaned, my legs anchoring over his hips.

“You like this?” he asked.


“What else do you like?”

Austin loved dirty talk.

“I like this table,” I said coyly.

He nearly withdrew, and I sucked in a sharp breath.

“What do you like on this table?” He cocked his head to the side, eager to hear me speak, keeping his body absolutely still as punishment.

My lips grazed his earlobe, and I sucked on the fleshy tip. “I like you… fucking me on this table and making me come. When I saw you fighting that rogue, I couldn’t control myself.”

Austin moaned, grinding against me in a steady rhythm.

A tremor of anticipation rolled through me. “I didn’t leave the cabin to rescue a Packmaster who doesn’t need rescuing. I wanted you to come inside and take me.”

His thrusts increased. “I’m going to come inside you.”

I leaned around and bit his neck, then whispered in his ear, “You’re my alpha… Oh, God… I love you.”

Austin roared, and the heavy table scooted back several inches. The sound of our bodies slapping together and the feel of a powerful oncoming release unraveled me completely.

I shouted—clenching my core so tightly that it drew Austin to climax.

“Baby, keep doing that,” he growled.

Austin muttered all kinds of profanities in my ear, saying dirty things as he sank deep inside and then finally stilled. Pulses of pleasure struck my core, contracting my muscles, and I released a whimpering moan. My body hungered for him like nothing I’d ever felt.

He collapsed on top of me, and I couldn’t be bothered to complain. Austin left me utterly boneless—just a heaping pile of flesh and sex sweat.

“I don’t think we’ll be able to eat on this table again,” I said, half-kidding and half-disgusted.

He raised his head and winked.

I smiled wryly. “Don’t say it.”

“Didn’t plan on it,” he replied in a honeyed voice, lowering his head and circling his tongue around my nipple.

“I have to admit… this is heaven. Not exactly something we can do back at home with Denver always walking in or the kids hanging around.”

He propped up on his elbows, wiping my hair away from my face. “That’s why I like these getaways, Ladybug. There are things I want to do and experience with you that I can’t at home. Not just sexually, but just living life uninterrupted.”

Austin leaned down and delivered the slowest kiss—one that bled into my soul and connected me to him more than ever before. A kiss that made me fall in love with him all over again.

“Let’s spend the rest of the night in bed,” he murmured. “I’ll make some cheeseburgers and bring up a tray of snacks so we won’t have to leave.”

I rocked with laughter. “Sounds good, considering I’m definitely not dining at the table tonight unless it gets a power wash.”

“Oh, but I am,” he said, his whiskers scratching against my collarbone as he moved down, teeth nipping the edge of my bustier. His soft lips pressed against my lower belly, trailing in a southerly direction. “I’m ready for my dessert.”


“Darling, you sound more relaxed,” Naya remarked over the phone.

I stretched out on a fur blanket, listening to Austin rattle dishes in the kitchen below. “We had an early dinner.”

“Mmm, now that’s what I like to hear,” she purred.

“So what’s everyone doing?”

“It’s barely been a week. Miss us already?”

I kind of did. I loved the intimacy of time alone with Austin, but vacations reminded me of why I belonged with Shifters. I craved pack life like I craved air, and the family bond always grew stronger during a separation.

“We might be coming home late,” I said, keeping my voice low. “The snow is crazy, and the roads are treacherous.”

“I thought Austin had the plow and chains?” she asked, suspicion in her tone.

I couldn’t tell her about the attacks. The rogue proved how unstable the locals were and how easy it would be for someone seeking an opportunity to use rumors of war as an excuse to commit crimes.