One Second (Seven Series Book 7)

Austin’s wolf was stronger and more intelligent than this impulsive asshole. He stalked forward, head low, eyes fixed on his target.

He waited for a beat and then exploded into action. The two wolves stood up on their hind legs, viciously biting and tearing with their canines. Austin felt a puncture on his face and the back of his neck.

Suddenly, a scent caught on the wind—one so powerful it almost knocked him down.


He swung his gaze toward the cabin and saw her emerge from the open door. Lexi was a proud alpha female who wanted to fight by her Packmaster’s side, but she knew she couldn’t intervene. Her scent created a diversion though, and it worked long enough for Austin to lock his jaws around the wolf’s throat, forcing the rogue onto his back.

After Austin had asserted his dominance, the wolf conceded defeat by manner of posture and vocalizations. Bleeding and shamed, he scurried through the woods until Austin lost sight of him.

“Austin?” Lexi called out. A gust of wind blew her long hair like a ribbon of silk.

His wolf trotted toward her. Just before he reached the porch, he shifted into human form and, without breaking stride, climbed the steps.

Lexi walked backward into the cabin, eyes wide as Austin slammed the door behind him and stalked forward with a heavy swing in his step.

“Austin? Are you mad at me?”

Mad? Her scent filled his nose like a luscious dream, and a wave of possession rolled through him. All he could think about was sating his woman and tasting her lips.

She backed up toward the heavy table, and he reached around her, throwing the chair aside. Austin lifted her by the hips and set her on the edge, his fingertips peeling down those lacy panties with the violet trim.

Jesus, she was beautiful.

Naked and hard as a diamond, Austin wasted no time and buried himself deep inside her. He growled when that rapturous heat enveloped his shaft like a blissful dream, squeezing him tight and promising exquisite pleasure. No other feeling like it existed. That heat coursed through him like a drug, traveling into his bloodstream and filling his entire body with a primal hunger that intensified with every stroke.

When she parted her lips and threw back her head, Austin slammed into her even faster, desire tightening like a coil and radiating to the base of his spine. This was the call of the Shifter, and Austin succumbed to his animal instincts.

Chapter 4

Austin marched toward me like a soldier going to battle, the snow melting beneath his bare feet. He was a man impervious to cold temperatures, and a thin veil of steam encased him as the frigid air met with his hot skin. The closer he drew, the more his nostrils flared. The cabin shook when he slammed the door. I backed up toward the kitchen, certain I’d finally crossed the line. There was never a doubt his wolf could have dominated the rogue, but I was more afraid that Austin could have lost control and killed the intruder. After all, we were in foreign territory, and I didn’t know if our visitor was an important figure in the community.

“Austin? Are you mad at me?”

With a flick of the wrist, he knocked the dining chair out of the way. Quicker than a heartbeat, Austin lifted me onto the table.

The moment he fastened his fingers around the edge of my panties and pulled them down, I became wet. The tingles had become a steady pulse, and I opened my legs to him, locking my knees against his waist.

He licked his lips. “Lie down.”

The tension between us was electric, and I trembled as I slowly leaned back until I was spread before him like a banquet.

“Arch your back,” he commanded.

His enlarged pupils swallowed up the blue in his eyes, and he traced a finger slowly down my body from the base of my throat to my navel.

“Now… close your eyes.”

When I did, Austin slid inside me so fast that I gripped the edge of the table. He filled me completely and, without missing a beat, drove fast and deep.

I opened my eyes to a look on Austin’s face so primal that an ancient heat flooded my veins. The hard joining of our bodies caused my breasts to spill over the top of my bustier. His rhythm was animalistic, and my body quivered with a need unlike any I’d ever known.

His eyes flared with desire, and he buried himself deep, using his elbows to hold himself up, becoming a shield of flesh. I admired his thick torso—muscles contracting with each thrust, a thin sheen of sweat glistening across his skin. His face was red, his dark hair unkempt and too long.

I scored his back with my nails—the friction hot and urgent. A swell of pleasure rolled through me, and just as I reached climax, Austin abruptly pulled out and fell to his knees.

What the hell?

The moment I looked down in confusion, he put his mouth on my sex. I cried out—gripping his hair as he used his tongue to draw out my orgasm.