Once Upon a Dare (Risky Business)

Olivia was a force unto herself. Ditching the glasses and letting her hair down, she’d finally embraced the feminine part of herself that she’d worked so damn hard to bury. She exuded confidence, making her even more dynamic than usual. He realized he felt fortunate he’d found her in that bar, lucky to share even a tiny corner of her life. Olivia was right: they were a good team. They worked damn well together, in bed and at work, and it looked like just maybe they might be able keep a good thing going. There were still so many things he didn’t know, so much more to Olivia than the frigid Ice Queen who was all work and no play. Underneath that tough, businesslike exterior she hid a gentle, well-intentioned heart. That was part of what made her who she was.

Cole studied the faces of the Vixen executives. They were enamored by Olivia. Setting the scene for them masterfully, she discussed the need to connect with real, working women, empowering them in their sexuality while also recognizing their societal contributions and familial obligations. She wove in details of the market research, laying the foundation for the daring conclusion.

As the pitch wound down, one of the women sitting at the table strode to the front of the room. The woman was rather average looking, nothing special. She could have been anyone: an executive, an admin, the girl who delivered the mail. Standing next to Olivia, she unzipped her jacket and revealed a racy Vixen bra. She flung the jacket over her shoulder, resting a hand on her hip and striking a traditional model’s pose. When she addressed the Vixen executives, her tone was commanding.

“From the boardroom to the bedroom…be a vixen.”

Another woman rose, following the lead of the first, and stripped off her shirt. “I’m a vixen.”

And then a third. “Are you?”

Cole smiled. They’d pulled out all the stops, planting average models in the room in hopes of really driving the message home. Olivia had resisted at first, but he’d convinced her that seeing the models make the transformation from working women to sexual beings live and in person would be more impactful than watching it on a screen. He just hoped it would pay off. And that Pritchard didn’t have a heart attack. The old man looked like he was struggling for breath as he loosened his tie. It had probably been a while since he’d seen a half-naked woman who wasn’t his wife. Maybe they should’ve warned him, but it was much more fun this way.

“Genius,” Natalia praised, clapping her hands together. “Well done, Ms. Masterson. This is the best pitch we’ve seen yet, and I don’t know that we’ll see one better. This is exactly what we’re looking for at Vixen Enterprises. You really got at the heart of what the Vixen brand is all about.”

“Thank you,” Olivia beamed, “but I can’t take all the credit. Cole Bennett played a huge role in developing this campaign, as did many other associates at PBA. It really was a team effort. I’m so glad you’re pleased with the result.”

“Savvy and humble? A rare combination.” Natalia swung a calculating gaze to Pritchard. “Watch out, Jonathan, I might have to steal this one away from you. I’m always looking for new talent.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Jonathan waggled a finger at her. “The only way you’re going to tap into Olivia is by signing a contract with PBA.” He winked at Olivia.

“We still have two more agency meetings,” Natalia informed him. “But I daresay we’ll be back. I like what I saw today.”

“We look forward to partnering with Vixen Enterprises,” Cole told Natalia as he rose to shake her hand. The woman had a firm grip, but he’d expected nothing less. She hadn’t earned a reputation for being a shrewd business woman by being soft.

“That’s right,” Jonathan cut in. “You just let us know when you’re ready to sign the paperwork and we’ll have it drafted immediately.”

When the meeting broke up, Cole signaled to Pritchard to walk with him. He’d catch up with Olivia later to congratulate her on an amazing performance. He couldn’t have done it better himself.

Pritchard was his partner, but the man was a fool if he thought Olivia would be content with her current position for long. Natalia might have been smiling, but she was serious when she hinted at wooing Olivia away from the agency. And once word hit the street she had landed the Vixen account, Natalia wouldn’t be the only one looking to wine and dine her. Jonathan’s best kept secret was about to become one of the city’s most sought after creative minds.

Cole had first-hand experience with colleagues he liked being wooed away by job offers too tempting to resist. After all, that was had happened with Jacqueline in London. It hadn’t really been her fault that a multi-million dollar partnership offer trumped what he could offer. People liked to talk about love and loyalty triumphing over all, but the real world didn’t work that way.

However, if Olivia were to be offered a partnership at PBA, well, she’d have the job security she needed and could stop focusing so much on office gossip. The way he saw it, it was a win for everyone. Pritchard locked down an insanely talented employee, Olivia got the recognition she deserved, and he got to be the hero for once. He’d swept in and taken over the job she’d worked so hard for. It was only fair he set things right.

And if it also meant Olivia would finally have no excuses to reject their chemistry?

That was just icing on the cake.

Chapter Nineteen

Jennifer Bonds's books