Once Upon a Dare (Risky Business)

Olivia checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time. She could still make it if she hurried. She walked a little faster, practically sprinting down the narrow hall in her four inch heels. The morning had been crazy busy and she had a million and one things to do, but she’d never forgive herself if she missed Jack’s first solo pitch.

The poor kid was probably a nervous wreck about presenting the Mama’s Muffins campaign, especially after the big deal Cole had made of it, and she didn’t want to abandon him. The least she could do was show up for moral support.

Turning the corner to the conference room, Olivia slowed her pace and buttoned her jacket. She paused to catch her breath and slipped into the room as quietly as possible, not wanting to create an unnecessary distraction. Taking a seat in the back, she watched as Jack dove into the campaign.

With the Vixen pitch taking up every minute of her time, she had yet to review the final proposal for Mama’s. She was anxious to see what the team had come up with, although she was certain they’d deliver. Despite Cole’s initial reservations, she knew her team would pull it off. They always did.

As she watched Jack, she could hardly believe her eyes. Was it her imagination or was he standing just a little bit taller today? Even his hair didn’t look as unruly as usual. He was cool and confident, putting on a better show than she’d have ever thought possible. What had happened to the meek, awkward kid who cracked at the first sign of pressure?

It was like watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers as he delivered the edgy ‘Not Your Mama’s Muffins’ campaign. Not only had Jack’s confidence gotten a boost, so had the pitch. The new proposal highlighted the delectable flavors and fillings that set Mama’s apart from its franchised competitors and created a sexy, sinful eating experience.

Heck, by the time he was done, she wanted to take one of those muffins to bed. She would never admit it to Cole, but he’d been right about taking a sexier approach with Mama’s. And if she had to bet, the clients loved it too. Mama’s sons were all smiles as Jack unveiled their new campaign. Of course, what hot-blooded man wouldn’t love seeing a beautiful woman lick muffin crumbs off her fingertips?

Jack wrapped the pitch up with surprising ease, getting approval to move the concept forward without any rework. She couldn’t have been prouder of him. He’d come a long way in the last year. He still had a lot to learn, but he was becoming a more valuable part of the team with each campaign. It wouldn’t be long until Jack had a team of his own to coach.

She waited for the clients to leave before pulling him aside.

“You did a great job today,” she told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You should be very proud of yourself. It’s not often a client buys into the pitch on the first pass, let alone on the spot.”

Jack blushed at the praise, his face and neck turning beet red. “Thanks.”

“I also wanted to apologize for not being available to help more with this one,” she told him. “Not that you needed it, from what I saw today.”

“No worries. I know you’ve been under a lot of pressure lately. Besides, I can’t take all the credit,” he admitted. He shifted nervously, and just like that, the old Jack was back. “Mr. Bennett actually helped me out.”

“Cole? He helped you?” Olivia asked. She didn’t believe it. First of all, the man lived to torment Jack, so why would he offer to help him? Second, when could he have possibly found the time? They’d practically been attached at the hip lately and she hadn’t even seen the final proposal.

“Yeah, I was a little surprised myself when he offered, but I’m not stupid.” Jack laughed and tugged at his orange bowtie. “I knew I could use some pointers and he really helped me tighten up the pitch. It got me thinking…”

“Got you thinking what?”

“I probably shouldn’t be saying this since he’s the boss, but it made me realize I had pegged him all wrong. Sure, he likes to push people, but he’s not so bad once you get to know him. He’s really passionate about the business and he’s got some original ideas. He could be really good for this place. You know, shake things up a bit.”

“Perhaps,” she agreed, “but don’t forget that it was you who closed that deal today, not Cole. Take the rest of the afternoon off and go celebrate. You’ve earned it.”

“Really?” Jack asked, perking up. “Thanks!”

He grabbed his laptop and made a quick exit, leaving Olivia alone with her racing thoughts. She paced the room, wrapping her arms around her waist, as she tried to process everything Jack had told her. As usual, she didn’t have much luck piecing together the incongruent pieces of the Cole Bennett puzzle.

Jennifer Bonds's books