Once Upon a Dare (Risky Business)

Chapter Eight

Olivia crammed her notes into the Mama’s Muffins file, hoping to make a hasty exit on the heels of the junior associates, who were rapidly funneling into the hall. The last thing she wanted was to be left alone with Cole, the cocky, arrogant jerk-face who seemed hell-bent on torturing her.

Who did he think he was, bashing her team like that, anyway? She wouldn’t stand for it. Her team worked hard, and they deserved respect. She slammed the file closed and clutched it to her chest as she headed for the door. She could think of one or two places he could stick his new angle.

“Olivia?” Cole’s voice cut through the silence, freezing her in her tracks, halfway to the door, but no escape in sight. “Do you have a few minutes? I’d like to speak with you.”

She considered lying. She could tell him she had another meeting, but what would be the point? He’d just hunt her down later. Better to face the music now and get it over with. No doubt he was pissed about the large dose of “your ideas are shit-tastic” attitude she’d given him. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He deserved all of that and more as far as she was concerned.

Still, it wasn’t like her to go for the throat. She prided herself on being levelheaded and professional, but Cole was just one of those people who pushed her bitch-buttons. She hardly knew the man, but there was all this stuff between them, and she just couldn’t let it go. Not yet anyway.

“Sure, I’ve got a few minutes,” she conceded, glancing at her watch before returning to her seat at the head of the table. Dread settled in the pit of her stomach, but she flashed him the warmest smile she could muster, given the circumstances.

“Is there a problem?” With narrowed eyes, he watched her intently and waited for the answer. Even with that accusing stare and wrinkled brow, he was a handsome man, a fact Olivia silently cursed as she reminded herself this was strictly business and this man had stolen her partnership.

“A problem?” she countered, shifting her face into a mask of confusion. She could play the dumb blonde people expected her to be, just this once. It beat the hell out of telling him what she really thought, since the landlord wasn’t likely to accept a pink slip for next month’s rent.

“Let me put it another way.” He dragged his fingers through his tousled hair, looking frustrated himself. She was reminded of the gentleness of those hands and the pleasure they’d given her. The very thought sent her traitorous pulse soaring. Why couldn’t she just forget about that stupid dare? “I think you’re letting your personal feelings for me color your judgment here.”

“Excuse me?” Anger sparked low in her belly, threatening to explode in a slew of four letter words that would make her own father blush. “My personal feelings for you? Are you really that much of a self-involved asshat?”

Cole shrugged, looking nonplussed. “What else am I supposed to think?”

Evidently he wasn’t quite sure what to make of her childish name-calling, so he just ignored it altogether. Of course, Mr. Perfect was above that, too. Probably for the best, she thought, as she counted to ten, trying to get a grip on her temper.

“You know Mama’s campaigns are stale and outdated, yet you refuse to even listen to my ideas.”

“Look, I get it. You’re new here and you want to make a name for yourself, but I won’t have you doing it at the expense of my team.” She sighed and crossed her arms, unsure of why she was even arguing with him. He was being completely impossible. “Did it occur to you for even one minute that my team is the best in this office, and those brainstorming sessions are a critical factor in our success? Award-winning campaigns don’t just drop out of the sky, you know. Like people, sometimes ideas have to be nurtured, molded, and crafted. Instead of tearing the team down, you could have helped me guide them in the right direction in a more collaborative fashion.”

Cole studied her for an eternity before he finally responded. “Interesting.”

“Interesting? That’s all?” She arched her brow, unable to hide her disgust. “You insulted my team. Did you really think I was going to sit there and let you speak to them that way?”

Surprise washed over his face and she was horrified to realize that was exactly what he’d expected. So he’d heard the rumors and probably her nickname, too.

Ice Queen.

Maybe she’d earned it, maybe not. Olivia knew she had a reputation for being tough, but above all else, she was fair. She offered constructive criticism and expected her team to work hard, but she also shared the praise and she sure as hell didn’t berate them publicly.

Jennifer Bonds's books