Once Upon a Dare (Risky Business)

When he delved inside her panties and stroked her slick flesh, Olivia was sure she’d lose her mind. Hell, she’d give away her sanity freely for just one more sinful stroke. And the sentiment must’ve been written all over her face because he quickly obliged, trailing a skilled finger down her center and sinking it deep inside her. She moaned with pleasure and was rewarded with another. Her body tightened around him, tensing for release with each thrust of his hand.

His mouth angled over hers, muting the sounds of her breathless cries. Spiraling toward climax, she clutched the soft fabric of his jacket, anchoring herself in the moment. He used his weight to pin her pulsating hips to the window and slipped his fingers deeper, hooking them toward the spot that was sure to send her soaring.

“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned, a deft hand slipping from her neck to find the hardened nipple of her breast. “I want to make you come so hard you’ll never forget it.”

Shit. Panic seized her. What was she doing? What were they doing? The whole point of this discussion was to forget about sex with Cole, not fall into his arms again with the promise of an unforgettable orgasm. An orgasm she was certain he could deliver if he put his mind to it.

“Stop,” she panted, pushing him away and sucking in a deep breath. This man was practically her mortal enemy. She could not let him seduce her again. Correction. She didn’t want him to. “We can’t do this.”

“Why not?” he asked, flashing her that wicked grin. “As you so smartly pointed out, we’re both adults.”

“I’m serious. Play time is over,” she insisted, sidestepping out of his reach and straightening her skirt. “From here on out, it’s all business.”

Guilt tugged at her as frustration flashed in his eyes. Whatever chemistry they had was irrelevant. He was no longer a wild one-night fling. He was the boss, the man who’d stolen her freaking job. He’d just have to figure out how to keep it in his pants because this was one round he wasn’t going to win. She might not have control of her professional future right now, but she could sure as hell control who she had sex with.

Cole scrubbed a hand over his face, as if trying to erase the memory of their hot and heavy make-out session from his mind.

“All right, sweetheart. There is one more thing I could use your help with, then.” His words were clipped, all business now. Relief filled her. She could handle business, preferred it in fact. If they never had to talk about that night again, she might just be able to do this. “I expect to be included in all strategy meetings and pitches moving forward, so I’ll need complete files on your top ten accounts. I’d like them on my desk tomorrow morning.”

Cole stood and stalked out of the room without a backward glance or another word. His rigid shoulders spoke volumes though. He was definitely pissed off, although it hardly seemed fair. She was the one who would have to forgo a date with Mr. Bubble in order to meet his deadline.

Hoping to find a stray bottle of Tylenol for her blossoming headache, she checked her drawer one more time. No such luck. It was going to be a long night.

Chapter Seven

Cole observed silently as Olivia circled the room, eyeing each of her team members over the top of her glasses. She said nothing as their pens flew over the pages in front of them, furiously scribbling notes in their tablets. She had asked them to gather in the conference room for a brainstorming session, so there they sat, gathered around the table, flexing their creative muscles.

In a few minutes they’d be vying for her approval and the opportunity to lead the Mama’s Muffins advertising campaign. It was a unique approach, but he was more interested in the end result. He was anxious to see what they’d come up with for Mama’s. Better yet, the exercise gave him a chance to study Olivia in her element. She was basically ignoring him anyway, so he figured he might as well look his fill while her attention was focused elsewhere.

Her brow wrinkled in concentration as she read over the shoulder of a junior associate. Whatever the kid had written down, his chances of leading the campaign didn’t look good. When she leaned down and whispered in his ear, any sympathy Cole felt for the guy vanished.

If anyone got to feel her breath on their cheek, it should be him. Of course, he’d prefer her panting in the throes of orgasm, but he was hardly in a position to be picky since she was doing her damnedest to pretend Friday night had never happened.

Try as he might, he couldn’t figure her out. She was smart, gorgeous, hyper-driven, and unlike any woman he’d been with before. He was used to working with, and dating, shrewd women who flaunted their femininity and flexed every female wile they’d been given to get ahead. Only she wasn’t like that. She seemed determined to downplay the physical aspects that might otherwise give her an advantage in the office.

Jennifer Bonds's books