Yeah, that was the impression he’d been trying to make.
Alex stared down at Jake, his voice a low threat. “The next time you touch my property, I will kill you. Do you fucking understand me? I’ll take a knife to your gut and you won’t go fast. You’ll go slow and be in as much pain as I can give you. I protect my property and my friends. You get the fuck out of here. You don’t belong here. The boss tried to show you some friendship and this is how you repay him, by screwing up his meeting.”
Alex turned and saw red again. Eve was at the feet of one of the fucking terrorists, her arms around his legs, his hand on her head.
It looked like his next fight would be real. No pulling punches this time.
Chapter Ten
Eve planted the device she’d taken from Alex, affixing it to her target’s shoe. She’d made a careful study of their shoes. Alex was wrong. Placing it inside a jacket was a bad idea and none of the men were carrying briefcases. The little sticker-like tracking device would stand out on a cell phone, and that seemed to be how these men communicated and kept notes.
A jacket could be easily removed, cleaned, and the tracking signal lost. Most men changed their jackets. But not their shoes.
She leaned over as though the violence was terrifying and she was hoping the man above her would protect her. It gave her a chance to smooth the device down. Of the three men she had to choose from, this one’s shoes were well worn. They were black Louis Vuitton loafers that had subtle creases from long wear. The Middle Eastern man’s shoes were black, too, but they were new and had an obvious shine to them. They were a no go. A quick shoeshine at the airport would dump the device. The man she’d chosen had dull shoes. He didn’t shine them. They were perfect. He wasn’t leaving those shoes behind any time soon.
She felt a deep sense of accomplishment even as the man’s hand came down on her head.
Damn it. She hadn’t thought about the fact that Alex had just pretended to beat the holy hell out of the last man who had touched her. Maybe he wasn’t looking and she could move away.
She brought her eyes up. Alex looked like a bull ready to charge. She had seconds before he completely blew up and screwed with their cover.
Eve crawled to him, the wood floors scraping against her knees, but she didn’t dare leap to her feet. “I was so frightened, Master. Please forgive me.”
She wrapped her arms around his legs. Every muscle in his body was tight with tension. Please let it go. Please let it go.
His hand tangled in her hair. “You aren’t where I put you. Bad pet. That’s fifty. Go through the kitchens to the locker room. Clean yourself up and wait for me. You’re obviously not fit for company, you disobedient brat.”
She would take it. He was banishing her, but it was probably a good thing. She started to get to her feet. When she was in the kitchens, she could process what had gone on and be ready to talk about her observations later.
“On your knees, brat.”
Oh, she was going to give him an earful about that. She kept her face placid and crawled along the floor, well aware that her ass was very likely hanging out. Well, he could just watch her go because after that he wasn’t getting any.
She crawled to the kitchens, resenting the hell out of him even as she knew damn well why he’d done it.
The minute she crawled through the swinging doors, Kristen was practically on top of her.
“I need to talk to you and your Master.” Kristen kept her voice low. Several servers and kitchen staff were moving around, getting the next course ready.
“I have to go to the locker rooms.” And someone so needed to clean this floor. She was going to have to have a serious talk with Sean about the state of his tile. Sure it looked all perfectly clean when one was standing up, but from her vantage point, she could see the dirt. Ick. Another reason to be pissed off at Alex.
She was pissed off at Alex. Like really and truly pissed off at Alex and ready to throw a hissy fit the minute she was able to. She kind of wanted to call him a bastard and tell him that if he ever wanted to see the inside of her vagina again, he better come crawling.
She was mad. A little kernel of happiness lit her up. They had tiptoed around each other for years, politeness their refuge against any strong emotion. She’d hidden her irritation with him and he’d been a frustrating well of patience with her.
It wasn’t healthy. Couples in love fought. Couples in love got irritated and ranted and raved at each other.
She’d told herself years ago that she’d fallen out of love with Alex. She knew she would always love him, but their real passion had burned away in the aftermath of what had happened. Alex had pulled away and she had gone into a cocoon where nothing could touch her, nothing could make her mad.
Crawling on the floor made her mad.
And she was damn straight going to do it.