Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)

“No, damn it,” he said, his intention to tread carefully flying out the window when every word she said was taking them closer and closer to good-bye. “You think staying is what will hurt me—and I’m not just talking about staying in Montauk. Staying with me wherever we are, wherever we go. But it’s exactly the opposite. The only way you can hurt me is to run.”

She didn’t say anything in response to that, simply stared at him with big, sad eyes. She wanted to believe him, he could see that. And it was impossible to deny the depth of their physical connection. But after being burned so badly, she obviously still needed time.

Time that was running out way too fast.

“I understand that you’re wary about getting into a relationship while everything in your life is in flux. But I’m pretty sure we don’t get to pick and choose when the right person comes along.” His chest clenched as he pulled her tightly against him. “And I sure as hell don’t intend to lose you now that I’ve finally found you.”

Chapter Twenty

Never in a million years would Rosa have imagined she’d meet a man like Drake during the darkest hours of her life. But she had. Only, where anyone else would have been reveling in being with someone so wonderful, she was doing everything she possibly could to remind him—and herself—why it could never work. Especially not right now, when everything in her life was such a total, freaking mess.

But what if Drake was right about not getting to pick and choose when the right person walked into your life? And what if she finally let herself stop worrying about hurting him and allowed herself to fall head over heels in love with him instead?

Oh God.


She was falling in love with him.

If Oscar hadn’t been sitting against her side keeping her steady, she might have toppled over from the shock of realizing just how deep her feelings ran.

She’d already told Drake how scared she was of losing her family. Now, with the shock of her realization still vibrating through her, she had to tell him, “I don’t want to lose you either.”

Yet again, his arms came around her. But this time he followed with a kiss that felt like the other half of his vow. “You won’t,” he promised.

Rosa was so afraid to trust again. But Drake had been nothing but honest with her from the start. If he said Smith would want to help, and wouldn’t be put off by talking with a reality TV star, she needed to stop doubting him.

Plus, ever since she’d seen the short clip of the entertainment “news” program playing on the TV in her motel room, Rosa kept returning to the word the lawyer had used: cyber-attack. She hadn’t been able to see past the shock, and the shame, at first. And she’d always assumed that online bullying came with the celebrity territory. She’d tried her best to minimize its effect on her life by making sure her PR team blocked the worst of them from her social media feeds.

But as she thought more about what the lawyer had said, she began to see that this wasn’t just someone saying mean things about the way she looked or how empty they thought her brain was. So even though her mother had said they were going to sic their best legal team on the guy who’d taken the pictures, was there more that could be done?

“Actually,” she said, her heart jumping fast in her chest, “I’d appreciate it if you’d talk to Smith again. But if he doesn’t want to get involved—”

“He will.” Drake’s smile warmed her all over. “Although I think you should speak directly to him this time.”

Her heart jumped even faster. But she knew Drake was right. She couldn’t ask someone to be brave for her if she wasn’t willing to do the same. “I just hope I don’t come off like a geeky superfan.”

Drake grinned even wider, obviously pleased that she’d agreed. “Knowing him, he’ll eat it up. I’ll text to see when he’s available.”

When he walked out of the kitchen to get his cell phone, Rosa dropped to the floor and put her arms around Oscar, glad for his warm, furry body against hers. “You really are a sweetheart, aren’t you?” she whispered. She had always loved dogs, but with her travel schedule, there was no way she could have one. Maybe if she started over...

Her head immediately hurt just thinking about it. Especially if starting over would mean leaving everything she knew behind, including her family. Although if she imagined a future with Drake at her side, suddenly things didn’t seem quite so bad, or so scary.

Was she crazy to let herself think this way? To dream about actually having a future with him? Should she be working harder to guard her heart, to keep her walls up, so that if they couldn’t make it work, it wouldn’t hurt so bad?

“Smith is free now.”

Before she could change her mind, Drake put the phone in video mode and dialed and got down on the floor with Rosa and Oscar so that she could see Smith on screen.

“Hey, cuz. Good to hear from you again.”

“Same here. I’d like to introduce you to my good friend Rosa.”