Now That I've Found You (New York Sullivans #1)

“You’re not only innocent, Rosa, but I don’t need to see any pictures of you on the Internet to know that you don’t have one single thing to be ashamed of in your past.”

Again, Rosa didn’t think through her next move, couldn’t possibly do anything but feel how full her heart was. She simply went to her tippy-toes, pressed her mouth to his.

And finally gave him the kiss they’d both been waiting for.

Chapter Fourteen

Drake didn’t lose control as Rosa kissed him. Because how could he lose something he’d never had when it came to the woman in his arms?

In the span of a heartbeat, her sweet kiss went deep. Wild. And so hot that he wouldn’t be surprised if his cabin caught fire right where they were standing.

“Love me,” she whispered against his lips. “Please love me, Drake. Here. Now.”

“Anything you want,” he promised her. “Anything you need. It’s yours.”

All night long, as he’d painted her from memory, he’d drifted in and out of a semi-dream state where reality and imagination overlapped, blending until he could barely see their edges. Now, as Rosa’s heart hammered out a fast beat against his, those edges blurred again—the real world outside his cabin disappearing until it was only the two of them and the new reality they were creating together.

One where desire ruled...and any cries were those of soul-deep pleasure.

He wound her hair in his fist and tugged her head back so that he could feast on the feather-soft skin at her neck, laving her throbbing pulse point with his tongue before nipping at the curve of her shoulder so that she shuddered and thrill bumps rose across her skin. He’d never wanted to love anyone so much, or so well—had never known what it was to truly lose himself in another’s pleasure. Not until Rosa had walked out on his cliffs in the rain and changed absolutely everything.

From the corner, Oscar let out a long, low howl. And when Rosa stilled in his arms, Drake worried that the spell would be broken the same way it was in the motel when she’d stopped and told him she was making a mistake.

But all she said was, “I think we’re scandalizing him.”

“That’s his happy sound,” Drake told her as he scooped her up in his arms. She instinctively wound hers around his neck as he added, “He loves having you here.” They both did. “But we don’t need an audience. And I want you in my bed.” Hell, he wanted her everywhere, but the bed would be a good place to start.

“I want it too.” She played with the ends of his hair against his neck, almost shy as she said, “More than I’ve ever wanted anything else.”

They were halfway to his bedroom when he had to stop to devour the mouth that was driving him crazy. Heat spiked even higher as he took her lower lip between his teeth and her moan reverberated through them both.

A split second from taking her right there in the hall, he forced himself to walk the final dozen feet to his bedroom. Kicking the door open, then shut behind them, he all but threw her down on the bed.

“I should be gentle with you.” He hoped saying the words aloud would make it possible. “I need to be careful our first time.”

“No,” she said as she reached for him and pulled him down on top of her, “I don’t want gentle. I don’t want careful.” Her eyes were so big, so honest. “I want dangerous.”

The floodgates of desire had already been yanked open by her kisses. But now?

Now the last wall of the dam exploded as he slid his hands beneath her sweatshirt so that he could take greedy fistfuls of her. But even then it wasn’t enough just to touch—he needed to see, needed to taste.

Thank God she was already tearing off the thick cotton sweatshirt and her bra, baring herself to his gaze and his mouth as he licked out against the swell of one gorgeously aroused breast, then the other. But this back and forth still wasn’t enough—he needed all of her at once, needed to cup her in his rough hands so that he could suckle both breasts at the same time.

“God, that’s so good.” She thrust her hands into his hair and urged him closer as he pressed her breasts together and let his hunger for her take over. “More,” she urged him, “take more of me.”

He felt her arousal climb higher and higher as he used tongue, teeth, and hands all at once, her hips bucking up into his as he ground himself against her. Lust clawed at his insides, driving him half mad as he yanked off her sweatpants and panties, then threw them across the room. He pressed his lips to her belly, then thrust his hand between her legs to find her gloriously wet and ready for him.