November: Calendar Girl Book 11

“And to having my entire family right where I’ve always wanted them. At my table, breaking bread, making memories.”

“Salud. Cheers.” Voices rang through the room and were interrupted by a shrill from my back pocket.

Shit. I hadn’t turned off my cell phone. I pulled it out and looked at the display briefly before I was going to hit the ignore button until I recognized the number as one from Las Vegas.

“Sorry, guys,” I said quickly and answered the phone. I pressed a finger to my opposite ear and walked into the kitchen. I felt the blood drain from my face, and I felt weak and on shaky ground while I listened to the nurse update me about my father. I finished the call and went back to the table placing my hands on the chair back, more to hold me up than anything else.

Maddy stood up on instinct. “What’s going on? Was it Pops?”

My eyes met her worried ones. I didn’t know how to respond. My tongue felt swollen and dry in my mouth.

“Oh my God. It is Pops. Did he…?” She let the question linger endlessly, the entire room knowing exactly what she was asking.

Wes got to his feet and wrapped an arm around me. I leaned against his side and shook my head as if to clear it. Finally, I licked my lips and spoke.

“He’s awake. Pops is awake and asking for us.”

Chapter Nine

“What is it about you and scampering off to Vegas every time I finally get you into Texas?” Max joked while I threw my clothes into my suitcase. Seriously tossed my shit right in without folding. I’d have to sit on it to make it close, but I didn’t care. Getting to the airport as quickly as possible was the goal.

“Were you able to get a plane?” I asked, my hands shaking so violently Wes grabbed them and held them to his chest. His warmth seeped through my chilled bones straight to my heart.

“It’s going to be okay. Your dad is awake and asking for you. This is good news. Okay?” His eyes seared into mine giving me something to hold on to when everything else around me felt as if it were falling away. I just needed to get to Vegas, see Pops for myself, and then I’d be fine.

Max put his hand on my back. “Cunningham Oil’s plane is fueled up and ready to take off as soon as you get there. Now you’re sure you don’t want me to come?” Max asked, emotion clouding his words.

I turned and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing his broad frame the best I could. I wanted him to feel how much today had meant to me. “No. Thank you. Thank you for everything. For the best Thanksgiving I’ve ever had. For being the best brother I could ever dream of. And for being there.” My voice shook. I was holding on by a thread. “But Maddy and I need to do this, and I have Wes, and she has Matt.”

His chest puffed up. “But I’m your brother. I want you taken care of.” God, he was an amazing man.

Wes’s arm slipped over my shoulder. “Max, I’m going to take good care of her, and I’ll make sure Matt does too for Madison, though I don’t think the guy needs any reminding. We’re good. Really. I’ll send regular updates to keep you informed. Cool?” Wes held out a hand.

Max nodded and gripped Wes’s hand then curled his enormous paw around his other shoulder. “Glad you’re marrying my sister. I know I’m protective and a bit overboard when it comes to these women, but you gotta remember, partner, I just got them and can’t risk losing ’em.”

Wes clapped Max right back. “I got you. And I do want to talk more about buying that land from you after the wedding.”

“It’s yours,” Max said instantly. “I’d give just about anything to have my sister living here. Having her living next door part of the year will be a mighty fine dream as well. I’ll talk to Matt about the other land. He’s a proud man from a proud family. They’ll want to buy the land themselves. I figure I’ll work them a deal about farming theirs, mine, and yours.”

Wes pinched his lips together and held out his hand again. “Sounds like a plan. More to come?”

Max grinned. “Always, partner.”

On the way out of our guest room we met up with Matt and Maddy. “I’m sorry, Max, but it’s Pops.” Maddy’s voice cracked, and she winced.

“Go, darlin’. Time to see your dad.”

At the stairs we hugged Max, Cyndi, Isabel, and sweet little Jackson. It was bittersweet but necessary. “See you soon,” I said.

“Sooner rather than later, sugar. That’s a promise.” Max waved as we loaded up the car and were off to the airport.

We’re coming, Pops. Hold on.

* * *

Maddy and I held hands as we walked side by side down the long white corridor. We’d been here a hundred times before, but today it felt different, new somehow. I squeezed her hand, and she squeezed mine right back.