Next to Me

Without another word, he scoops me up and sprints up the stairs.

"Nash, we could fall," I say, laughing at his fast, urgent steps.

"We won't fall. I've got you." He takes me in his room and sets me on the bed, then notices Cat in the corner. He picks him up and deposits him in the hall. "Go hang out downstairs. Callie and I need some private time."

He saunters away. I still can't believe he listens to him.

Nash closes the door and reaches behind his neck and yanks off his t-shirt. I gaze at his broad chest, those strong arms, chiseled abs. I could stare at him for a very long time and not get tired of the view.

He walks back to the bed, not saying a word as he lifts my tank top up and over my head, then unhooks my bra with one single flick of his finger. Guess he's done that a few times. He takes it off and tosses it aside.

He leans down and kisses me as he unbuttons my skirt and tugs the zipper down. Then he lays me back on the bed and slides my skirt off. He lies beside me and slowly runs his hand over my body, his eyes following the movement.

"God, you're beautiful," he says, his hand settling on my breast, cupping it and gently squeezing. I let out a breath and arch into his touch, wanting more. So much more. My body is literally aching to be with him.

His mouth seals over my nipple and I moan out his name as that aching need intensifies, wanting him more than I've ever wanted anyone. I don't want to wait a second longer, but he's taking his time, his hands exploring my body, slowly, deliberately. I relax my head back on the pillow and close my eyes, drinking in his touch, savoring it. His mouth moves to my other breast, giving it equal time and attention, and then his hand slides down my stomach and between my legs. More need erupts and I can hardly contain it.

I reach down and quickly undo his belt. He rises up to standing, his eyes raking over my body. As he slips off my panties, his eyes fix on mine and I see that same urgent need. I can feel it. The heat. The desire. We've both wanted this so bad, for so long.

He hurries with his jeans, shoving them to the floor along with his boxer briefs. My eyes drop below his waist, and damn, he's even big down there, which I guess makes sense

He goes to the nightstand and grabs a condom and puts it on. He lies over me, kissing me with soft, gentle kisses. I grasp the back of his neck, pulling him closer and kissing him hard, expressing my urgency. He slows me down, giving me a deep, sexy kiss that only intensifies that desperate, aching need. I feel the length of him between my legs and roll my hips up, begging him to put it inside me. He groans, and presses back, and I feel the tip of him as he lines himself up. And then, finally, he pushes inside, slowly, inch by inch.

I let out a breathy moan as he pushes all the way in, then remains there.

"Goddamn, you feel good," he says. He pulls back, then thrusts into me, hard and deep.

"Don't stop," I say, breathless.

He repeats the same forceful thrust, and my moans become louder. He does it again, and again, each time causing a deep coiling tension to build inside me, until it finally breaks free in waves upon waves of pleasure.

I didn't think he could top what he did to me earlier, but he just did. That was better than anything I've ever felt in my entire life.

He slows down a moment, and kisses me, then speeds up again until he gets his own powerful release.

He turns onto his back and I lie in his arms, enjoying the warm afterglow of the best sex I've ever had. I reach up and kiss him.

He smiles against my lips. "You just slept with your boss."

"I won't tell if you won't."

"I'll keep it a secret if you promise to do it again."

I smile. "Deal."

He kisses me, then we lie there, and I think about how I've never felt this way. This loved and cared for by a guy. Nash has seen me at my worst and he still wants to be with me. He knows I still have a lot to work through, yet he's willing to go through it with me.

His arm is around me, his hand moving softly up and down my back. It's soothing and comforting and I end up drifting off to sleep. When I wake up, it's a half hour later and Nash is now asleep. I reach up and kiss him awake.

He smiles, his eyes closed. "You need to wake me up like that every morning. It's way better than an alarm clock."

I kiss him again as I get on top of him, straddling him.

"What are you up to?" He looks at me with that sexy grin, his hands grasping my hips as they circle over him.

"Do you want me to stop?" I lower myself so that I'm rubbing against his erection.

"Hell no." He reaches over and gets a condom from the drawer and slips it on. I align myself over the tip of him, then sink down on him.

"Shit," he breathes out, his hands gripping my hips as I sink down even more, burying him deep inside me. "I've never in my life felt anything this fucking good. Being with you is..."

Allie Everhart's books