Never Sweeter (Dark Obsession #1)

“Ohhhhhh my god oh my god.”

“You like that huh, dirty girl? You want me to coat those beautiful tits? Or was it the idea of me in my bed all covered in my own come? Dick still hard, wanting more. Wanting me to fist it until I shoot again, while moaning your name. Because I did, you know. I jerked off with the first hot load slicking the way, everything all slippery and easy, head full of the idea of those tits bouncing as you ride me.”

“Fuuuuck, are you kidding me? Are you kidding stop Jesus I can’t take it. I can’t take it. I just need you to fuck me now. Please fuck me now I want to feel that big dick inside me.”

She turned on the bed as she spoke, so eager she didn’t think to check that he was with her. She just sprawled back, legs already mostly spread.

Only to find he wasn’t following.

He was just staring down at her with this blank look on his face.

“You do? Are you…are you serious or…?”

“God yeah, I’m serious. Of course I am.”

“You’re not scared?”

“No, baby. No.”

“Holy shit, okay. All right. Um.”

Again he seemed to go blank, as though he couldn’t quite process what was supposed to happen or what he was meant to do. After a second of watching him sit there, frozen, hands not reaching for anything and gaze turned inward like some robot searching for a system error, she had to jostle him.

She sat a little way back up again and put a hand on his forearm.

“Tate. We need a condom.”

“Uh-huh, yeah, I just…”

He made a gesture she knew meant I don’t have one. It was caught somewhere between a shrug and a look of despair, empty hands spread out to really illustrate the total lack of them anywhere here.

Yet still she couldn’t quite believe it.

“You don’t have any? Tate Sullivan, super stud wrestling champ, has no condoms in his dorm room? Not even one in his wallet, or in the free pack they gave out at orientation?”

“No, I have the free pack. I just can’t actually use the tiny things they put in the free pack.”

“That has to be the hottest way anyone has ever said they can’t use a condom.”

“Are you fucking with me right now?”

“Not even a little bit. I don’t even know why you would think I was.”

“Most girls I get this far with don’t really want to go any further.”

He said the words slow slow slow. Like he was trying to spell out the concept for her.

But she got it. She had it. It was just other stuff she couldn’t quite grasp.

“Are you saying that you’ve not actually had sex since you got here?”

This time his silence was deadly. She watched him lapse into it and almost died.

She was still almost dying as she squeaked out the words.

“Oh my god. Are you saying you’ve never had sex?”

“No. No. Fuck no. That would be insane. That would be the weirdest fucking thing in the history of ever,” he said, and to his credit he was laughing as he said it. He snorted and rolled his eyes and generally made a good show of dismissing her. It was just that all of his efforts were immediately decimated when he decided to add one little extra thing. “But let’s say for the sake of argument that I’ve only…kind of had sex…”

He didn’t even get to finish.

She was already covering her face with her hands.

“Noooooooooo, Tate, no, come on, this cannot be true.”

“I just said it wasn’t.”

“Yeah, but you’re lying! How is it possible that you’re lying? I must have seen you with, like, seventy different girls in high school. I once caught you getting a blow job behind the science block! You claimed to be some kind of sex expert, when actually you’re a virgin?”

She said the word way too loudly, and knew it. It practically reverberated around the room.

Though luckily it seemed to have no impact. Or at least, not the impact she expected. His cheeks didn’t go pink. There was no blustering after the fact, or sneering at the idea of virginity. Instead, his answering expression was almost scornful—and so were his words.

“Hey, just because I’ve never stuck my dick all the way into some pussy doesn’t make me a virgin. I’ve done just about every other fucking thing you can think of. I’ve had two threesomes—one with another guy. I made a girl come just by kissing and sucking on her tits. Bondage, spanking, sex toys, fingers in my ass, fingers in her ass, voyeurism, exhibitionism…you name it, I’ve done it.”

Now it was her turn to fall silent, as several cogs turned in her head at once.

Spanking cogs. Bondage cogs. Cogs that featured someone fingering his ass.

And finally, the best one. The one she had to bring up, if only in passing.

“Okay, can we revisit the guy thing at some point when my mind is not still being blown by this other completely incredible revelation?”

“It’s not such a revelation. You’ve seen my dick. You know my problem.”

“The only problem I know of is that it isn’t in me.”

Charlotte Stein's books