Never Sweeter (Dark Obsession #1)

Though that wouldn’t have described his reaction the same way.

It seemed more like the bottom had fallen out of his ability to restrain himself. He said “Oh man” around seventeen times, eyes everywhere all at once. Tongue curled out to lick his upper lip, as though just imagining what her skin would taste like. Hands flexing and unflexing in a way that suggested he really wanted to cup something or stroke something or maybe squeeze.

She didn’t expect him to actually do it, however.

Or for it to feel as good as it did. He stroked down the slope of her breasts and ended in this almost rough sort of grope—rough enough that it should have bothered her. But it didn’t. Instead she got an intense reminder of how turned on she had been only a few minutes before. Her clit pulsed once, twice, nipples hardening under his desperate touch.

Then again when he moaned some words.

“Fuck, look at how you fill my hand, look at how I can hardly hold you. So fucking beautiful, man, just so sweet—can I take this off? Can I just get this off you?”

She didn’t even know why he was asking by that point. Most of her concerns flew out the window as soon as that pleasure hit, and his desire just did the rest. It turned her limbs to syrup and left her practically lying in his arms, skin so flushed and body so restless he couldn’t fail to know what he was doing to her. He had to know how good it was to hear the hoarseness of his voice and the shake in his hands as he worked on the catch between her breasts.

But he seemed to need her nod anyway before he spread the material. Reverently, she thought—and that was the way he looked at her, too. Like she was something rare that he wasn’t supposed to see, something beautiful that he couldn’t get enough of. His eyes almost devoured her, following each line and curve in such a way that she felt caressed before he even used his hands.

And then he did, and she wondered what on earth she’d been thinking. The difference between looking and touching was enormous. It stole her breath. He cupped one of her breasts—without making contact with her nipple or any other sensitive part—and she had to dig her nails into the arm she didn’t know she’d been holding on to. He actually winced in response.

Though he didn’t stop.

No, he just kept touching and staring until she thought it was possible she might lose her mind. Everything had shifted from something that made her nervous, to a gigantic tease—or was it some kind of mix of the two? She didn’t know. All she knew was that when he traced the shape of her left breast with one finger, barely making contact, she had to say something.

The words just seemed to burst out of her.

“Will you…can you just…can you touch me while you do this? Please?”

“I thought I was touching you. Feels like I’m touching you too much.”

“Not between my legs, though, not between them.”

“Are you actually asking me to get you off?”

The shock in his voice and his eyes should have embarrassed her.

But it didn’t. If anything, it only made her more desperate.

“I might well be, yeah.”

“While I fondle and kiss your bare breasts.”

“That sounds like you got the right idea.”

“Because doing all of this actually turns you on.”

“I think I might die if you don’t, to be honest.”

“Undo your jeans for me, then.”

She could see he thought she was going to hesitate. But she was too far gone to even think about it. She simply yanked at the buttons and zipper, then started working on pushing the whole lot down. He had to stop her, and show her what he had really meant—just two fingers slipped beneath the elastic of her panties, to search out her bursting clit.

Though she didn’t get a chance to be grateful that he was trying to take things so slow. Or feel foolish, for suddenly being the one racing on ahead. All that mattered were those tight, firm circles on her slick little clit, followed by him bending his head to attend to her breasts. And he did attend to them this time. There was no sense that this was what he wanted at all—only what she did.

He knew what would happen when he teased one stiff nipple with his tongue, as he rubbed over her aching bud. He seemed well aware of the connection between those two things, and how good it felt to have them toyed with at the same time. Then when she moaned and bucked, he went one further. He slid two fingers inside her, thumb still on her clit, mouth still at her breasts. Sometimes licking now and sometimes sucking and always, always making her lose her mind.

She barely knew where she was by the time her orgasm swelled through her. All she could think or see or feel was her clit swelling against his thumb and her cunt clenching around his fingers, every part of her completely present and unself-conscious in the moment. Abandoned to it, she would later think, so eager that she didn’t hesitate when she saw the shadow over his shoulder.

Charlotte Stein's books