Never Sweeter (Dark Obsession #1)

He was so casual with her and warm, despite everything. Part of her had expected him to be standoffish, to never call, but he just came right up to their table. He laughed and joked around, like nothing had even happened. No one would know that he had offered to get her off, then orgasmed in her mouth. Even she was convinced, for the first five minutes. She was just about to write the whole thing off as a hallucination when two things happened at once.

Lydia turned to see who was calling to her—some girl from her Intro to Pysch course, maybe.

And when she did, Letty happened to glance up at Tate. Just for a second, but a second was enough time to see that everything about his face had abruptly changed. That easy smile was gone. His sultry, heavy-lidded gaze was back. It was back, and it had brought reinforcements. Now he was pretty much drilling great burning holes through her body. She wanted to throw up her arms and protect herself, or maybe use her tray to deflect his laser stare onto someone else.

That blond girl Sam, maybe, who was currently watching them curiously.

Yet before she could do either, he decided to increase the intensity. He damn near turned the dial up to eleven thousand, then snapped it off—and he knew it. She could tell he understood exactly what he was doing when he started moving his hand toward her. He definitely saw her eyes following its progress, with a kind of dawning horror. It even seemed like he provided the slow motion himself.

Though she was willing to accept she was just losing it.

That everything inside her was so mixed up she couldn’t tell an affectionate hand being placed on her shoulder from a kitchen knife in a slasher movie. It made contact and she reacted like someone stabbed her, standing up too fast and knocking things over as she went. One hand already slapping his away so she could get to the wound. She was bleeding, couldn’t he see that she was bleeding?

Judging by his expression: no, he could not.

He looked like a little kid who just put his hand in a fire because the fire seemed nice. He jolted all over, hand snapping back almost as fast as she had stood up. And the confusion on his face…it was so raw and honest. The image she had of him—that sure and confident image—dissolved almost instantly in the face of it. This was the real him, she realized. This baffled, affectionate creature who didn’t understand why his tender gesture was being rebuffed.

But she couldn’t help him.

She didn’t understand, either.

And nor did Lydia.

“You okay, sis?”

Her watchful gaze flicked between the two of them—searching for some sign of his transgression, Letty knew. That one wonderful little word, sis, told her that much. It was a bubble of protectiveness briefly surrounding her, before she answered the only way she could.

“Yeah. I just…thought I saw a spider.”

“You positive about that?”

“I promise,” she said.

Even though she knew what would happen next.

“So, Letty,” he said. “You coming?”

Chapter 15

He suggested they go back to his place after class, which seemed like a good idea. Nothing had happened there, after all. And his bed was definitely bigger than her bed. It meant she could sit by the headboard with her feet pointing down, leaving no space for him to sit beside her. If he wanted to share, he would have to take the opposite end. The only thing that could possibly touch was their toes.

Or so she thought.

Until he went to shut the window behind her.

He put one knee on the mattress to get to it—and that was fine. But what seemed less fine was the way he leaned over her, those T-shirt-skimmed abs nearly brushing her face. Thighs almost straddling hers briefly, followed by a great wash of that almondy, her-perfume smell.

And then he decided to sit right next to her.

She had no idea how he did it. He shouldn’t have been able to fit. There was a space the size of a thimble beside her, and she was sure she didn’t move to accommodate him. Yet he wedged his way in here anyway. Suddenly his chest was her pillow and his arm was nearly around her shoulders, like they’d somehow become a cute couple who cuddled in bed while watching movies.

Without anyone actually agreeing to this.

She definitely hadn’t. She wasn’t even sure how she would broach such a topic. “Hey, I know you found me really gross in high school, but could we possibly date now?” And the possibility of him broaching it was just beyond the back of insanity. He would never want to. He found her repulsive.

No, this was all just a misunderstanding, brought on by the movie.

The movie that was nowhere near as sexy as the one he then suggested.

“What do you think about Nine and a Half Weeks?”

I think I would sooner eat a dead rat than watch it while lying in your arms.

“That sounds okay, I guess. Though you know we should really probably focus on more mainstream movies. I mean, Nine and a Half Weeks is a little soft porn, don’t you think?”

“Maybe we should try Y Tu Mamá Tambié—”


Charlotte Stein's books