Never Kiss a Bad Boy

Kite rocked his cloth-covered shaft across my ass cheek. In a second, he adjusted, and the next caress showed his cock was freed in the air.

That sensation alone had me squeezing my thighs together. The heat was rising in me, demanding I do something about it. I'd grown used to the release Kite or Jacob—or both—could bring me. Now, my body was screaming for it; eager to be filled.

In his bedroom, a phone rang.

Both of us glanced that way, though Kite didn't stop his slow grind over my skin. He didn't need to say it, only one person would be calling him so early.


Kissing my neck, Kite kicked my ankles wide. “Ignore it,” he said, pushing the plump head of his cock along the softness of my inner thighs. “He'll leave us alone, trust me.”

Dizzy with lust, I just nodded and tried to get him to slip inside of me. “You said you'd stop teasing me!”

“No, I said I'd fuck you.” Slapping me on the ass, the sound cracked the air; my gasp was louder. “And I will, just at my own pace.”

Screw that, I thought, pushing off the window. Kite was stronger, he leaned into me and shoved my nipples back onto the hardness. “Come on,” I moaned, “You're killing me!”

Kite angled his cock so that it spread my lower lips. We both heard the sound of my wetness. “So greedy.” His chuckle was close to cruel, but he was fracturing. It was on the edge of his voice, the husky way he said 'greedy' and the speed of his breathing. “I'm greedy to. I want to feel you, all of you.”

I grasped his meaning. No condom. A roar of fierce electricity slammed into my cunt. My belly convulsed, eager for this. I knew it was risky, but I was too gone... too hot.

I wanted him, even with the danger.

He was pushing into me, making me groan in delight, when his phone rang again. Both of us skipped a beat, thrown off by the interruption.

But it didn't stop there.

Before the ringing even ended, someone knocked on the nearby door.

“Is he actually outside?” I asked, straightening.

Pushing my hair off of my neck, Kite stroked my throat. “The bastard is determined to get my attention.” Gripping my hips, he slid into me fully. Every inch of him stretched me, making me squeal; I hadn't been ready. “But you need it more.”

It was silly of me to think Kite would stop just because someone was at the door.

My cheek heated up the window. Below me, the streets moved as fast as the blood through my veins.

Knuckles rapped sharply on the wood, demanding we hear them. It was no shock when Jacob's voice came next. “I know you're both in there, let me inside.”

I covered my mouth to muffle my sounds. Kite drew back, the tip of his cock just inside of me. Stroking my spine, he reached down and made a vigorous circle over my throbbing clit.

“I'm a bit busy with Marina!” he shouted. “Come back later!”

“Stop whatever you're doing for a minute and open the door, Kite.”

“I don't think Marina would appreciate that!” Chuckling, he shivered and drove into me harder. I wondered if Jacob could hear us fucking, and wondered why I was blushing. He'd been there, involved, with the two of us before. Where was my shame coming from?

Kite's fingers swirled quicker, toying expertly with my engorged clit. The pressure of my mounting orgasm was rocketing at me, tickling the back of my tongue.

Metal clinked, and though I felt Kite hesitate, he didn't fully stop. I was confused by the sounds, but the combined jingles and crisp footsteps said it all.

Jacob had used a spare key to get inside.

Of course he'd have a key. I'd assumed otherwise since he always knocked and waited, but that was clearly him being polite. He had that air to him, this crispness and perfection in his manners.

I'd seen his other side, though.

I knew what lay resting under his placid surface.

Sighing, his steps brought him to our side. I turned, able to catch him from the corner of my eye. His reflection shined in the window; Jacob was dressed in a rich, cobalt blue shirt. It matched his eyes, made his onyx hair that much more stark.

“This is why you couldn't answer my call?” Jacob asked, sounding sufficiently put out.

Red as a beet, I closed my eyes—but Kite didn't spare me. Holding my fiercely, he slammed his length into me with new gusto.

I shouted, then chewed my tongue. He's doing it on purpose, I realized. Maybe there existed no jealousy, but good-natured, male-infused competition?

Kite and Jacob had that in spades.

“I'm busy,” Kite said, spanking me once more. I saw Jacob arch an eyebrow. “Come back in fifteen, okay?”

“Fifteen?” he scoffed, linking his hands behind his back. “That's sloppy of you. But we're needed at the bar right now.”

I didn't miss the irritation in Kite's voice, not even over the blood thumping in my ears. “Fine, just wait a bit, she won't hold out another five minutes at this rate.”

Nora Flite's books