Never Kiss a Bad Boy

Shaking his head, Kite's smile went sideways. A nail traced over my bruise, lifting goosebumps and making me shiver helplessly. “My secret... is that I'm not even sorry. I love seeing you covered in my marks, no matter how I get to make them.”

Oh, dammit—that throbbing need between my thighs was distracting. Kite's chest was nearly on mine, his scent washing through my skull. He liked marking me? What a bastard.

Except... he was making my knees fail.

There was something primal about wearing the proof of his existence on my body. But Kite was getting too cocky, and I wasn't keen on being rolled over so easily.

Gathering myself, fighting for strength, I looked him in the eye and put my palm on his hip; static crackled. “There's just one problem,” I whispered, my tongue drawing over my bottom lip. “This mark?” I touched his hand, pushed it against my ribs and wondered if he could feel the heat of my blood. “I'm not sure it's from you. I think it belongs to Jacob.”

Kite's expression shifted, brows crawling low, challenging. “You're memory needs work, Marina.” His eyes were an abyss, drawing me deeper. “This,” he growled, pushing me by my collarbone into the glass, “Is definitely from me.”

Sparks exploded in my skull. His hard muscles brushed across me, but still, his mouth hovered just out of reach. My voice was hushed. “One of us remembers wrong, then. So what do we do about that?”

“Guess I'll just make you remember.” His hand wound in my scalp, forcing me to him. Again, he kept his smirk just out of reach. I could see the centers of his eyes, somehow darker than the rest. The edges of his teeth were waiting to dig into my skin.

My tongue took up my entire mouth. “And what if you can't?” I teased.

I wasn't ready for him to grip my bra, to rip it so hard it snapped uselessly. My gasp was muffled by his lips, but the kiss ended as fast as it had begun.

Kite held my temple to the glass, talking into my ear, nuzzling my throat. “If I can't?” His teeth lifted new goosebumps when he slid them down to my shoulder. “I'll just have to make brand new ones.”

I think my eyes had stopped working. My lashes fluttered, blinding me and helping me sink deep into the sensations.

This man—how easily he could dive into my core and stoke the fires, like he'd done it a million times. There were so many reasons not to give in. So many reasons to push him away, or at least try to.

But I never bothered.

Kite was an assassin who was perfectly capable of ending my life and erasing my existence. I had no family, no friends. No one would bother looking for me.

Of all the people to make vanish... I would be one of the easiest.

So I knew that how I felt was crazy.

I fucking knew.

He slid his palm higher, dragging the hem of my shirt over my pebbled nipples. “Fuck,” he hissed, pushing his hand deeper in my hair. He had me pinned. “Marina, how are you always so beautiful looking?”

Blushing furiously, I tried to shrug him off of me. Kite would have none of it, he kept me where I was with a mere tension of his forearm. “Don't say things like that.”

“What? That you're beautiful? That you're getting my cock so stiff it might rip my shorts in two?”

Chewing my lip, I groaned. “Yeah, exactly that. You're too much. It's embarrassing.”

Chuckling, Kite kissed my jugular. “It's the truth.”

He certainly made arguing difficult. Kite ran his hands over my curves and tasted me so eagerly, he'd have won an Academy award if his performance was false.

A sudden, sharp suction between my breasts made me squeal. “What the hell?” I gasped, shoving against him with all my strength. He didn't budge, a living boulder that held me where he wanted.

Glancing down, I saw the top of his head. I knew what he was doing, even before he pulled away and grinned up at me. “Well, do you remember now?” he asked.

Kite had given me a bright purple hicky.

I wanted to slap him. Instead, I found myself laughing. “You asshole. All because I said the other bruise was from Jacob? I thought you guys didn't care about who did what to me.”

“I care that you remember what I do to you,” he said, finally easing his hold in my hair. My scalp tingled as he released me, standing there with a level of seriousness in his face that I hadn't expected. “Jacob and I might share you, but our experiences? The ones between you and me?” Kite's lips twitched at the corners. “Those aren't for sharing, Marina. Not at all.”


The concept had originally blown my mind. But somehow, this triad was working. The two of them had done things to me I'd never predicted. I kept expecting to break from it, to say they were too much. Yet... so far? Each encounter just made me ache for more.

That was the really terrifying part.

Kite filled his lungs with air. He was watching me, hands on my hips while mine hung at my sides. There was a line between us, a tangible string from my mouth towards his.

He bent to close the distance, but I beat him.

Nora Flite's books