Never Kiss a Bad Boy

Nix's lips were as pillowy as whipped cream, her hips yielding under my seeking fingers. When I crushed her to me, her breasts plumped over my chest. If she'd had on a low-cut top, they would have spilled out.

Without breaking our kiss, I shoved the key into the door, kicking it open. Finally I pulled away, sucking in air. “The bed,” I growled, giving her a shove. “Now.”

Nix landed there, rolling to her back and yanking her jacket off. The look in her eyes lured me. Pink tinged her cheeks, a mix from the cold and her obvious desire.

Approaching her, ripping my own jacket away, I threw it to the floor. Bending down, I slammed my hands onto the bed on either side of her knees. “Shirt. Off.”

She shivered visibly, nails hooking under her top so she could pull it over her head. The result mussed up her long hair, ruining what was left of the precise, pulled-back style. Nix went to fix it, but I grabbed her wrist. “No,” I whispered, “I like it messy like that.”

Her eyes flashed, as if she were trying to recover something in her brain—a deep thought. “You do? Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I chuckled, pulling myself on top of her. “Plus, it's only going to get worse. Believe me.”

Nix squirmed, lying back in my shadow. Her bra was gorgeous, an expensive, silky thing in pale lavender. This woman had money—that, or a sugar daddy.

What if she does?

That shouldn't have bothered me, but somehow... the idea of another man spoiling her had me bristling. It's the alcohol, I told myself. It's fucking with my mind. Shouldn't have mixed so many things.

Yeah. It had to be the foggy drunkeness. Why would I give a shit about who someone else belonged to?

I'm a bad person, I knew that to my core. All I wanted was to dominate this woman, leave her panting and broken so that my cock was the only dick that could ever satisfy her again.

I love the sound of that. Sliding towards the edge of my bed, I unhooked the button of her pants. Nix was ahead of me, kicking her heels off. “Eager?” I asked, grinning up at her where she was lying.

I saw the dip of her throat flex. “Maybe. Is that weird?”


Her mouth moved like a fish, then she looked away. “Nothing, forget it.”

Watching her for a long moment, I said, “I want you to be eager.” My teeth slid over the inside of her pants; she twitched, gasping. “Everything I do is meant to drive you so fucking wild that you forget what planet we're on, baby girl.”

She shifted her body, pushing her hip against my cheek. “Then hurry up, get to that. That's where I want to be.”

A flutter of doubt flew through my mind. Is this girl using me? That would be new; my motif was to fuck people, then forget about them. No attachments. Nothing long term. I wanted to hear women scream my name, but I always forgot theirs.

Was Nix thinking the same thing?

I was intrigued, but it didn't matter. If she wanted pleasure so she could numb her woes, then fine. She'd get that.

Rolling her pants down, I tossed them in the corner with her shirt. Her panties matched her bra, glossy lavender and already damp. I bent close, flaring my nostrils and meeting her eyes. “Delicious. Fuck, I can't wait to taste you.”

Nix reached down, grabbing my hair, forcing me upwards. “No, not that. I don't want that. I just want you to fuck me.”

She doesn't want me to eat her out? I slid my hand low, peeling her panties aside. “Are you sure?” Gliding my fingertips over her inner thighs, I spread her wetness around. “If you ask me, this is one hungry *. And I love eating hungry *.”

“It's not—I just—aah!” she moaned, shuddering as I slid my fingers deep inside of her. Then I pulled them back, fluttering just the tips at her entrance. Again, I dipped into her *, rubbing her walls.

Nix rolled her whole body, nails curling harder in my hair. “Wait, hold on, that's... that's amazing!”

“I know.” Wrenching out of her grip, I kissed just above her swollen clit. It pulsed, but Nix, she tensed down to her toes. Her * squeezed my hand, a reaction she couldn't control. “Your cute little cunt is sucking me inside. It's more honest than you are.”

She arched her back, whimpering. “I didn't say I didn't like it, I just really want you to fuck me.”

“You're blunt,” I chuckled against her skin. “I love that.” With a final twist of my fingers, I slid them free. Nix sighed, her body trying to hold me inside of her. As I smoothed my palm over her thigh, I brushed her clit with my thumb in passing.

Instantly she jerked, staring at me with a new rush of heat. I whispered, “You're beyond ready. Is this from me, or are you just always so horny?” Crawling on top of Nix, I straddled her hips. Peeling my shirt off, I put my torso on display. I was covered in ink, dark splashes and punctuating colors.

“Did those hurt?” she whispered, tracing my hip. Her touch thrilled me, my eyes shutting briefly so I could enjoy the sensation.

Nora Flite's books