Never Kiss a Bad Boy

Or would she?

It's worth finding out. The more we talked, the more I wanted to hear how she'd sound in... other situations. There was a soft indent on her bottom lip. How would that feel under my roaming tongue? Would she moan or whimper when I gently scraped my teeth over her nipples?

Fuck. This is happening.

I'd decided.

Nix was going to be mine.

I nodded towards the drink stand. “Let me buy you something. After what just happened, we could both use a little refresher.”

“But what about...?”

Glancing over her head, I pointed. “The cavalry is coming.”

Turning, she peered at the men in security shirts who were being guided our way by bystanders. They'd become helpful now that the action was over.

“Security can handle it from here,” I said, reaching for her wrist. Her hand twitched in my grip; it was warm and smooth. “Everyone saw what happened. Maybe the guy will get charged with causing a nuisance, at least. Come on, take a breather, enjoy a reward for your good Samaritan actions.”

Pursing her lips at me, Nix said, “I'm going to talk to them.”


She broke away, hurrying towards the guards. Stunned, I stood there, watching as she spoke to the group. Her hands moved, gesturing sharply from herself to the guy in the grass.

A small buzz of pride burned through me. It was laugh worthy; I didn't know this woman, why did I care that she was bothering to take the time to speak to Security?

She didn't leave me to stew for long. Writing something down, she handed a notebook back to the guard, then ran my way. The night air brushed the hair off of her neck, her lips were redder than the skin of a fresh apple. I knew I was staring, but thank goodness, she didn't notice.

“Okay!” she said, smoothing her hair back, taming it as if she was ashamed it would dare fly free. “I told them what happened, and they have my information if they need me for anything else.”

I shook my disorienting mood away. “Then it's time for that reward drink.”

Nix wrapped her arms around herself, adjusting her coat. The frown on her decadent lips warned me she was considering saying no. Everything in her body language was closed off.

But she wasn't done surprising me.

“Alright,” she said with a coy smile. “I've had a rough week, and tonight hasn't helped. I could use a 'reward.' Just one drink, though. I have an important meeting early tomorrow.”

Beaming, I spread my arms. “What a coincidence! I've got a meeting, too, so you can't keep me out all night, no matter how much you beg me.”

“Sure,” she laughed, eyeballing my torn jeans. Her furrowed brow said she doubted I had to be anywhere tomorrow. “One drink. That's it.”

It's funny how many of my nights started this way; alcohol at the beginning, and my bedroom at the end. Tonight would be no different.

Nix was just like every other girl I'd met. But that was good.

I didn't need different.


December had turned the air into a metallic blanket. It crackled with static energy, my nose burning red the longer we stumbled through the streets.

One drink had quickly become two.

Then three.

I'd stopped counting after five.

We were a blur of laughter, heated stares, and progressively more bold touches. As we climbed into the empty subway car, Nix caught her heel on the floor's rough edge. Bending low, I meant to just help her stand.

That was when she kissed me.

She tasted like beer, and a little bit of whiskey—the shots we'd swallowed had been a surprise. Her hands were in my hair, nails digging into my scalp like I was going to vanish. “Your place,” she mumbled, talking between tangling her tongue with mine. “Now. Right fucking now.”

I'd pegged Nix as standoffish. Clearly, I'd been way off the mark.

Holding her close, loving how her body warmed us both against the winter's chill, I guided her out of the metro station.

“How drunk are you?” I asked, curling her against my hip as we climbed the stairs of my building. I wanted this woman, but if she was too wasted to know what was about to happen...

Unlike that scumbag from earlier, I was no rapist.

“I know what I'm doing.” She bit the words off, the first hint of the attitude I'd seen in her when we'd met mere hours ago.

Through my whirl of alcohol and lust, I studied her. What was going on that I'd missed? She'd been brisk in the beginning. And now she's begging you to take her inside your place. Stop analyzing it.

“Kiss me again,” she demanded, shoving me against the wall beside my apartment door.

Fuck analyzing.

Clutching my keys in one hand, I curled the other into her hair. It was thick, soft as velvet. “Yes Ma'am.” I forced her lower, arching her spine as I buried my mouth onto hers.

Nora Flite's books