Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

What is this feeling?

Her greedy little lips brushed against mine, all I needed to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and move.

There'd be plenty of time tomorrow to think this shit over. Tonight, we'd fuck for a few more hours, put a dent in making up for the thousand nights we'd lost.

Summer didn't realize it yet. But I was gonna fuck her every night she shared my bed.

Fuck her 'til she'd bring me off instead of just sassing. Fuck her 'til I drew my last breath.

Fuck her and fuck her and fuck her 'til the unthinkable happened, 'til I couldn't imagine my dick inside any other chick.

This was day one of my dick taking her * all the time, and only hers. There'd be at least ten thousand more days after it, too, mark my words.


Engine Roar (Summer)

“She's back. You never bring a girl around, much less twice, Jackson. What's with the kid?” Old man Taylor looked at Joker, his eyes as friendly and suspicious as ever.

“Decided I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with this woman, Grandpa. You were right.” Joker's huge arm went around my shoulder and pulled me close. I held Alex a little tighter in my lap, sitting in the chair next to him.

The three of us were gathered around another table in the commons area, Bingo laying at our feet. This shouldn't have felt so natural, so fast, like I belonged...but God help me, it did.

Grandpa Taylor beamed at both of us. “No shit? 'Bout time you finally decided to settle down, Jackson. A man can share the sheets with a thousand different women, but there's only one that'll ever matter. What's the story with the kid, again?”

I looked at him and blushed. Raw, intense heat came over my face.

Things were going perfectly. Too perfect.

I expected a disaster any second, some offhand slur or gesture ruining the moment.

“Stand up, Summertime,” Joker whispered, helping me up with a gentle hand. “Pass him Alex. It's time you met your great grandson.”

The old man's eyes bugged out. Didn't stop him from holding his old hands out, wrapping them around Alex, and pulling him into his lap when I passed him over.

“Goddamn. Great grandson?” he repeated, staring into the little boy's matching hazel eyes. “How? When?”

They all had them, the Taylors. If there was any doubt in the back of his mind, Alex's eyes told his great grandpa the truth, shining with an honesty no one could deny.

“Shit. Don't tell me,” the old man said, his voice growing softer. “Doesn't matter. I know it's true. This boy, Jackson...he looks like you. Like us.”

“Damned straight,” Joker growled. When his grandfather looked up, he was smiling. “We had a fling back in Seddon, 'bout three years ago. She came back and filled me in. We've smoothed things over, Grandpa. We're making them right. Never thought I'd have a family so damned fast, but here I am. Want you to be a part of it, same as always.”

“Jesus, boy!” Grandpa Taylor smiled at the little boy in his arms.

No, correction – Great Grandpa Taylor.

Alex bobbed his head, unsure what to make of the old man holding him. “You don't have to ask. The rights and wrongs in the past don't matter worth a damn. Only thing that counts is the now, and I'm telling you, I wanna see this boy here every week. All the good weeks I got left to this earth.”

“Not a problem, Mister Taylor,” I said, grabbing the old man's arm and giving it a friendly squeeze. “Alex needs more strong, smart men in his life. Two Taylors are better than one.”

Beneath me, Bingo stretched, wagging his tail. It was early afternoon. Orange sunlight poured through the blinds behind us, giving everything a dreamy, bright glow.

My heart probably grew several sizes in a few seconds. And for once, I wasn't afraid of it, scared that it'd all be taken away from me in the blink of an eye.

We were a family. We were man and woman, new blood and old. Just two rough bastards and a bitch trying to hang up their darkness, and a sweet, innocent babe who hadn't decided yet who he'd become.

I sat down next to Grandpa, grabbing Joker's hand. He laced his fingers through mine, squeezing to add his warmth, his reassurance, his joy.

Never gonna let you go, babe, he said with his touch. Never.

“How old is he?” Grandpa Taylor asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

“Just celebrated his second birthday a couple months ago,” I said, reaching over with my free hand to ruffle the little boy's hair.

He looked at me, smiling, and then did the same to the old man. “Dina-dina-sore!” Alex jerked, reaching out with his tiny hands to touch the old man's weathered cheeks.

My mouth dropped open. I looked at Grandpa Taylor apologetically. “I'm sorry! I've been reading him a lot of dinosaur stories lately before bedtime. He doesn't really mean you.”