Never Have an Outlaw's Baby: Deadly Pistols MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

“You should turn in soon. We can tuck him in, see how he likes the new bed. He won't put up much of a fuss either way, sleepy as he is.”

“Yeah, we're gonna have an early morning,” I said, giving her that smile. “Want to take Alex to see Grandpa. It'll perk the old man up to know he's lived to see his first great grandkid.”

First of many, I secretly hoped. Freddy left me to do all the work, and I wouldn't let him down.

My eyes crawled hungrily over my girl, staring at those long, creamy legs I wanted wrapped around me. My gaze stopped at her belly, picturing it stretching with my seed again.

I'd see her knocked up at least three more times before I even thought about slowing down, by God.

“Wow. This is moving fast.” Summer smiled nervously, tempting me to bite that lip all over again. “Are you going to tell him the truth?”

“Fuck yeah, I will. Everything except how the Deads are breathing down our backs. The old man doesn't need any more stress. Just something to be happy about.”

He's paid his dues in hell and blood, I thought. Knew he'd probably put down at least a hundred vicious motherfuckers with all his years in the club. I'd always wanted to blow past his body count before I hit forty, and I'd be making good progress with the Deads coming toe-to-toe.

Why the fuck did it feel so hollow, now? Was I going soft? Letting the same slack Skin and Firefly allowed to take over when they decided to settle down with their girls?

Maybe. Shit, maybe it didn't even scare me.

I wrapped my hands around her waist. Laughing, she toppled to the floor, rolling around on it with me, while Bingo paced excitedly around us.

“You know, through all this shit, I never got a chance to tell you how bad I missed you. Hurt like fucking hell all these years, babe, one of the two chasms gouged out inside me since that brutal night.”

Her hand swept across my cheek, feeling my stubble. Fingertips like ice and steam, tingling through my skin. Made my cock as hard and eager as if I hadn't had * for a solid week.

“I may have missed you too,” she said, a playful note in her voice hiding the pain.

Didn't need to talk more with words. We needed skin to say everything else.

I held her down for another kiss, long and hot and sweet as ever.

Before I fucked her again, we had to get the kiddo down. I got up, gently plucking Alex from the old play pen, carrying him out here to the living room. He only stirred a couple times in my arms.

Kid didn't realize he'd just become front and center of my whole fuckin' world. Summer's fingers clenched my shoulders while I lowered him into the new crib, tucking a tiny blanket around him.

When he stopped moving, I craned my neck down, and gave him a quick peck on the forehead. These instincts were strange, but damn if they didn't feel right.

Turning around, I saw my girl again, her eyes softer than before. “It's like you're a natural, Jackson. None of his babysitters ever put him down so easy. Just me. And that goodnight kiss...God. Are you trying to break my heart again?”

Smiling, I hugged her close, slowly pushing my fingers through her long, black hair. “Fuck no. I'm done with that shit. Told you before, babe, this time is different. No more boozing 'til whole days slip by. No more fuckin' around. No more fistfights with assholes in bars just for the hell of it. I've got something more to look out for than just me and my club now.”

Bingo brushed against my waist, letting out a little whine. We both looked down, and she laughed, kneeling to ruffle his fur.

“He can chill on the balcony tonight so we have some extra privacy. It's clear out there, nice breeze coming in.” My hand jerked the screen door open.

The big dog stepped out onto the small wooden frame, the bed I'd laid out there a couple weeks ago waiting. He settled in, staring at the stars, his furry tail wagging lazily behind him.

Left the door open so he could come back in when he was good and ready. It was too good a summer night. Everybody fuckin' loved it, especially the dog.

Our kid did, too. Little Alex rolled in his sleep, smacked his lips, and the last tension lining his face smoothed.

“He looks so much like you,” Summer said, still leaning on me.

“Like both of us,” I agreed, grabbing her hand. Pulling it to my lips, I kissed her skin, flicking my tongue against the back of her hand for a single second.

Woman didn't need much reminder of what she'd be getting in about five more minutes. Too bad I enjoyed teasing her anyway, building the fire, the loving we'd missed for three goddamned years.

“Let's go to bed,” she whispered, laying her head flat against my chest.

Whores, bitches, sluts had all said the same damned thing to me before dozens of times.

Usually got my dick up, but never made me feel more. That changed, standing next to the cool summer breeze and our kid.

For the first time in all my life, I looked forward to passing out next to this girl. Shit, I wanted to wake up next to her, without having to worry about kicking her ass out first thing in the morning.

What. The. Fuck?