“Good morning,” Jackson whispers in my ear. He kisses my neck, and a little thrill runs down my spine. “How'd you sleep?”

“Better than I have in my entire life,” I answer honestly, taking his hand off my stomach and kissing it. “Last night... was amazing.” I turn around to look him in the eyes. Even sleep-tousled and with a little bit of sleep crust around his left eye, he's handsome and wonderful and sexy as hell. “You opened up new frontiers to me last night.”

“Then let's explore them today,” he invites me, his hand going down to cup my hip.

“You trying to wear me out?” I laugh, purring when he cups my ass. His hands feel so good, but I want to draw it out, make it last. “Come on, we've got time. Go get a shower while I make a few phone calls, and we'll plan out the rest of the day.”

Jackson shakes his head. “Only after a good morning kiss. Then I'll go. If not, I'm dragging you to the shower where I’m going to seduce you, and then I’m going to do it again on the bed afterward before you can make your phone call.”

I chuckle and kiss him, loving this side of him. It's something I've had so little time for. It feels nice. “There. Now go, and if my phone call goes quickly enough, maybe I'll join you for the last part of the shower.”

Jackson grins and gets up, giving me quite a show of his naked butt as he walks into the bathroom, and I roll off the bed, finding my phone. I know who I want to contact, and I need Jackson out of the room to do so. I wait until I hear the shower start, and through the crack in the door I see him get in and start washing. Opening my apps, I see that Andrea has tried to contact me via Viber, and I return her call. She's online, and maybe she's got a smartphone like me, so I don't have to wait.


“It's good to hear your voice again, Andrea.”

“It's been too long, Katrina. How is Savannah?”

“Actually, we're in Miami. That's what I wanted to call you about. I found my parents. They're alive.”

“Whoa. I suspected something with the way Nathan and Jackson bounced so quickly, but that's one I didn't think of.”

“Yeah well, Peter helped my parents fake their deaths. Nathan's already told Jackson about it, and it's a stake in Peter's heart if I can prove it. Andrea, I'm going to need your help.”

“What can I do?”

“I’ve never been able to crack Peter's home computer, or wherever he keeps whatever electronic files he's got. If I can get something to tie him to my parents' faked deaths, and to the dirty dealings my... that Sam Grammercy was doing, I can bring him down quickly.”

“What's the rush? I mean, besides your life being in danger.”

“I'm ready to move on from all of this. But I have to complete it first. I’ve put too much into this to just give it up. Andrea... can you help me?”

“Damn right. Let me get to work.”

“Thanks. I'll have another friend working it too, so if you run into someone online called BlakDhal1A, chill. That's my girl.”

“All right, I'll be in touch. For now, though, I've got class in ten. Enjoy Miami.”

Andrea hangs up, and I set my phone back in my bag. I hear the shower turn off and Jackson get out. “Any longer and I'd turn into a prune,” he calls. “But if you want, you can help me dry off.”

“Hmm, maybe I can,” I tease, going into the bathroom where he's dripping, gloriously naked, his cock hanging long and thick between his legs, and twitching as he sees me. “What, did you think I'd get dressed?”

“I wasn't sure, but I'm glad you didn't,” he replies, kissing me when I come close enough. “I thought you wanted to take your time?”

“I do. This is just a little foreplay,” I say. He’s already rock hard and ready to go at it, but we’ve got things to do. “Come on. Let's get dressed, go get some breakfast, and then we'll have all day to have fun before we head back to New Orleans and put this whole damn thing behind us.”

I leave the bathroom, Jackson lagging behind as he wipes down, and I get dressed quickly. I'm hungry, and after having sex, I'm looking forward to a big breakfast before coming back for more.

“Actually, I was thinking about that in the shower,” Jackson says nervously. “Uhm, is there a way that maybe we can get your vengeance without Peter going to jail?”

I've got my pants on, and my sports bra is half on, but I pause, shocked at what I just heard. I finish pulling my bra on and reach for a t-shirt, since it's closest. “You must be joking, Jackson. What do you want me to do, kill him?”

Jackson blanches, and shakes his head. “No, no. What I mean is... what about just the two of us running away? We live well, and safe from his influence. Isn't that a better revenge than destroying him and hurting others?”

Willow Winters's books