Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Letty’s eyes went wide as she said, “Michael.”

Nodding, Landon went back into the house to get Miles’s car keys. Letty followed behind him and quickly grabbed her coat. She just wanted to kiss Miles’s face, and hold her son.

“We’re gonna get them back, Letty. Miles was step one. C’mon, let’s go get him.”

Without another word, Letty followed Landon out of the house barely able to breathe.


“CAPADONNO!” A GRAVELLY voice called out.

Miles lifted his head from his hands as he looked to see who was calling his name. Meeting eyes with Officer Reid, Miles stared up at him with a perplexed expression written all over his face. There was something oddly familiar about the man. Although Miles was sure that he had never met the officer until today when he arrested him, Miles had an odd sense of déjà vu when he looked into the man’s face.

“You’re free to go. The charges are being dropped,” said the officer.

“Really? That was quick,” Miles said in a surprised tone of voice. “Did you find out who really did it?”

The officer smiled faintly before replying, “As a matter of fact we did.”

The officer opened the door of the holding cell and let Miles step out before he locked it once again.

“Hey man…What’s your first name?” Miles asked with a curious look in his eyes.

“Why?” the officer asked in a leery tone of voice. His eyes drilled onto Miles’s face trying to detect where Miles was coming from with his question.

“You look real familiar to me.”

The cop laughed dryly. “It’s Dan.”

“Short for Daniel? Daniel Reid?” Miles persisted.

“Yeah, do I know you?” Officer Reid asked as he tried to place Miles’s face.

“You knew my mother,” Miles said plainly. He eyed the officer with a knowing look in his dark eyes. “Andie.”

“Cormack?” Dan replied in a shocked tone.


“Oh, wow,” Dan exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I knew Andie Cormack well.”

A smile broke onto the officer’s face. Finally, Miles understood why the man looked so familiar. Miles could see his brother, Landon, in the officer’s smile.

Miles chuckled. “You and my mom, huh?”

Dan looked at Miles with a sheepish expression upon his face. Giving Miles a nod, Dan gave him the answer without saying a word.

“Does my father know?”

“I’m still alive, ain’t I?”

Miles chuckled darkly. “Does my kid brother know?”

Somberly, Dan replied, “No,” as he buried his hands deep in his pockets.

“When are you gonna say something?” Miles prodded.

“When the time is right.”

I knew that kid didn’t have an ounce of Capadonno blood in him. Maybe the old man suspects and that’s why he let the kid opt out, Miles thought.

“You make sure you do,” Miles said with a serious gaze permeating from his eyes. A moment later, Miles walked towards the security door. As the door was opened by another officer, Miles gave Daniel Reid a nod and walked through the double doors and reclaimed his freedom once more.

“Here he comes,” Landon said as he peered out the driver’s side window as Miles crossed the parking lot. Rising from the driver seat, Landon got out of the car, leaving the door open for Miles.

Approaching his brother, Miles grabbed the top of Landon’s head and kissed his forehead, then rushed to Letty’s side. Pulling her out of the car, Miles brought her into a bear hug. As Letty buried her face in Miles’s chest with tears streaming down her face, Miles whispered in her ear, “We’re gonna get them both back. I know where they are.”

“You-You do?” Letty asked in a staccato voice. Her breath hitched with anxiety.

“Where are they?”

“Brooklyn, New York. We’re going tonight, but first I have something to do.”


“Gotta take out the trash.”

Letty wasn’t quite sure what Miles meant with his comment, she was just relieved that he was out and that he seemed to have some inside information on what was going on. Landon climbed in the backseat as Letty got back inside the car. Miles gave a cautious glance around him before climbing back inside the vehicle. As he took the driver’s seat, Miles turned off the radio.

“Strap in,” Miles demanded as he revved the engine of the muscle car. As soon as he heard two clicks of seat belts snapping into their harnesses, Miles slammed on the gas, as Corina sped out of sight.

“Where are we going?” Landon asked.

“We have business to handle,” Miles said cryptically.

As Miles expertly maneuvered the streets of Carrion, Letty pulled her cell phone to her ear.

“Who are you calling?” Miles asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Ruin. I should probably let him know about G,” Letty explained. “Not that he cares.”

Miles didn’t respond as Letty began to talk into her phone, instead his gaze hardened as he kept his eyes on the road.

Addison Kline's books