Miles Away (Carrion #1)

You could hear the sound of Letty’s gasp from across the room. Miles didn’t make any such sound though. Slyly, he passed his gun onto Letty’s lap from under the table, and he looked up at the officer and replied, “Yes?”

“Miles Capadonno, you’re under arrest for the murder of Vinnie “The Fish” Moretta. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to a lawyer…”

“What?” Miles screamed. “I didn’t kill him!”

“Three eye witnesses say you did,” Officer Reid said with a cool tone of voice.

“Your witnesses are fucking liars!” Miles spat. He had a look of pure rage on his face. Knox and Dustin exchanged a nervous look. Letty looked pale as a ghost as she tried to wrap her head around the situation. Landon stood up.

“He didn’t do it. He hasn’t been alone since he got out. It’s not him,” Landon said to Officer Reid, blocking him from getting to his brother.

“Son, move out of the way,” Officer Reid said sternly. “He’ll get due process, but I gotta take him in.”

Everyone else remained silent as they watched the officer slip a pair of cuffs around Miles’s wrists. Turning around to face his father, Miles glared at his father as a slimy smile creased Michael Capadonno’s face.

A stone cold look washed over Miles’s handsome face as he mouthed the words, “Sei morto, Padre. Sei morto.”

Turning around with the officers at his back, Miles yelled to Landon, “Don’t you leave her side! You stay wit’ her until I get out! I mean it!”

Landon nodded gravely at his brother’s desperate plea as the cops forced him out of the room. As Miles was pushed out the front door, Landon went to Letty’s side.

“What did he say? What does that mean?” Landon asked in a frantic voice.

With a serious look on her face, Letty replied, “You’re dead, Father. You’re dead.”


LANDON LED LETTY OUT the patio door of the mansion and made a bee-line for Corina. Getting Letty into the passenger seat, Landon ran to the driver’s seat and hauled ass away from the Capadonno compound. Letty pulled her cell phone out of her bag and dialed her father’s number again, but once again the call went straight to voicemail.

“God damn it!” Letty screamed as she threw her phone back into her bag. Glancing over at Landon with a frantic look in her eyes, Letty said, “We have to stop by my father’s. He’s not answering his phone and he has my son.”

“All right,” Landon said as he turned in the opposite direction.

“Do you know the way?” Letty asked with a bewildered look on her face.

“Yes. Miles asked me a few years ago to keep an eye out for you in a letter. Told me your address.”

Letty laughed. “Oh, did he…”

“Yeah, in a totally not stalkerish way. He’s just protective of you. He doesn’t want anything to happen to you.”

“My father has a business card for a good lawyer on his fridge. Remind me to grab it,” Letty said as she looked nervously out her window.

“He didn’t do it, you know…”

Letty snapped her eyes back to Landon’s face. “I know he didn’t. He’s been with me the whole time… Well, except for when he went clothes shopping, but he had my kid with him. Miles wouldn’t…”

“Yeah, I get that, but you can’t provide him with an alibi… And I doubt your kid could either. Somebody was clocking him.”

“Think Michael is trying to set him up again?” Letty asked.

“I know that’s what’s going on.”

“Well, wait. Stores have video footage… Right?”

“Yeah, usually…” Landon replied.

“Well, he was at Black Dragon…”

“The biker shop?”

“Yeah, that’s where he got his boots and he bought a pair for my kid.”

“Well, when we go to the station, we’re going to make sure they know that. I’ll be damned if he’s going to take the fall again for a man my father killed!”

Letty’s eyes snapped on Landon’s face once again.


“What what?”

“Michael killed Giancarlo Rigatti?”

“Yeah. I thought that was common knowledge,” Landon said.

“Umm… No!”

“And I’m pretty sure he’s the one that killed Fish.”

“Well after the other night, it wouldn’t surprise me…”

“The other night?”

Letty sighed as she slapped her hands on her legs.



“Your father is the one that killed Anthony Spinelli.”

“Huh? When?”

“Friday night. Just before you and Miles showed up.”

“Was Knox involved?”

“No. Knox doesn’t know anything about it.”

Landon tried to sort out his thoughts and make sense of the situation, but it was no use. There was no making heads or tails of what was happening. Letting out a sigh, Landon double parked out front of Letty’s father’s house.

“Here we are,” Landon said. “Hold on, I’m coming with you.”

“Lock the car. He’ll snap if anything happens to it,” Letty warned.

Juan Alves’s car was still parked in the driveway, a fact that brought Letty considerable comfort.

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