Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“What else is new? The bastard’s been trying to kill me for the last seventeen years,” Miles explained as he placed a hand on the back of his waist band. “I know you’re packing, and you should know, I’m packing double, and I never miss a shot. Move aside.”

“You’re lucky I hate your father, because I’d be really tempted to claim that cash.”

“Don’t get too greedy. He doesn’t pay up easy.”

Mark Pena nodded as he backed up a few inches.

“I’ve never had a problem wit’ you, Miles. We have common enemies. I was just told to pop by and see what all the commotion was about.”

“That would be Schiabetta…”

“I thought he was locked up.”

“His kid… Anthony. Shot me twice. Lucky for me, I decided to wear a vest today,” Miles commented.

“Damn Schiabetta senior and junior tried to ice you. That’s nuts.”

“It’s a family affair, I guess,” Miles said coolly.

Mark Pena nodded and held out a hand to Miles.

“See you on the flip side, Cap’…” Mark said as Miles slapped his hand.

“Later, Pena…”

As Mark Pena skulked away, Miles heard Letty let out a deep sigh of relief.

“Gotta learn to relax, baby. My father’s not the only one with connections,” Miles said cryptically.

A moment later, Miles hailed down a cab that would take them back to their hotel which was on the other side of the complex. Just a short ten minute ride was all it took to get back to their hotel room. As Letty entered the room, she glanced back at Miles with a devious smirk on her face. Running her fingers along the edge of the windowsill with the lights of Atlantic City glowing in the distance, Letty pursed her lips. Miles lowered himself into a chair by the window. Pulling off his Hurricane Leticia t-shirt, Miles took her bait. “What?”

Miles took off his bulletproof vest and placed it gently on the floor next to his chair as Letty gazed at him from the windowsill, her lips still pursed.

“You never did ask me,” Letty said her eyes scrutinizing Miles’s face.

“I know I didn’t,” Miles said as a smile grew from his lips.

Miles summoned Letty with a crook of his ring finger. Patting his leg, Miles non-verbally cued Letty to take a seat on his lap. As Letty approached him, Miles pulled her close to him, sliding her legs atop his, and cradling her waist with his sturdy hand.

“Grow old with me, Letty. Spend your years by my side. Tie yourself to me, and let me glue myself to you. This thing we have, it’s as natural as air. As natural as breathing. It’s when were apart that we are both gasping for air. Do it. Say you’ll marry me,” Miles whispered, never taking his eyes off of Letty.

All the air rushed from Letty’s mouth as she looked back at Miles. She didn’t say anything as a smile tugged at her lips. Pressing her lips to Miles, she cradled his cheeks in her hands, giving him a sweet kiss that brought back memories of their innocent teenage days together.

As the smile faded from Letty’s mouth, she replied, “I will.”


THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Miles and Letty woke up shortly before the nine o’clock hour, utterly exhausted from barely getting a stitch of sleep. Let’s face it though, who goes to Atlantic City to sleep? Rustling in bed, Miles sat up, stirring Letty to wake up.

“C’mon. Let’s go grab some breakfast before they shut the buffets down,” Miles said as his stomach growled loudly.

“Okay,” Letty said with a yawn. “Let me just call and check on G.”

“Do you think your dad is awake yet?” Miles asked.

“Knowing G, he probably had him up with the roosters,” Letty said with a laugh.

“Early bird… Are you sure he’s your son?” Miles asked facetiously.

“Shut up!” Letty griped as she threw a pillow at Miles’s head.

“C’mon, get up! I’m starving!” Miles whined. Reaching under the covers, Miles tickled Letty’s foot, damn near receiving a boot to the head.

“All right, I’m up! I’m up!” Letty protested.

About a half hour later, Letty was finally ready to go down to breakfast, and Miles was hungry enough to eat a horse. After they filled their plates with an assortment of breakfast foods, including pancakes, bacon, eggs and fresh fruit, Letty and Miles found a place to sit. Before digging into her breakfast, Letty dialed her father’s digits on her cell phone. After five rings it went to voicemail.

“Hey, it’s me! Just checking in. Call me back.”

Letty ended the call and placed her cell phone on the table.

“Not up yet?” Miles asked.

“I guess not. No one is answering the phone,” Letty said with a slightly alarmed look upon her face. “That’s odd.”

Suddenly, a text message came through. Grabbing her phone, Letty assumed that it must be her father, but when she saw the screen, it wasn’t. Michael Capadonno’s face popped up on the screen. Miles saw it, and immediately his stomach soured.

“What does he want?” Miles asked coolly.

“I don’t know. I’m almost afraid to open it.”

Addison Kline's books