Miles Away (Carrion #1)

“Dance with me,” Miles said. It wasn’t a demand, but it also wasn’t a question. Despite his rough exterior, Miles had a gentle way about him when it came to Letty.

Without a word, Miles helped Letty up from her seat as they walked, hand in hand, to the dance floor that was situated in the center of the dining room. Placing a hand on Miles’s shoulder, and letting him clasp her other hand, Letty let Miles take the lead for once. Swaying to the music, Letty and Miles relished in the intimacy of the moment, moving gently to the sensual rise and fall of the melody. Letty brushed a thumb over the back of Miles’s neck. Looking down at Letty, Miles’s dark as night eyes seemed to penetrate her very soul. As she lost herself in Miles’s gaze, Miles gripped Letty’s waist tighter as he skated her around the dance floor. Allowing his head to drop, Miles closed his eyes as he let the song and Letty’s touch guide him. As he looked up again, his lips grazed Letty’s ever so gently. Letty had forgotten that she was in a casino with thousands of other people as she was lost in Miles’s eyes, engaging in a dance that was as easy as breathing. She never wanted to leave this moment, but try as she might, the moment was fleeting.

Pop! Pop!

“Get down! Somebody’s got a gun!” a man shouted at the top of his lungs.

Letty couldn’t speak. She couldn’t breathe. Hell, Letty could barely move. As the screams and the sounds of running feet assaulted her ears, Letty tried to grasp what was going on. Miles hadn’t said anything. Miles stood perfectly still with Letty still in his grasp. After a moment, as Letty came to, she began to scream, “Miles!” Her hands reached up to his face because he appeared to be in some sort of shock. Quickly snapping out of it, Miles’s eyes were cold as he turned around to face Anthony Schiabetta. When Letty turned around, she shrieked in horror when she saw two bullet holes in the back of Miles’s shirt.

“Miles, you’ve been shot!” Letty screamed. “Blood. Why isn’t there any blood?!”

Cracking his neck as he looked at his father’s associate, Miles had murder in his eyes. Quickly tearing off his tie and his nice dress shirt, Miles dropped the torn fabric to the floor revealing the reason why there was no blood. Miles was wearing a bulletproof vest that protected his chest and back.

“You gotta shoot a man with his back turned? Fucking coward. You’ll be joining your asshole father soon in the can. Big ol’ family reunion!”

“Police! Hands up!”

Anthony’s eyes bugged as he heard the sound of the police arrive, but instead of raising his arms, he made a run for it. He didn’t get far though. As Anthony Schiabetta ran off with his gun still in his hands, Miles darted after him, tackling him and slamming him down face first onto a blackjack table with a crunch. It sounded like he had broken some bones in the process. Letty wouldn’t be at all surprised if he did.

“C’mere!” Miles yelled to the cops. “Come clean up this garbage!”

Two police officers came running over to the blackjack table. An Officer Collins said, “We can take it from here.”

Miles scoffed, “Are you sure? Fucker shot at me twice. Get him out of here, before I change my mind and shoot back.”

“Thanks, buddy,” another officer said.

“Yeah,” Miles said as he waved the officers off. “Fucking asshole,” Miles spat at Anthony. “C’mon, Letty. Let’s get out of here.”

Letty grabbed Miles’s shirt off of the floor as she ran to him. Her brain barely allowing her a chance to think, Letty stared at Anthony with wide eyes. As the officers cuffed Anthony and lifted him off the table, he snarled at Letty.

“Don’t worry, chica. You’re next!” Anthony spat.

“Go fuck yourself, Schiabetta! You’ve got worse aim than your father does!” Letty spat, earning an amused look from Miles.

“Keep it moving, tough guy. Let’s go, clear out,” the cops pressed as they nudged Anthony off of the casino floor.

“You all right?” Miles asked Letty with a look of concern in his eyes.

Letty laughed. “I’m fine. You’re the one who was just shot at. Thank God for that vest.”

Miles shook his head as he examined his shirt.

“Brand new shirt, too. Damn it.”

“Considering the alternative?” Letty said as a more serious tone took over her face.

Miles nodded, knowing exactly where her thoughts were going. “I’m always prepared, Letty. These guys are as transparent as cellophane.”

Grabbing his shirt from Letty, Miles chucked it into a trash can. As he turned back to Letty, he grabbed her hand and led the way out of the restaurant.

“Where are we going now?” Letty asked.

“Well, for one… I need a new shirt,” Miles said with a laugh.

Letty eyed Miles up and down as she pursed her lips. She let her eyes linger over Miles’s bulletproof jacket, his biceps and the intricate network of tattoos that covered his body. After a moment of appreciating the specimen of man before her, Letty replied, “Oh, I don’t know. I think I like this look better…”

Addison Kline's books