Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

“I’m here with you,” Ryder whispered. “That’s all that matters.”

“And the rest of us are just chopped liver,” Drake said from the back of the SUV. He, Brandon, and Bram knelt together, not looking too comfortable in the small, enclosed space.

“True,” Charlotte said with a smile. “We’re not Leah. But we’re here for you anyway.” She handed Ryder some beef jerky. “Now eat this before you pass out. Your wolf is hungry.”

He took it from her and chewed as Leah worked on a deep cut on his side. Each wound tugged at her and the mating bond flared. But when she looked into Ryder’s eyes, she knew it would be okay. At least for now. It surprised her how quickly she’d fallen for him, even with how hard they’d tried to stay apart. And yet, she knew this was exactly where she should be. At his side, no matter the pain, no matter the cost.

By the time they got to the Talon den and Walker had Healed him as much as he could, Ryder looked exhausted and ready to pass out. Thankfully, they were allowed to go back to his place—their place now—so he could rest.

There would be time for talking, planning, and dealing with the ramifications of what Ryder had witnessed, but first, her mate needed to Heal. Kameron and Mitchell were on their way back to the compound to see what information they could gather; however, Leah wanted to focus on Ryder first. The other worries could wait.

Walker had helped strip Ryder and put him in bed, leaving Leah to tend to him for now. While her mate slept, she quickly showered, washing his blood from her skin and soaking in the water, needing its healing presence to soothe her soul as well as her body.

She’d almost lost him today, and she hadn’t even had the chance to fully take action against those who took him. One day soon she would, she knew, but for now, just having Ryder near would have to be enough. Her Pack and her new family were in danger, and all she wanted to do was cuddle into her mate and try to remember that there was a reason they fought.

That, in its own way, was another form of healing. One she needed to embrace.

She shut off the water and dried herself off before walking naked into the bedroom. Ryder slept on his back, his wounds almost fully healed. Because he hadn’t broken any bones nor hurt any internal organs, he’d be back to full strength by the morning. It should have surprised her, but considering what she could do with her own magic, it didn’t.

Leah lifted the covers and slid into the bed beside him, careful not to jostle his nearly healed wounds. When he turned his head and opened his eyes, she bit her lip, another tear sliding down her cheek.

“Never do that again.” Her voice broke. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”

He lifted his arm, and she carefully pressed her naked body to his. Immediately, her magic reached out and wrapped around him, needing him as much as his wolf needed her. The bond pulsed red-hot between them, and she sighed.

“I’m sorry, little witch. The only thing I thought about when I was there was seeing you again. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He kissed her forehead and she sighed. “I love you, Leah. You’re my mate, my heart, the other half of my soul. I love you.”

The tears flowed freely down her cheeks now. “I love you, too, my wolf.”

They’d mated already, and the bond between them glowed brightly. But it was the words that the humans needed.

Together, they lay cuddled under the blankets, healing in a way that only they would understand. They’d fought together and had saved one another from not only the outside world but also the demons within.

When she’d been running for her life, she’d never thought to find the one person who could complete her in a way that never left her wanting. And yet, the goddess had blessed her with not only a mate, but a male who truly understood what she could provide to the Pack.

She would fight by his side and fight for their Pack. She was witch, she was Talon, she was Ryder’s. And most of all, she was Leah.

She wasn’t alone anymore.

Not by far.


Ryder gripped his mate’s hips, pumping in and out of her as they both panted with need. Leah knelt in front of him, her hands fisting in the sheets as he fucked her from behind. With one hand, he slid his fingers over her and probed her ass. When she gasped and pushed back, he slowly worked his way inside, his fingers slick from her juices.

That movement made her come, her pussy clenching around his dick. Since he couldn’t hold back when he was with her, he thrust into her once more then came, as well, filling her up until they both lay together on the bed, spent and sweaty.

“Good morning,” Leah panted.