Mated in Mist (Talon Pack #3)

She met the Alpha’s gaze for a moment then looked away, not able to handle his dominance. She didn’t think most people could. “They were humans. They knew we were witches and were trying to capture us. Kill us.”

The fourth man in the room let out a slight curse. He winced then sighed. “I’m Brandon, the Omega. Hell. The humans were after you?”

She nodded at Walker’s triplet brother. “Yes, they were. I don’t know what they saw, but Roland had to use magic to save us.” She swallowed hard. “I don’t know exactly why they were after us. We’ve been running from them for a few weeks, and before that…well, we had to hide who we were from the witches, as well. But that…that I can’t talk about.” She looked at Gideon again. “I’m sorry I can’t talk about it, but the most pressing thing is the humans.”

Gideon let out a growl, and Ryder put his hand on her shoulder. She immediately relaxed at his touch, even as her body heated. What the hell was wrong with her?

“We couldn’t find who was after you, but we’ll help you,” Gideon said. “When you feel more comfortable with us, I hope you’ll tell us why you were running longer. Running from the witches. But as you say, you have no home, no one to run to. Considering where we found you, I’m guessing you and your twin were running either toward us or the Redwoods. Let us offer you shelter.”

Something filled her, was it relief? A sense of…hope? She wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t quite come up with the words she needed to say. She’d never had a true shelter. Even before the humans had hunted her and Roland, she’d always had to be careful, oh so careful, of whom she was. But these wolves, wolves who knew nothing about her except what she told them, were offering her sanctuary. They had their own pains, their own battles and troubles, yet they offered their home to her.

They were nothing like the beasts those that shunned her spoke of, nothing like the animals the media tried to portray them as.

“I…I would like the time to rest.”

Gideon nodded as if he’d known all along that would be her answer. “We have a few homes empty. However, we have more wolves coming in from the outside world now that they are no longer safe.”

“And you don’t want to waste space on someone who might not be staying for too long,” she finished for him. Plus, she wasn’t Pack. It would make sense that they wouldn’t want her too far away from their careful watch. That way she couldn’t pry to deeply into their lives as well, since they’d be the ones watching her and not the other way around.

“She can stay with me,” Ryder blurted.

She froze, then looked over at him. His eyes were wide—as were his siblings’. “Huh?”

He cleared his throat. “I have a guest room. She can stay with me. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get lost in the den.”

That reason seemed like a stretch, but she couldn’t formulate the words for why that would be a bad plan. A very bad plan.

Brandon, the Omega, stepped closer to her and studied her face. She pulled back, not knowing what he was doing. Ryder’s hand on her shoulder tightened.

“I think it sounds like a good idea,” Brandon said softly then stepped back.

She swallowed hard and nodded. “I don’t mind. As long as I’m not in the way.”

“You won’t be in the way,” Ryder said.

Brie looked between the two of them before smiling. There was something in that smile that scared Leah to no end. There was hope there. But there was no hope where Leah was concerned. There never had been and there never would be.

“If that’s what you want,” Gideon said finally. “I’d like to know more about you. In fact, since you’re in my den and with my Pack, I’m going to insist on it.” Ryder growled. “But first, you will heal.”

His tone didn’t surprise her, he was an Alpha wolf, after all, but she still didn’t appreciate it. She should be grateful that they were letting her stay while she found her bearings, but she could barely think.

She needed time to process. Time to reflect. Would she be staying here for long? Or would she be running again? She didn’t know, but sitting in a room with a bunch of wolves she didn’t know probably wouldn’t help her make that choice.

Gideon’s phone buzzed in his pocket, the sound echoing in the room, and he pulled it out. He read the screen and cursed before showing it to Brie, who paled.

“Oh, dear goddess,” the Alpha’s mate whispered.

“What is it?” Ryder asked.

Gideon met Leah’s eyes. “It seems they were filming you and Roland when they attacked.”

Leah’s heart raced.

“Only they showed the parts where Roland used his powers to save you and himself. Nothing about their attack on you.” He paused. “The witches have officially been Unveiled.”

And it was her fault.

She’d shown the world that her people exist.

Now it wasn’t only the wolves who had to watch their backs; who didn’t know what the future would bring. The entire witch community would have to watch their every move, as well.