Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

I took a deep breath and steadied myself.

I had to get it together. I was in the heart of my enemy’s house, begging them for protection. Everything I did was dangerous.

I had to keep myself together for the sake of my son.



I looked down at the squirming baby and made a face.

“You look like an alien,” I said.

It blinked back up at me. It had striking blue eyes, just like its mother.

I sighed. The baby was a he, and his name was Alexei. And apparently it was my son.

Maybe he looked like me a little bit. We shared some features, but it was hard to tell. He was just so small and young.

As I stood there waiting for Kaley to finish in the bathroom, I looked down at Alex. I felt something in that moment. I had never held a baby before in my life, and I’d never wanted to.

Babies were a distraction. They sucked away all your time and your money and your freedom. They were a ball and chain, an anchor keeping you in place. I didn’t want to be held down. I wanted to rage through the city, taking what I fucking wanted. Instead, I was standing in a hallway holding some strange baby, wondering if it was really my son.

“You’re actually a little cute,” I said softly, hoping nobody heard me.

He looked back up at me.

And then he started to scream.

“Shit,” I said. “Kaley,” I called out loudly.

She pushed open the door. “It’s okay,” she said. “He cries sometimes.”

She took him from me and I frowned. That was a horrible noise he was making, absolutely blood-curdling.

“It’s okay,” she said, rocking Alex. “Mama’s got you. It’s okay.”

Slowly the baby calmed down.

“Come on,” I grunted at her.

She followed me silently back to the office.

Crying babies. I’d never thought in my entire life that I’d be holding a damn crying brat. One second it was fine, just a warm bundle of squirming baby, and the next it was howling like a demon.

Damn thing sure could scream.

Kaley sat back down at the table and Rafa looked at us.

“That was fast,” he said.

“They just swab your mouth,” I answered. “Nothing to it.”

“What now?” Kaley asked. “They said we won’t have the results for another three days.”

“Shit,” Rafa said. “Three days?”

“It’s fine,” I said. “We’ll figure it out.”

As I sat down at my desk, there was a knock at the door. I sighed and got back up, walking over to the door. I pulled it open and Lucas grinned in at me.

“Sup, daddy?” he said.

“Fuck you.”

He laughed. “Let me see her.”

I moved aside and Lucas stepped into the room. He smiled down at Kaley.

“So, you’re the trouble,” he said to her.

“I’m Kaley Kozlov.”

“Lucas Barone.”

She blinked. “The Lucas Barone?”

He smirked and I sighed. Lucas was famous in the city just because he was the son of Arturo. It could be obnoxious sometimes.

“The one and only,” he said. “And this is Vince’s son?” He moved over and looked at the baby. “He’s really cute.”

“Thanks,” Kaley said.

“Can I?”

Kaley looked surprised. “Sure.”

She handed Alex over to Lucas, and he held the kid like it was nothing.

“Hello there, little guy,” he said. “What’s his name?” he asked me.

“Alexei,” I said.

“Russian.” Lucas frowned.

“Yes, Russian,” Kaley said. “Remember where he comes from.”

I looked at her. “We won’t forget.”

She stared back at me, defiant and fucking beautiful. Without the kid in her arms, I was reminded of exactly why I’d took her home that night.

“I have kids myself, you know,” Lucas said.

“Really?” Kaley asked.

“Sure. Two boys.”

“What are their names?”

“Stokes and Cooper.”

“Wow. Cool names.”

He laughed. “My wife picked them out. I would have chosen something simpler.” He handed the kid back to Kaley and looked at me. “Come on. The boss wants to speak with you.”

“Is it about me?” Kaley asked.

“Yes,” Lucas said, “it is.”

“Let me meet with him.”

“No,” I said quickly. “Stay here. I’ll be back.”

She frowned but didn’t say anything. Lucas looked at her for a second and then we left the room together, heading toward Arturo’s office.

“Interesting girl,” Lucas commented.

“Yeah,” I said. “Strong willed.”

“That’s one way of putting it.”

We walked in silence until we reached Arturo’s office. Lucas knocked and then pushed the door open.

The office was as richly furnished as any other place in the house. Arturo himself was sitting behind his big wooden desk, and he gestured at the chairs for us to sit. We walked in, but Lucas stayed standing while I sat down.

B. B. Hamel's books