Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

“I’m skeptical.”

“Good. You should be.” I stepped back and took her hand. “Come on.”

She bit her lip, hesitating for a second, then nodded. I led her away, down toward the indoor pool.

I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted to, wanted to be stronger and better, but I couldn’t. Not when she was so close, not when she looked so damn good.

I was taking her someplace where she could get clean. But my intentions were very far from honorable.



I followed Carter, knowing I should probably just go back to my apartment, but unable to stop myself. The thought of the night before, his cock between my lips, kept coming back to me. I wanted more. Needed more, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I got it.

He took me down a flight of steps and into the indoor pool area. “I’ve seen the pool,” I said.

“Just wait.” He kept walking, through the back door and into the locker room area. We went past benches and lockers and into another room I’d never noticed before. He opened a door and we stepped inside.

It took my breath away. It was a circular room, maybe an octagon, with a large circular stone pedestal in the middle at maybe waist-height. The pedestal had a complicated gold inlay design that looked like a circular flower blooming to the edges. The room was all white marble and tile, with breathtaking patterns building up along the walls in navy blue and black. There were shower heads all along the sides of the room in eight distinct little stalls, though there were no doors anywhere. The room was beautiful, absolutely breathtaking, and I had no clue that it was here.

“What is this?” I asked him.

“It’s a Turkish bath,” he said. “Well, a more modern version of it at least. There are usually tubs or basins instead of showers along the walls.”

“Wow.” I stepped inside, releasing his hand.

“Normally, you’d undress and lay down on this.” He patted the pedestal in the middle. It was large enough for two or three adults to lay down on it together. “Then the attendant would use a bunch of soap and water to clean you off and massage you.”

I shook my head, smiling. I walked over to a shower stall and marveled at the details in the tiling. “Are you going to clean me off then?”

He came up from behind me and put his hands on my hips. “Undress and find out.”

I laughed, stepping away, my heart hammering in my chest. “Do you come down here often?”

“No,” he admitted. “It’s mostly just for guests that use the pool. But it is really a gorgeous room.”

“It is,” I agreed, and then turned on a shower. The water came out warm and steamy, and I let it run down into a drain in the floor.

I turned toward him and slowly pulled down my tights. He leaned back against the pedestal, watching, as I undressed. My heart beat faster as I pulled off my sports bra and stepped under the water, letting it rinse over me.

I turned my back on him, letting the water wash off the sweat from my workout. I heard him undressing behind me, and I couldn’t help but feel excitement pooling between my legs. I was soaking wet by the time I felt him step up behind me, his hard cock pressed against my body.

“Is this why you wanted me down here?” I asked him, smiling.

“Yes,” he said. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to keep your clothes on.”

“You know me so well.”

“I just know what you want.”

“What’s that?”

“Me.” He tipped my head back and kissed me, his arms wrapping around my body.

I reached my hands back and kissed him in return, my heart pounding in my ears. His hands slowly slid down my slick skin and pressed between my legs, finding my soaked pussy.

He stroked me softly, rubbing my clit, and I couldn’t help but moan into his kiss. He turned me and pushed me back against the wall, the tiles cold against my back. He laughed at my expression and turned the water on warmer, letting the steam fill the room as he kissed my neck, his fingers between my legs.

“I knew you’d be dripping wet, too,” he said. “The second you saw me back there I bet you were thinking about sucking my cock last night.”

“No,” I lied.

“You liked almost getting caught, didn’t you? It excites you when you come anywhere near me, because you know how fucking wrong it is.”

“That’s not it,” I said.

“What is it then? What makes you so wet?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s because I’m you stepfather, and you’re not supposed to have me.” He pressed his fingers inside of me suddenly and I gasped, moaning, clutching at his shoulders. “That and I’m very good with my hands.”

He began to work my body faster, one hand on my breasts, teasing my nipples, while he slid his fingers in and out of me with the other. I spread my legs wider, warmth filling my body from the heat of the steam and from his touch.

B. B. Hamel's books