Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

For the third time he kissed me, and for the third time I didn’t try to pull away.

I melted into his kiss, returning it with a passion. I knew I should have been smarter than this, but I was past caring. For some reason, sitting out on the edge made me reckless and wild, and in that moment I was willing to do anything. With Carter, I was willing to do anything. I wanted to be that girl he wanted, the girl that was sexy and wild and free, the one that I knew he thought he was seeing whenever he looked at me. I wanted to be that for him, to be the girl I knew that I probably wasn’t. I was just Emily, plain old Emily, boring and normal Emily.

Except I didn’t want to be her anymore. I wanted to be more.

I reached down and found Carter’s belt. He grunted as I unfastened it and slowly pressed my hand into the front of his dress pants.

I found his cock, hard as hell and straining against his boxer briefs. He groaned as I stroked him, surprised at his length and girth.

“Emily,” he groaned. “Fuck.”

I smiled at him, unable to control myself. “Is this what you wanted?”

“You’re fucking right it is,” he said. I continued to stroke him.

“What else do you want?”

He took my hair, tipping my head back and pressed his lips against my ear. “I want you to get down on your knees. I want you to suck my cock. And I want you to swallow every ounce of my fucking cum.”

I let out a moan, a real freaking moan, just at the words he said. It was so dirty, so stupid, and exactly what I wanted.

“Yes,” I said. I dropped to my knees and pulled down his pants and his briefs, taking his hard cock in my hand.

I stared at his size for a second, surprised. Then he pressed my head down and I opened my mouth, taking his tip between my lips and slowly sliding them up and down his length.

I could barely fit him into my mouth, but I tried to take as much as he could. I stroked his shaft with one hand, teasing him with my tongue, sucking him slowly.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “I’ve been wanting those lips wrapped around my cock. You fucking dirty slut, you know we could get caught up here?”

I nodded but didn’t stop. I was dripping wet, excitement roaring through me.

“Good. I knew you fucking liked the danger. You like being bad for me, don’t you?”

I moaned slightly, sucking him faster, a raging fire deep inside of me. I wasn’t careful as I took him into my throat, using my spit to jerk his shaft off, sucking him faster and faster. I wanted to taste his cum, wanted to take him deep into my throat. He was huge, and I knew I’d gag, but I tried anyway.

“Shit,” he said, grabbing my hair. “Take that big cock into your throat, Emily.”

I gagged, like I knew I would, but I kept doing it. I was sucking this forbidden man’s cock on the roof of a fancy hotel, something I never imagined I’d do in a million years, and I felt so damn good. I was dripping wet, needy and filled with desire, Carter’s cock in my mouth.

“Take that fucking dick,” he said, pressing me down and groaning. He fucked my lips, sliding himself in and out, and I could hear his grunts getting faster, closer together. I knew he was getting close.

I sucked him faster, harder. I felt so damn sexy on my knees in front of him, his cock in my throat. I was going to make him come and I’d swallow every drop, just like he told me to.

“I’m fucking close,” he grunted.

I sucked him faster, jerking his shaft faster, not letting up.

“Shit,” he groaned, and I tasted his cum. He shot himself deep into my mouth and throat, and I took his warmth. He groaned as I swallowed every drop, not stopping, not letting up.

When I was finished, I looked him in the eyes and licked him clean.

“Fuck,” he said, breathless. “I almost fucking passed out. You’re incredible.” When I finished, he lifted me to my feet and kissed me hard.

I giggled, feeling surprisingly incredible. “I’ve never done anything like that before,” I admitted.

“What? Give a billionaire head?”

“No,” I said. “Well, yeah. And my stepfather. And on the roof of a hotel.”

He laughed as he pulled up his pants then he kissed me again. “I see a ledge over there that’s safe and just the right height. Let’s get you on there, spread your legs, and let me make us even.”

“Carter!” I said, smiling, feeling that excitement build.

Just then, the door back into the hotel opened. We both froze and looked over as a young guy dressed like a waiter stepped out. He took something from his pocket, and for a second I thought about running. If it was a paparazzo, we were screwed. A picture of the two of us alone on the roof would be horrible, and I wasn’t sure if Carter had his pants back on entirely yet.

But it was just a cigarette. He lit up and walked in the opposite direction of us, not sparing us a second glance.

“Shit,” I hissed. “That could have been bad.”

He laughed, smirking at me. “You’re still dripping wet, though.”

B. B. Hamel's books