Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

“Yeah,” I grunted. “Fine.”

She turned, and I gave the place one last look before following her back toward the bike. We picked our way over the uneven dirt road, and as we got close to the bike, she tripped on something, stumbling.

I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her against me.

She took a deep breath. “Thanks,” she said, practically a whisper.

Her body was pressed against mine, my hands on her hips, my lips against her neck. My cock was suddenly rock hard, and that need, that same need from the night before, started coursing through my veins.

I wasn’t holding back this time. I wasn’t fucking playing games anymore. I kissed her neck and slipped my hand down the front of her jeans, finding her panties.

And they were soaking fucking wet.

She moaned loudly, tipping her head back. “Clutch,” she gasped as I found her clit.

I growled, desire and lust rushing through my whole mind. I couldn’t think of anything but taking her the way I wanted it. No more holding back. It was just me and her, alone in the woods with everything unsaid still left between us.

I kissed her neck, finding her clit, and began stroking her, rubbing her. She put her hands up and touched my face, moving them up to run her fingers through my hair.

“I can’t hold back anymore,” I grunted. “I’m taking what I want.”

“What do you want?” she gasped.

“This pussy. This fucking body. Everything about you.”

“What else?”

I pressed my fingers deep inside her and she gasped. I began to slide them deeply in and out, rubbing her clit and back in, working her pussy the way I knew she liked it.

“Your fire,” I whispered. “Your determination. Your loyalty. Your fucking brains. Everything about you makes my cock so hard I can barely fucking think.”

She turned around then, pulling my face to hers, and crushed my mouth with hers. I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close to me. We kissed that way for what felt like an hour, our bodies locked together, mouths moving, and my mind was empty. There was nothing there but Janine, her body, the wind through the trees.

Then she stepped back, pulling away. She moved back toward my bike, stopping once she felt it against the back of her legs. I advanced on her. She quickly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off.

I did the same, keeping my eyes on her. We didn’t need to say a word. We just undressed. She left her low-cut shirt on but tossed her panties aside as I slipped a condom from my jeans and tossed my boxer briefs and my pants aside.

I tucked the condom under her bra strap and grabbed her hair, kissing her again, my fingers finding her absolutely dripping wet pussy. Her hands found my hard cock and began to stroke me as I stroked her.

There was no messing around, nothing but animal lust between us. I pushed her back slightly, sitting her up onto the bike. She gasped as I pulled her forward slightly and dropped to my knees in front of her, pressing my mouth against her sweet cunt and tonguing her tight pussy.

She gasped as I licked her furiously, working her clit with my tongue and mouth, sucking and lapping at her. She gripped the bike to steady herself, and I held on to her legs, locking her in tight. I licked her pussy while she sat on my fucking bike, pure power underneath her as I sucked and licked that perfect clit.

She moaned loudly, her legs spread wide open. Neither of us cared about being out in public; it didn’t matter at all. Anyone could see or hear us, but all I could think about was her pussy under my tongue. I wanted to make her feel good, right, push her close to the limit.

I pressed my fingers deep inside her as I sucked her clit. I heard her groan and then reach up and rip something open. I looked up and saw her dangling the condom in front of me, this intense lust in her eyes.

I didn’t say a word. I just stood, took the condom, rolled it down my length, and then pressed my cock deep inside her. There was no buildup, no fucking around. I pushed my cock deep inside her pussy, and she gasped, throwing her head back.

“Fuck, girl,” I said as I began to thrust. “I’ve always wanted to fuck a tight pussy on my bike.”

“Oh god, I needed this,” she said. “I needed it so badly.”

I kissed her mouth, fucking her pussy. My cock slid in deep and wet, pushing hard and filling her every inch. She groaned against my mouth as I kept fucking her, holding her legs tight, her hands back against the bike to keep her balance.

B. B. Hamel's books