Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

By the time we finished eating and got back onto the bike, we were running right on time. Eating hadn’t been awkward or anything like that, but Clutch didn’t seem too talkative, and I didn’t want to push him too hard. We were both aware of our position in the world.

Jetter’s trailer was set out from the city on a small plot of land. We had to ride down an old dirt track to get there, and I was convinced that Clutch was going the wrong way, but the trailer appeared just beyond a clearing in the trees.

It didn’t look particularly nice, but then again I didn’t know much about trailers. It was white with a double green stripe around the center, like a big striped white whale. It was bulbous at both ends and actually pretty long. Clutch pulled the bike over, and I saw Jetter come out the front door.

He waved as Clutch killed the engine. There were plastic chairs scattered around and a fire pit not too far away. There was a large green awning jutting out over the front door.

“Welcome,” Jetter called out. “This is your future home.”

I climbed off the bike and could have sworn I heard Clutch say something, but when I looked at him, he was already leaning up against the bike like he wasn’t about to move an inch.

I took a step toward Jetter.

“Scream.” It was so soft that I almost didn’t hear it.

“What?” I looked at Clutch.

He was looking away. “If he touches you or something, scream and I’ll be there.”

“You’re not coming?”

He looked at me. “This is something you should do alone.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Scream,” he repeated, and then he looked away again.

I took a deep, steadying breath and then walked over toward my future husband and away from the man I really wanted.

Jetter spread his arms wide. “What do you think?”

I shrugged. “It’s nice.”

“Nice?” He laughed. “Don’t be shy. It’s fucking great.”

I smiled weakly. I had no clue what this little visit was about, or why he was trying to impress me. Maybe the reality of our situation was hitting him pretty hard and he was just beginning to realize that he was marrying a stranger.

“It’s great,” I said.

“Come on. I’ll give you the tour.” He disappeared inside the door.

I glanced back at Clutch, but he wasn’t watching.

Clutch was right. I had to do this myself. I couldn’t keep relying on that man to keep me safe. I took a step and then another. Then I followed Jetter into the trailer.

It was about what I expected, but a little nicer. The cabinets were all wood and the countertops were granite. The door led right into the kitchen, and that had a small table and a small couch.

“Kitchen and living room,” he said. He opened up a cabinet and there was a flat screen TV inside. “We got satellite out there. Works pretty good.” He shut it and beckoned for me to follow him.

My heart was beating fast in my chest. “Bathroom,” he said, pointing to a door. I peeked inside, and it wasn’t that bad, although it only had a standing shower.

We moved into the back room, which was the whole end of the trailer. It was the master bedroom, and I had to admit that it was pretty nice. Everything looked new, including the sheets, and the room was fairly large.

“Walk-in closet,” he said, “for all your clothes and such.” He pointed out a few other features like a realtor trying to make a sale. Finally, he sat down on the bed. “What do you think?”

“It’s nice,” I said.

“Liar.” He smirked at me. “I know you’re not used to trailers, but you’ll like it here.”

“Never lived in one,” I said. I leaned up against the wall, keeping distance between us.

“I know you don’t like me, Janine,” he said. “I can’t say I blame you.”

“Why’s that?”

“All the history with me and your old man.”

“You betrayed the club,” I said simply.

He laughed. “Is that all he told you people?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Is there more to the story?”

“Of course there fucking is.”

That surprised me. I always assumed that my father told me everything and didn’t hold anything back. I always assumed that the story about Jetter was entirely true.

“Want to hear the real story?” he asked.

“Is that why you brought me here, to tell me a story?”

He laughed again. “I brought you here because we’re getting married soon. Might as well try and get to know each other before we get hitched.”

I nodded slowly. “Okay. Tell me a story then.”

He grinned. “Happened a while back. The Demons weren’t always as strong as they are now.

“Your daddy was our leader back then like he’s your leader now, but he didn’t have as much strength back then behind him. We were fighting for survival in Austin, fighting with a few other club. The Rebels were one, but there were also the Broken Gates, the Hellfire, and a bunch of other little groups.

B. B. Hamel's books