Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

As I made a left onto Janine’s block, I spotted something a bit back: two guys on bikes, riding side by side. Not too close but not too far away, they made me give them a double take.

I rode past Janine’s place just to be careful. They were probably two fucking suburban dads out for a ride in their leathers.

But instead of pulling past me eventually like I expected, they stuck a car or two back, tailing me.

Fuck. I realized that these were two fucking bikers following us, not some regular assholes out for a ride on a nice day.

I felt Janine squeeze my side as I stopped at a light. She yelled into my ear.

“My place is back there,” she said. “What are you doing?”

“Gotta keep riding,” I said back.


“Tell you in a bit.” The light changed and I pulled out, drowning out her response.

The guys were professionals; that was for sure. I could tell by the way they kept their distance. I lost them a few times, but as soon as I rode around a bit, they would reappear a few cars back, tailing me.

They were Snakes. There was no doubt in my mind. I couldn’t see their cuts of course, but they didn’t look like Mezcals, and I couldn’t think of anyone else who would want to tail us.

Fucking hell, Larkin was right. The Snakes were making a move and making it early. I didn’t blame them, since this fucking merge with the Rebels could be a disaster for them. They probably thought that if they could kill the girl, then that would cause enough shit to make the merge fall apart.

I couldn’t just pull over, and if I went to the clubhouse, then the guys would just wait for us and come again another time. No, I had them and they didn’t realize I knew they were back there. I needed to make a move and finish this off before they caught wind of what I knew and backed off.

I took a right and headed for the highway. I got on and watched as the two guys followed, staying carefully back, never drawing too near.

I could feel the anxiety in Janine behind me, but I couldn’t stop and tell her what was happening. We hit the open road and drove, riding out fast and far.

As I went, a plan slowly started to form in my mind. It was maybe risky, but if the guys fell for it and really stuck to following me, it might work.

I headed off another ramp and got onto another highway, this one leading out into the desert. There were fewer cars here for those two bikers to hide behind, but they kept at it, maybe being a little more reckless. They were probably suspicious, since why would I be going into the desert right now, but they didn’t back off. That was fine. All I needed was for them to stay with me.

We drove out along the desert highway, deeper and deeper into the growing night. The sun dipped low over the horizon, and Janine just held on tight as I rode, wind whipping past, my machine roaring between our legs.

Death was following us, death on two bikes, two men ready to murder us both.

And it was my job to stop it, like I had so many times in the past. Me and the Grim Reaper, we were old, intimate friends. We were on a first-name basis. I saw him regularly, and he wanted me, wanted me bad.

But it wasn’t my time just yet.

As the time wore on, the sun disappeared and night fell seriously. The guys were still on my tail, but I could tell they were getting antsy. They were falling back farther and farther, maybe preparing to give up following and ride home.

But fortunately for me, I could see my destination up ahead. It was an old gas station set off the highway by a dirt road. It still worked, still sold gas, but the place looked like it hadn’t be touched since the fifties.

I slowed down and took the right, heading off the highway. My bike kicked up dirt as I revved the engine, heading down the road toward the station.

That was on purpose. I needed to buy myself precious moments to prepare.

The dust cloud grew as I went down the road, revving and spinning my tires. Janine held on tightly, clearly confused and afraid. I finally pulled the bike over next to the gas station’s main building and killed the engine.

“Clutch—” Janine started.

“Listen to me,” I said fast. “Two men are coming to kill us. Get inside that bathroom and don’t come out unless I tell you to. Got it?”

She stared at me for a second and then nodded. She got off the bike, went over to the bathroom, and went inside. I checked to make sure the door was locked and then quickly moved away.

I could see the two guys coming. They emerged from the thick dust cloud I had made and pulled up at the pumps. I got my gun out, my trusty revolver, and checked the chamber. It was full.

I tucked myself back behind the building and waited.

This was my plan, my only plan. I wanted to drive them deep out into the desert where I didn’t need to worry about cops or witnesses, except maybe the old guy who ran the station. He’d be easy enough to pay off, though. I wanted to tire the Snakes out, make them confused and wonder why I was riding out so far.

B. B. Hamel's books