Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

“Fuck you too, asshole,” he said.

The other guy got up and went at Clutch. The man swung hard at him and Clutch easily stepped out of the way. Clutch moved fast and shoved the man back, kicked him in the knee, and then slugged him in the jaw. The guy went down just as the other man came at Clutch.

Slip stepped forward to help, but Clutch waved him off. The second man tried to tackle Clutch, but he easily sprawled forward, shoving the man’s face toward the ground. Clutch got him down like that and then kneed him in the head a few times.

The man yelled out in pain as Clutch got his arm shoved up behind his back.

“You fucking done?” he asked him.

“Fine, fine. I’m done.”

“Good. When I let you go, you take your friend and never fucking come back, or else I’ll kill you next time. Got it?”

“Fine, okay.”

Clutch let him go and stood up. The guy got to his feet, gathered his friend up, and the two of them walked off. They got onto their bikes and rode away from the clubhouse.

Clutch grinned at me. “Hey there, princess.”

“What was that?” I asked.

Clutch nodded at Slip. “Go inside and talk to Dow.”

Slip nodded and left.

Clutch looked back at me. “Rebels are here,” he said.

I felt my breath catch in my chest. “Jetter?”

“Not him,” he said. “Just some of the guys. Larkin wants them to hang around, get used to the place.”

“I see.”

“Those two weren’t playing nice, so I asked them very politely to leave.”

I laughed. “I’m sure you were gentle.”

He smirked and moved closer to me. “I was very gentle. You’ve felt it. I can be very subtle and persuasive.”

I shook my head, smiling. “I’m not sure ‘subtle’ is a word I’d use for you.”

“Please,” he said. “I gave you the most subtle orgasms of your life.”

I couldn’t help but smile and hit his chest. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”

“After you, princess.”

I walked past him and went into the clubhouse.

It was packed with guys I didn’t recognize. That was strange, since normally I knew everyone in the place, but there were at least fifteen or twenty guys I’d never seen before. Clutch took me over to the bar and we sat down with Dow and Slip.

“Hey there, Janine,” Dow said to me. “You hear about James and Parkey?” Clutch gave him a look, and he just shrugged. “What?”

“No, Dow, I didn’t hear.”

“Got hit last night,” he said. “Me and Slip were about to take a shot in their memory. You want?”

I blinked. Parkey and James were new members, and I didn’t know them well, but they were nice enough guys and loyal to the club. They didn’t deserve to die. It was way too soon for both of them.

“Yeah,” I said softly. “Sure.”

TomTom poured out four shots of tequila, and we slammed them back.

“I’m sure they appreciate us drinking for them,” I said, “wherever they are.”

Clutch must have heard something in my tone. “You couldn’t have stopped this,” he said.

“Maybe. I know.”

Dow laughed. “Yeah, what would you have done, Janine? Rode out with guns blazing?”

“Maybe agreed to marry Jetter sooner,” I said. “Got these guys into the club faster.”

“Not something you could have predicted,” Slip said, surprising me. It was the most he’d talked all day.

“Plus, nobody wants to see you marry that fuck,” Dow said. “We do appreciate what you’re doing for us, though.”

Clutch was silent, but I could feel the anger rolling off him.

“Thanks, Dow,” I said. “I appreciate that.”

“Well, hell, girl, you’re practically family.”

“The club is my family,” I said, “nothing less.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Dow slammed back another drink and called for more.

Suddenly there was more commotion toward the back of the room. Some of the Rebel guys were pushing each other, speaking loudly.

Clutch stood up. “Janine, go see your dad. I’ll take care of this.” He walked off.

“He always so serious?” Dow asked.

“No, not really,” I said. “In a bad mood today, I guess.” I stood up. “Thanks for the drink.”


“See you boys later.” Dow nodded and Slip waved.

I walked off and headed toward the back. I stopped and knocked on Dad’s door. “Come in,” he called out.

I opened the door. Dad was sitting at his desk, smoking a cigar. He smiled at me.

“There you are,” he said. “How was work?”

“Fine.” I took a seat in front of him. “Things are crazy here. Clutch is out there throwing more guys out.”

“Can’t be helped,” he said. “We need to weed out the bad apples before we can start patching the new guys over.”

I nodded slowly. “About that.”

“What’s up?”

“When am I officially marrying Jetter?”

“Haven’t discussed it yet. Honestly, we have more pressing matters. The claim is good enough for now.”

“I heard about Parkey and James.”

B. B. Hamel's books