Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

She just shook her head and walked off. I watched her go over the heads the crowd and saw her disappear into the bathroom.

I got another whisky and looked around. It was getting late, and the place was packed with hammered drunk douchebags out looking for their next date-rape victim. I could still feel my cock, hard and pulsing in my jeans, and I scanned the room, looking for Janine.

I didn’t spot her, so I downed my drink and got another. A few more minutes passed as I got the next glass of whisky, and Janine still wasn’t back.

Grumbling, I rolled through the crowd toward the bathroom. My mind was running through a list of possibilities, from finding her dead on the floor to realizing that she had ditched me and run off.

I could feel anxiety take my gut, and I moved fast closer to the bathrooms. I had to make sure she was okay, couldn’t fail in keeping her safe. I wasn’t the kind of man to fuck up like that.

As I moved down the hall, I spotted her just ahead. She was standing near three asshole college kids, their preppy clothes marking them as total dickheads. She was frowning and talking, and I could tell something was wrong as I got closer.

“Come on, baby,” the one guy said. “Just a drink. You look like you need one.”

“I said I wasn’t interested,” Janine said.

“We can make you interested,” the other guy said.

I loomed up behind them and Janine spotted me. “Clutch,” she said.

The three guys turned to look at me.

“There a problem here?” I asked.

“No problem, you fucking goon,” the leader said, grinning at me. “This bitch was just leaving.”

“What did you say?” I asked him.

“Clutch, come on,” Janine said, pushing past the guys and trying to pull me away.

“Yeah, go ahead. Take your dry cunt slut away from here,” the kid said, “you fucking lowlife.”

His two friends laughed and high fived.

I stepped forward and slugged my fist into the kid’s jaw. He barely had time to flinch before I knocked him down. He dropped to the ground.

His two friends came at me. I ducked the first punch and came up with an uppercut to the second guy’s chin. He stumbled back as I turned, catching the fist that was heading toward my face, and twisted the guy’s wrist.

I kicked his knee, dropping him down, and then let his wrist go. I slammed my fist into his face, knocking him flat down.

The guy I uppercut punched me in the head from behind. I stumbled, still holding on to my whisky glass with my left hand. I spun around, ducking another punch, and stepped in to elbow him in the nose. He dropped to the ground, his face bleeding, his nose broken.

I knocked back my whisky, proud that I hadn’t spilled a drop.

“Come on,” Janine said, pulling me away.

“Later, boys,” I said.

She led me away as a crowd was forming around us. The fight hadn’t lasted more than fifteen seconds, and people were just figuring out what had happened.

I deposited my empty glass on a table as Janine yanked me out the front door. I waved to my bouncer friend with a grin; he’d never be letting me back in, which was fine with me.

“Why did you do that?” Janine said, rounding on me in the parking lot.

“They insulted you,” I said, “and I’m your bodyguard.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me like that.”

She stepped close to me, her lips hanging open, anger rolling off her.

“Sure you do, princess,” I said. “It’s what I’m good for.”

“Yeah, and that’s it.”

“No, not just that.” I grabbed her hips, pulling her against me. She didn’t fight it. “I’m good for a few other things, too.”

“Clutch,” she said, my name barely a whisper.

“Go ahead,” I said. “Tell me you don’t want me to fuck you until you scream my name right here in the parking lot and I’ll let you go.”

She didn’t say a word.

I crushed my mouth against hers, kissing her hard. She threw her arms around me, pressing her perfect body against mine, returning the kiss.

Fire burned through my veins, my cock raging hard again as we kissed. Her lips were perfect, her tongue soft against mine, her taste filling my mouth. I kissed her hard in the parking lot, and in the back of my mind I knew I was making a mistake.

But it was a delicious fucking mistake.

Slowly she pulled away, her mouth open, breathing deeply.

“Take me home,” she said.

I nodded once and got onto the bike. She climbed on behind me, wrapping her arms tightly around me as I pulled out into traffic.

I rode hard back toward her apartment, my heart beating hard. I knew what I wanted, and I knew she wanted it too. It was wrong, a betrayal of our club, but I couldn’t help it, not after the way she kissed me back, hungry and passionate.

We got off the bike and quickly went up the stairs. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. I followed her in and she shut the door behind me.

I stepped toward her. She pressed her back against the door and stared at me with these eyes like lightning, needy and hard.

“Wait,” she said as I got close. “Wait.”

B. B. Hamel's books