Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

I looked over and Clutch was standing there, a concerned frown on his face.

My father wanted to marry me off like cattle to some scumbag, all to help out his club. He wanted to give me away, force me into a marriage of convenience, just to grow his own gang.

Sure, it would save a lot of lives, but at what cost? And to top it all off, he promised to kill my husband in the future, only putting more pressure and blood on my hands.

And I was considering doing it.

“Yeah,” I said. “Damn right I am.”

He grinned, that dangerous, sexy as hell smile, and I felt myself melt.

“Okay then. Let’s fucking do it.”



I had no clue what she talked about with Larkin in there, but as soon as Janine came out of the office, she was looking for trouble.

She slammed back whisky after whisky. I watched her cautiously as the clubhouse began to fill up. I took it slow, knowing that I was still on the fucking clock and responsible for the girl.

“So, what was that all about?” I finally asked her after she knocked back her fourth shot.

“Don’t you worry about it, tough guy,” she said, smiling and drunk.

“Not worried. Curious.”

“I bet you’re curious.” She waved at TomTom and held up her glass. “You’re a real curious guy.”

I grinned at her. “Must’ve been bad. Still pissed I have to follow you around?”

TomTom brought her a drink and she leaned over the table, smiling at me. “Maybe. Maybe not. What do you think?”

“I think you’re getting drunk because you don’t feel like dealing with the hard shit.”

She raised an eyebrow and then laughed. “Pretty on point for a dumb biker.”

“Careful there, princess,” I said, grinning. “Some of us dumb bikers are pretty dangerous.”

“Yeah. I’ve heard all about you. Clutch the enforcer.”

“That’s right,” I said.

“Big, bad man. Violent and dangerous. Dad used to tell me to stay far away from you.”

“You never really listened, did you?”

“I did and I didn’t.” She looked over her glass at me, a little smile playing at her lips. She was drunk, but she was fucking cute as all hell.

“How’s that?”

“We’ve talked. Flirted even.”

“Never let that go far,” I said.

“No, you didn’t.” She pouted. “Maybe you should have.”

“You couldn’t handle that,” I said, smirking. “I’d have you sweating and sore by morning.”

She bit her lip. “Maybe I’d like to be a little sore.”

“I bet you would, girl. You’d be begging for more of my big cock in no time.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” I was fucking hard as hell, and I knew I needed to be careful.

She slammed back her drink and waved for another.

Janine was drunk, good and hammered. It was barely nine at night and she was already looking like she wouldn’t last too much longer.

Which was probably for the best. I had no clue what her father had told her in there, but it clearly had really fucked with her head if she was being like this. Only a few hours ago she was looking at me like I was the most annoying thing in the world.

Now, I was more than sure that I could have her moaning and sweating by the end of the night if I wanted.

But I wasn’t so stupid. I wasn’t going to take advantage of the girl I was protecting, whether she was the daughter of the president or just some random chick. I may have been a violent thug, but I wasn’t a piece of shit.

She finished off her drink and smiled at me, wobbling on her chair.

“Tell me, Clutch, where’d you get that name?”

“Used to ride bikes as a kid. Older kids made fun of me, called me Clutch. I kicked their asses and embraced it. Stuck from there.”

“Is that story true?”

I grinned at her. “More or less.”

“What about the other stories? Are they all true?”

“Depends which ones.”

“Is it true that you fucked three girls in the same night, all from the same family?”

I laughed and shook my head. “You heard about that?”

“So it’s true?”

“Not true,” I said. “It was four, and they were all cousins.”

She made a face. “That’s almost gross.”

“It wasn’t in a night, either,” I said. “It was in a single week.”

“That’s slightly better, but still.”

I shrugged. “They all heard about me and were curious. I can’t say no to a pretty cunt.”

“What about me?” she asked. “Can you say no to me?”

I grunted and shook my head. “Club comes first,” I said.

“Ah, there it is.” She leaned back, eyeing me. “For all your big talk, you’re still just a dog for the club in the end.”

I frowned at that, annoyed. “I’m not a dog for anyone.”

“Sure you are, little doggy. The club tells you to wag your tail and you wag away.”

“The club is my family,” I said. “They raised me when my life was fucked up, a lot like you, actually.”

B. B. Hamel's books