Man of the House: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

And what drove me even wilder was the fact that she didn’t seem to mind all that much. Sure, she was annoyed, but she didn’t flip out. She just finished getting dressed and looked at me with that icy stare that both sent shivers down my spine and made my dick fucking hard.

I didn’t know what the fuck Larkin was thinking putting me in charge of his sexy-as-hell daughter, but what the fuck, I wasn’t going to complain. As far as I was concerned, this was the easiest job I’d been given in a long time. Sure, it was dangerous, and I’d want to tear her fucking clothes off every second I was around her, but still, might as well try to fucking enjoy the whole thing.

She held tight as we took a turn. The diner she worked at, the All Night Moonlight, or Moonlight for short, was just ahead. I pulled into the parking lot and we got off the bike.

“So, what are you going to do for the next six hours?” she asked me.

“Sit in a booth and stare at your pretty ass,” I said.

“Seriously? You’re just going to stay here?”

He shrugged. “I’m supposed to watch over you. Can’t do that if I’m not here.”

She shook her head, sighing. “You’re going to be bored, and my manager is going to be annoyed that some big biker is taking up a booth.”

“I’m patient, and your manager can handle it.”

She looked at me for a second, biting her lip. “Don’t make this hard for me, okay?”

“Like you make me hard?”

“That. Don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what, princess?” I asked, stepping toward her. I loved the way she responded, taking a half step back.

“Talk to me like that. I don’t know how long this bodyguard thing is going to last, but let’s try and keep it professional.”

“Professional,” I repeated with a laugh. “That’s not my strong suit.”

“Pretend like my dad is your boss,” she said, “since he is.”

“Can’t see how that changes anything,” I said, “but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Good. This is a job. Just stay out of the way and try not to make any trouble.”

I grinned hugely at her. “Trouble? I don’t know how to make trouble even if I wanted.”

She rolled her eyes and just walked away, heading into the diner.

I watched her go and followed at a respectful distance. If she wanted it professional, I could do professional.

Although not really. The word “professional” wasn’t in my vocabulary, unless you were talking about being a professional fucking badass. Yeah, that was me, a professional, motorcycle-riding badass.

I grinned to myself as I walked up the steps and into the diner.

It was pretty busy for the early morning. Janine was nowhere to be seen, but I figured she was just clocking in and getting ready for her shift. I sat myself down in a booth in the corner, tossed my phone on the tabletop, and waited.

And that was what I did all fucking day.

Janine came out not long after and brought me a coffee. “Just stay here and don’t make a fuss,” she said.

“Sure,” I answered. “You look real fucking cute in that apron.”

She just walked away and didn’t come back to my booth for an hour or two.

Sitting around watching nothing wasn’t really my specialty. I ordered mug of coffee after mug of coffee, sipping it slowly, and around noon I had to switch over to decaf. I could feel my fucking eyeballs jittering in their sockets I was so damn caffeinated. I wanted to get up and run laps around the place, but Janine wanted me to be quiet and out of the way, so I was trying.

But I had nothing to do. I played some shitty crosswords on my phone, read the news a little bit, looked at Facebook, did all the boring, lame shit I usually never did. But most of the time I just watched the place, studied how it worked.

Janine seemed well-liked by everyone. Some regulars knew her, the other waitresses smiled when she came around, and her manager, although a dick, was decent enough to her.

All day long, she took orders and brought out food, smiling as she went. I just sat there, head buzzing with caffeine, trying not to picture undressing her behind the counter and sliding my thick cock between her legs.

Except that was pretty fucking impossible. Every time I saw her smile, I imagined that same smile as I fucked her rough, grabbing her perky tits. She’d moan my name and smile big as I pressed my cock deep inside her, sending shivers of pleasure through her body.

At around one, she came over to my table and sat down across from me.

“You look exhausted,” I said.

“I am.” She leaned back and closed her eyes. “Being on my feet all day is a pain.”

“Sorry to hear it.”

She opened her eyes and looked at me. “Do you have to stare at me all day?” she asked.

“No,” I said, “but I like it.”

“Do you want a book or something?”

I shook my head. “No, thanks.”

She looked at me silently for a second. “Well, I’m on break. I’ll be in the back eating if you need something.”

“Enjoy,” I said.

She got up and left.

I wanted to be in the back, eating her sweet little pussy.

B. B. Hamel's books