Mack (King #4)

“I don’t want to hurt you.” I hoped she might understand. My size wasn’t something a woman would enjoy her first time.

She gave me a tender smile, as if to tell me it was what she truly wanted. And me, being who I was, could not resist the invitation. I sank into her, slowly driving in my cock, inch by inch. She moaned gently into my ear, tilting her hips to help me slide deeper.

She pulled her head back and stared at me with those intense eyes, and I wondered what she was thinking. What did she see in a man like me who had washed up on the shore, his body shattered and emaciated, nearly dead?

I didn’t know the answer to that question. All I knew was how she made me feel, like there was a goodness inside me—something worth wanting.

Slowly, we began moving together, our eyes locked, our souls touching. It was like magic the way our spirits and bodies mingled and drew from each other. My heart began to tingle, as if pulling the light from within her. Meanwhile, I felt her pulling a piece of my soul into her.

There were no words to explain other than she was pure ecstasy, pure light, pure sinful pleasure and joy.

With what felt like only seconds of thrusting and sliding my shaft into her willing but tight body, I felt the eruption coming. I quickened my pace, our hips colliding, her pants coaxing me to take more, to move faster, to drive harder. I exploded inside her, feeling my seed pouring over the tip of my cock, bathing the entrance to her womb while she dug her soft fingertips into my ass, pushing me as deeply as I could go. She let out a cry of ecstasy, and I forced myself to continue, drawing the pleasure from her body.

Finally, after several long moments of lying together joined, sweaty, and spent, I opened my eyes to find it was no longer morning, but nighttime. What seemed like minutes had really been an entire day.

I looked at her and stroked her soft cheek. “Who are you?” I whispered.

“Happy,” she responded.

Happy. That was the perfect name for my Seer from another land. She made me so happy.


The next morning, I found myself alone as usual, but now I missed her more than ever. Her sweet smell, her eyes, her smile. I realized that being with this strange woman was the first time I’d ever felt I belonged somewhere, like there was hope for me. Yet, the other part of my soul knew that to be impossible. I was an outsider, not welcome in their village.

“Boat,” I heard a familiar voice speak from the doorway.

I looked up and found my goddess holding out several spotted furs and three big bundles tied with twine.

“Boat,” she repeated, urging me to take the goods.

“You did it?”

I got up, and she quickly shoved the items at me. “Ko’oten. Ko’oten!”

I suddenly had the feeling she was telling me to hurry my ass up. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t with the blessing of her tribe.

“You will get in trouble,” I said. Of course, she didn’t understand. Her response was to grab my hand and urge me to follow.

“No. I do not want you to do this.” I had no clue if these people were peaceful or savages, if her helping me to take a boat would earn her more than simply being poked with sticks as they had done to me when I invaded their shore.

I dug in hard and with my considerable size compared to hers, she couldn’t move me. “No,” I said firmly. I refused to have another black mark on my soul or cost someone else theirs.

Suddenly, deep male voices began echoing through the jungle.

Her eyes filled with panic. “Ko’oten!” she yelled.

“I will speak with them. I will tell them you had nothing to do with this.”

Frustrated by my lack of movement, she shook her head at me and blew out a breath. She then reached for my hand and placed it over her heart. “Happy.” She laced her fingers with mine, and I then started to wonder if she was trying to say that she wanted to go with me.

I could never allow that. There was little chance of any boat crossing back over that ocean. I couldn’t put her in danger.

I took her hand and placed it over my heart. “You have to stay here.”

She blinked at me and then growled, jerking her hand away. She turned her petite frame and began running.

“Gods be damned, woman! Where are you going?” I chased after her, running as fast as I was able, ducking under branches and thick vines. Still fairly weak and not yet having built my muscle back, I moved as fast as a pregnant ox at best.

I tracked her footsteps through the moist dirt, finally breaking through the vegetation, shooting out onto a warm beach covered with white powdery sand. I caught sight of her running toward a small fishing boat that was narrow with an upward-pointing tip.

She didn’t stop until she got to it, and when she did, she immediately began shoving off, motioning for me to come.

I looked up at the sky for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts. I had to make her understand.

Mimi Jean Pamfiloff's books