Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Stopping, he pulled me closer to him and kissed me once more. “Do you know what makes me the happiest man in the world?”

Lifting my mouth up in a smile, I asked, “What?”

The back of his hand moved softly down my face. “Loving you.”

“You have no idea how much I love you,” I softly spoke.

“I think I do. Now kiss me before they start making us pose.”

And kiss I did. Luke cleared his throat as he walked by and said, “The photographer isn’t waiting patiently for the two of you to stop sucking face. Save it for later.”

We spent the next thirty minutes taking beautiful pictures as well as silly ones with our best friends and family.

Nothing would ruin this day.

It was perfect.

Beyond perfect.


I watched Taylor move from person to person wearing that beautiful smile of hers.

Lifting my beer to my lips, I slowly shook my head.

She’s my wife. Taylor was officially mine for the rest of our lives.

“You look happy sitting here staring at your wife.”

Lifting my gaze up, I smiled at my father. “I like hearing that.”

“I remember thinking the same thing when someone first called your mother my wife. I’m pretty sure my chest puffed up with pride.”

I chuckled and took another drink. “It feels like it took us forever to get to this day, yet, it feels like I just asked her out on our first official date. I blinked and here I am.”

My father took a seat next to me. “And the rest of your life you’ll feel like that. The day we brought you home from the hospital feels like yesterday. Watching you and your sister grow has been such a blessing, but at the same time makes me so sad.”

I smiled as I looked at my father. “I pray I’m as good of a father as you are, Dad.”

His eyes filled with tears. “You will be, Jase. You will be.”

“Can I get everyone’s attention please,” Jessie said as we both stood. Taylor turned to me and scrunched her nose up with the cutest smile.

Leaning in closer, my father said, “I believe it’s the bride and groom’s time to dance.”

With a nod, I set my beer down and made my way over to Taylor. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pulled her into my side.

“The bride and groom are about to dance. Now, they picked out a song, but Jase has a bit of a surprise for Taylor.”

Sucking in a breath, Taylor turned to me. “What did you do?”

“Nothing big. I just wanted it to be a little more special.”

Noah walked out carrying a guitar.

“Oh my goodness,” Taylor said as she covered her mouth to hold back her sobs.

Noah walked up to the mic and smiled. “When Jase asked me to sing this song for the first dance, I quickly said no. Then my very pregnant . . . and beautiful . . . wife, Grace, persuaded me into singing it.”

The crowd laughed and most turned to Grace, who grinned from ear to ear.

“So, it’s my pleasure to sing the first song that Jase and Taylor will dance to as Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Y’all come on up here.”

Taking Taylor’s hand in mine, I led her to the middle of the dance floor and pulled her body next to mine. Noah began playing the cords to the song ‘Yours’ as Taylor buried her face in my chest.

I softly sang along as we glided over the makeshift dance floor. Taylor pulled her head back and looked up at me. Her green eyes danced with happiness. Leaning down, I gently kissed her tears away.

“Thank you for loving me like you do.”

She pressed her lips together to keep from crying.

“You are my life. My entire world, Taylor. Forever.”

Her face beamed bright. “A forever love.”

Noah finished singing as I pressed my lips to hers.

When I pulled back to look at her, we both smiled. “Nothing could make this day any better,” she said with such love in her eyes.

“Oh, holy hell.”

We both turned to look at Grace who was standing next to Noah, gripping his arm for dear life.

Taylor quickly walked up to Grace. “What’s wrong?”

“Contraction. Strong one.”

Noah’s face dropped. “What?”

“Mom!” Colt called out as Ellie turned quickly to look at him. “Lauren’s water just broke!”

“Wait! Why are they going into labor? I’m due first!” Alex yelled out.

Taylor and I looked at each other and laughed.

Leaning her body against me, Taylor giggled, “We’re totally going to have the best wedding story out of everyone.”

We stood there as everyone began scattering around. Jeff and Ari were helping Noah get Grace while Ellie, Gunner, Scott, and Jessie were all surrounding Lauren.

Alex huffed, going on and on about how unfair it was and for Will to get her something spicy.

Taylor spun around and flashed me the biggest most beautiful smile I’d ever seen.

“Best day ever! We’re married and babies are coming!” she exclaimed.

“I have a feeling this is just the start of even more best days.”

Her eyes turned dark as she lifted her brows. “And more babies.”