Loving You (Love Wanted in Texas)

Turning around, I looked around the room at the people closet to me. My mother and Whitley stood near the door and both looked beautiful.

Slowly moving my eyes around the room, I took in each of my best friends, all dressed in beautiful soft pink dresses finished off with cowboy boots.

Meagan. My beautiful sister and my best friend. I learned from her how to be strong.

Grace. The spit and fire of the group who looked beautiful with her hands resting on her ever-so-big pregnant belly.

Alex. The sensible one in our group. Her smile alone lit up the room never mind the fact that she was due in a week and was still her bubbly self.

Libby. Sweet beautiful Libby who had the biggest heart of all. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for any of us.

Lauren. The ever so happy and always positive best friend. She looked so beautiful as she stood there with her hands rubbing her unborn child. Lauren was the first to drop everything and come to your aide. I loved seeing how happy her eyes were.

Liza. The newest addition to my best friend circle. Anytime I needed advice, she was the first to offer it. She never left my side when Jase’s plane went down and I’ll never forget that.

Mireya and Bayli stood in front of their mothers dressed in beautiful little white gowns as they clutched onto their flower girl baskets.

Tears filled my eyes as I realized how blessed I was.

“I think we should get going now. Brad is waiting outside the door,” Jessie, said. She not only catered the reception, but she was also the wedding planner.

I stood there as each person gave me a kiss on the cheek. When I was finally alone, I took in a deep breath and blew it out as I tried to calm my nerves.

The door opened and my father walked in. Tears pooled in his eyes as he closed his eyes and shook his head before looking back at me. “My goodness. You are breathtaking.”

Blushing, I replied, “Thank you, Daddy.”

Walking up to me he took my hands in his. “I thought your mother was the most beautiful bride. You and your sister Meagan have proved me wrong. The three of you are . . . simply . . . flawless.”

“Daddy,” I whispered. “Don’t make me cry or Lauren and Meagan will have to do my makeup again.”

“Right,” he said with a nod. “I want you to know how happy I am for you, Taylor. I see the way Jase looks at you and he loves you so very much.”

“I love him.”

“I guess it’s time,” he said while he slowly blew out a breath.

“I guess so,” I answered.

He handed me my bouquet of white roses Alex made. They were wrapped in the same color fabric as the bridesmaids gowns.

I took my father’s arm and let him walk me down the stairs and to the car. The wedding was taking place at the lake on Layton and Whitley’s ranch.

My heart was beating so hard in my chest, I felt like it was rocking the car. We were the last to pull up. I looked out the window to see the girls walking down the aisle. I couldn’t help but smile when my eyes landed on Jase. He looked so handsome dressed in a black tux. The windows to the limo were tinted and no one could see me inside.

My father bumped my shoulder. “You ready?”

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my entire life.”

He got out and walked around to my door. A group of people gathered around and somewhat blocked the view of me as my father helped me out, adjusted my dress and held his arm out for me. When I slipped it around his, they stepped aside and Jessie ushered Bayli and Mireya down the aisle as everyone gushed about how cute the girls were as they skipped down the aisle literally throwing pink rose petals everywhere.

The music changed and the wedding march started while I locked eyes with Jase.

His smile was so big, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“I’d say he was happy by that grin across his face,” my father whispered.

“He looks so handsome,” I whispered.

I tried to pull my eyes off of him to look at our guests, but I was mesmerized.

It felt like forever by the time we made it up to the altar. My father lifted my veil and kissed my cheek as he placed my hand in Jase’s.

“Take care of my little girl.”

Jase nodded. “I will, sir. I promise.”

Walking up to the altar, Jase and I faced one another. “You’re so beautiful, I feel like I can’t breathe looking at you.”

My face warmed as I squeezed his hand. “Thank you. You look so handsome, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”

The pastor cleared his throat and began the ceremony.

The whole thing was a blur. Jase and I stared at each other almost the entire time. When he finally announced us husband and wife, Jase cupped my face with his hands and smiled. He slowly pressed his lips to mine as everyone yelled out and clapped. Pulling back slightly from me, Jase winked.

Turning to face everyone, Jase held up our hands as if we had just won a race. We started down the aisle and off to the side where a few quick photos would be snapped before we headed to the reception.