
I spank her one more time before sliding my hand around the curve of her hip and then between her stomach and the table. Her skin is smooth and warm, her body soft in all the right places, and I use a couple of fingers to circle her navel before stroking my way down her abdomen to her mons, her clit, her pussy.

I rub against her clit once, twice, before moving down to stroke along her slit. She’s hot and wet—so much wetter than she’d been even a couple of minutes ago—and it proves to me that I’m doing something right. Proves to me that while Veronica may want a gentle lapdog of a lover, what she needs is something else entirely.

The thought turns me on, but that’s no surprise when everything about this woman turns me on. There’s a part of me that knows I should back off, knows I should be concerned about professional objectivity. But the article will be done in a couple of days, so that isn’t a problem. As for the rest…as for the rest, she’s only ever been a very peripheral part of my research and fucking her won’t change that. It won’t skew what I know, won’t make me think any differently than I already do.

Besides, any man who can actually walk away from a naked and very aroused Veronica Romero is obviously a better man than I am.

I tighten my hold on her wrists with one hand, use the fingers of the other to pinch her clit hard enough to have her hips bucking against the table and her breath slamming out of her in a rush. I like the response a lot, like even more the way she shivers just a little, which is why I do it again. And again. Then, before she has a chance to recover, I thrust two fingers deep inside of her and scissor them gently.

She moans, her hips jacking up against my hand in an effort to take me deeper. Fuck. She feels good. For a second I forget about the game we’re playing, forget about whatever secrets she’s hiding, and lose myself in the tight, hot clasp of her around my fingers. But then she twists her wrists in my grasp, her nails digging into the back of my hand as she urges me deeper, deeper, deeper.

I give it to her for one second, two, before I remember what I’m doing—remember how this is supposed to go. When I do, I let go of her wrists just long enough to deliver another, sharper smack to the fleshy part of her ass at the same time I pull out of her in a rush.

“What? No!” She keens a little, arches back against me.

Starts to reach for me.

I grab her wrists before she can connect, pull her arms straight and tight so that her hands rest against the small of her back. Then I roll off of her, ignoring both her desperate protests and my throbbing dick as I use my other hand to spread her legs wider even as I pull her up to her knees.

With her upper body still flush against the table and her ass in the air—legs spread wide open—her pussy is on full display. And she is gorgeous.

“Ian. Ian, please—” Her whimpers are half-plea, half-command, and they shoot straight down my spine and along my cock like nothing else could. I’m hard as fuck, about ready to explode, but still I hold out because she’s not ready yet. Her eyes are still too lucid, her body still too much under her own control. If I give in now we’ll be right back where we were ten minutes ago. And I am not having that.

So instead of climbing back on that table and fucking her the way I’m pretty much dying to—the way she’s pretty much begging me to—I reach between her thighs and deliver two sharp slaps to her sex.

Her whole body goes taut, her hips frozen—in pleasure or shock, I can’t tell. At least not until she lets out a strangled scream and does her best to claw me again.

I slap her one more time.

Then I’m leaning over her, growling in her ear. “The first was for trying to take over.” I bite at her earlobe, then—as she moans—I suck it into my mouth to take away the sting. “The second was because you took the first one so fucking well.”

For the second time since I put her in this position, she twists her head around so she can look me in the eye. “And the third?”

My cock throbs at the words, at the sexy-as-fuck look in her eyes. I’m close, so fucking close that I’m already leaking pre-cum against her ass. But she’s taunting me and there’s no fucking way I’m giving in. “I thought you’d figured that out,” I grind out, my mouth still next to her ear. “It’s because I wanted to. Everything I’m doing to you right now is because I want it. The sooner you accept that, the sooner—”

“The sooner what?” I break off as she humps that truly magnificent ass back against me and for a second I think about saying to hell with it. I think about slamming inside of her and fucking the both of us straight into oblivion.