
He takes what I’m offering, his thumb coming up to circle my clit.

I moan again, bite my lip. His hand twitches against me and his eyes darken to pure, pitch black. I’ve got him. Thank God, I’ve got him. With another moan for effect, I lean back on my elbows. Arch my back. Offer myself to him.

He takes the offer—of course he does—leaning over me and trailing soft, hot kisses up the center of my body from my navel to my collarbone. It feels surprisingly good—he feels surprisingly good—and I slide my hands around to cup his ass. He’s brought me a lot of pleasure tonight and I want this to be good for him. I want—

“So,” he says again, his voice deep and rumbly and sexy, so sexy. “Just to be clear. This is what you want?”

Something inside me breaks wide open at the question. The fact that he still makes sure to ask, after everything I’ve said and done, means more than I can explain. More than he’ll ever know. “Yes. Please.” I tangle my fingers in his hair, pull him down until his lips are scant centimeters from my own. “I need you to fuck me.” Before I lose my nerve. Before I fall apart. Before this whole charade is for nothing.

He searches my eyes for several long seconds. I do my best to show him only desire—only what he wants to see, and it must work because the next thing I know he’s leaning forward, closing the distance between us. Finally—finally—his body is covering mine, his lips pressed against my own. I open my mouth to him, but he doesn’t kiss me any more fully than he already is. Instead, he grabs my wrists in one hand and stretches them over my head while he flattens his other hand over my stomach, pinning me in place.

Then, with his mouth still resting against my own, he whispers, “Liar.”

Chapter 7

Veronica’s eyes fly open at the accusation and for long seconds she does nothing but stare at me, face pale and body trembling as I hold her in place.

“What are you doing?” she demands, her voice getting higher with each word that is ripped out of her. “Why aren’t you…”

“Fucking you?” I nip sharply at her mouth. “Because, baby, I don’t fuck women who don’t want me.”

“I do want you!”

“Correction, you did want me. Now you just want to fuck and get it over with so you can send me on my way. But that’s not how this works.”

Her voice is pure diva when she answers, “It works however I say it works.”

I laugh. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

She gasps in outrage, struggles against my hold. But I’m not ready to let go of her hands just yet. I do lift up on her stomach though, stroking a hand across her breast, where I pause just long enough to pinch her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

She gasps, licks her lips. Arches her back invitingly. “Of course I do.”

“Oh yeah? Then why aren’t I inside you right now?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” She raises a brow, somehow manages to look down her nose at me despite the fact that I’m the one on top. And is every inch the queen while doing it.

It only turns me on more. “Got any ideas yet?”

“No.” She strains against my hands, tries to buck me off. “And I don’t care. I’ve lost interest.”

“Have you? Really?” I press my lips against the pulse point on her neck, relishing the way it stutters and jumps. I stay there for a moment, sucking a bruise into her tender skin before licking my way up the slender column of her throat.

She moans, but her eyes are narrow when they glare into mine, her cheeks hot and flushed. “Either fuck me or let me go.”

“Funny,” I say, easing back just enough to adjust her hands and flip her over, “how you still seem to think you’re the one in control here.”

That sets her off just like I knew it would and she tries to buck against me. But she’s facedown on the table now, her hands clasped loosely behind her back and her legs spread-eagled so that I can rest between them without hurting her.

“Aren’t I?” She slides backward just enough to press her ass right up against my dick.

Fuck. It feels good—she feels good and I barely resist the urge to groan, to thrust against her. But if I do, she’ll think she’s won and that is not how this is going to go down.

So I keep it together, fighting down my own need as I shift to straddle her thighs so that I can rub my cock back and forth along the crack of that gorgeous, world-famous ass. At the same time, I bring my hand down on her ass in a move that’s half slap, half caress.

She jumps, gasps. But she doesn’t try to fight me, so I bring my hand down on her ass a second time. “Baby, you are a lot of things right now, but in control definitely isn’t one of them.”