Live Me

I laughed, but something inside me unhinged, and I had to fight to keep my claws tucked away. What the hell was that? Composing myself, I plastered on my huge phony smile. “Go for it.”

Jessie’s face turned pale just as a deep voice rustled the hair beside my ear. “This seat taken?”

My belly fell out.

My body went rigid while my insides became languid, and the combination was so contradictory, it sent me into shock. The sound of the chair scraping beside me knocked me from my paralysis. I looked over to see a familiar dimple plunged deep into his smooth cheek.

He leaned in so close, I could smell the mint on his breath. “Hi, Angel.”

I swallowed my tongue. “Hi, Blake.”

If he’s going to keep doing this to me, I’ll probably go into cardiac arrest.

Jessie kicked me under the table, her eyes popped out so far I wouldn’t have been surprised if they’d fallen out of her face. She was glancing back and forth wildly from me to him to drive home the point I hadn’t introduced them yet.

I cleared my throat. “Um, Blake, this is my friend Jessie. Jessie, this is Blake.”

She donned her signature smile and shot her hand across the table at him. “Nice to meet you, Blake.”

“Likewise.” He flashed those sexy-ass dimples politely back at her, and then turned a heated gaze back to me.

“So, are you following me again? Do I have to call campus security and tell them I have a stalker?” I chided playfully.

“You just might.” Blake’s smile turned mischievous. “Actually, you know I’m here at this time, so I’m thinking you might be the one following me.” He placed a hand on his chest, looking at me adoringly. “Don’t break my heart and tell me I’m wrong, sweetheart.”

“You’re wrong,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“Ow!” He clutched his chest and leaned back, making an overly dramatic show of faking a heart attack. “Someone call nine-one-one!”

I laughed, pushing his shoulder. “Stop it! You’re making a scene.”

He grabbed my hand and held it against his hard chest so I could feel his heart frantically flying beneath it. His voice lowered. “See, I told you. I’m not lying. It’s short circuiting, and it’s all your fault.”

My lungs ceased.

Feeling his chiseled chest and the organ that drives this man beneath my palm was not something I was equipped to deal with. Tingles crept up the tips of my fingers with every erratic jump of his heart. I swallowed the cotton ball shoved inside my throat and nudged him, trying to play it off. “I can’t take you.”

His grip tightened and he tugged me toward him. “You can take me any time, anywhere you’d like.” The double meaning behind his words didn’t go unnoticed.

It felt like the intensity of his stare would burn a hole through my retinas. I had to look away, but I couldn’t. I was mesmerized, and so help me god, if I went blind, then I went blind. At least I’d have that image engrained in my mind.

“Have dinner with me tonight,” Blake said.

“Um, tonight? I, um . . .” have lost the ability to control my tongue apparently.

“She’s training at The Backdoor tonight,” Jessie’s voice was so small I barely recognized it. Her eyes were timid and uncertain as to whether or not she should have spoken.

I blinked, forgetting she was still here, or that anyone else was even in the room for that matter. I nodded to reassure her.

Giving myself a little shake to rattle the spell off me, I redirected my attention back to Blake, more in control of my flesh and bones. “Right. Jessie has a friend at The Backdoor. He’s been kind enough to offer me a job as long as it works out tonight.” I smiled.

“Bartending, huh?” Blake grimaced, finally setting me free.

“Yes, bartending. What’s that look?” The smile faded from my face and my eyebrows pulled together.

“I don’t know. Are you sure that’s a good idea?” His leg bobbed up and down as if the news of my new job made him nervous, but I didn’t understand why.

I shrugged it off. “Why not? I’m fully capable, and I need the money.”

“I didn’t mean to imply you weren’t capable. I’m sure you are. It’s just, well . . . guys can get a little . . . pushy.” Blake rubbed his forehead and looked like he was searching for words that would change my decision.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” Jessie reassured him. “Rick’s very protective of his employees. He has a no tolerance policy for that sort of stuff.”

Wait, she’s reassuring him?

“Rick?” His brows drew together, a hard line breaking between them.

“The owner,” she clarified. “He’s my friend, the one giving her the shot. She’ll be able to pay for her rent after one night of tips with those looks.” Jessie smiled, pointing in my direction. She wasn’t helping my case. Not that I should have a case.

“Oh.” He looked disappointed. “Well, what time do you start? In case I get . . . thirsty.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t even meet the guy yet. Who knows if he’s even going to like me.”

Celeste Grande's books