Liars and Losers Like Us

The gym looks like any other Prom I’ve seen in the movies. Kids dancing, school faculty scattered around the edges. Punch and snack table, DJ at the front, giant speakers. And there’s a shitload of streamers and balloons in red, black, and silver. A little morbid, but overall, it looks pretty sharp. A lot cooler than I’d expected. Good news is there aren’t any werewolf or vampire cutouts in sight. I shrug and scan the crowd.

“Bree! Over here!” Sam and Kendall wave their hands from their Parties of One group by the DJ booth. I hang with them for a while and then Kallie finds me and drags me onto the dance floor. I stare over her shoulder at Sean, Todd, and Jane standing over some tables in a corner. Sean’s eyes meet mine and I smile just as a hand grips my bicep.

“Do you guys know what happened to all of our cutouts?” Shandy yells in my ear.

“No,” I yell, pulling my arm away. “Why?”

“Someone stole them. Our committee spent a lot of money on those, you know. A lot.”

“I have no idea. I’ll let you know if I hear anything.”

She stalks away, looking back twice to glare over her shoulder at us.

“Shit. She’s onto us.” Kallie laughs.

“Wait, do you know where they are?” I ask.

“No, but it’s the thought that counts. Justin said he brought tacky underwear to tape on them but when he got here, they were already gone. Someone beat us to it. Still would’ve been funnier to see a vampire in valentine boxer briefs.”

“Or a werewolf in a tight purple thong?” I laugh. “Shandy’s pissed. I’ve never seen her this mad before.”

“I know! It’s awesome.” Kallie spins me around and we dance until a slow song comes on.

Molly and Justin glide to the middle of the dance floor while Jane pulls Sean up from the table. He tugs his hand from hers but still follows her onto the floor. I hang with the Parties of One group, eating black cupcakes, trying to sip blood red punch without staining my teeth. I open my clutch to check my phone for imaginary missed calls and texts every five minutes while everyone goes all fashion police on everyone’s formals.

Just when I think I can’t stand faking it any longer, Shandy makes an announcement for Prom Court members to make their way to the stage. Sam and Kendall tell me “good luck” and push me out of their circle.

Principal Finley makes an introduction and thanks everyone as we file into position.

I tap Jane’s shoulder. Leaning over, I whisper near her ear, “Hey, I’m sorry for giving you shit about my shoes yesterday, I found them in my car.”

Jane twists a thin gold chain on her arm. “It’s okay.” She shakes her head. “No one ever believes me.” Her mouth drops into a slight frown before she quirks her lips back into a smile. She drops into her seat and fans the ruffles of her dress out.

Shandy waves a red envelope as Langley makes her way to center stage gripping two glittery, shiny, golden crowns.

“Ahem.” Shandy clears her throat loudly into the microphone. “Listen everyone. I’m asking you guys for some serious cooperation here. We’re missing some major decorations for tonight. Please see me ASAP if you know anything about any life-size werewolf or vampire figures.” Everyone laughs as soon as she says werewolves and vampires. I’m pretty sure they think she’s joking.

My nerves kick in with the whole thing again about looking happy and gracious when I don’t win. The only consolation I have is knowing that once this king and queen stuff is over, I’m marching over to the DJ booth, requesting a song, and giving a short dedication in honor of Maisey.

Even though Kallie’s my best friend, my money’s on Justin and Molly. Kallie’s probably thinking the same thing. Her deep burgundy lips are frozen into the kind of smile you might have before throwing up. Laura takes extra interest in straightening her dress, Molly crosses and uncrosses her legs. I’m doing all of the above.

Jane sits tall, shoulders back; most likely holding her big white smile with the same Vaseline she’d applied to her gums at the pep rally yesterday. She looks so sure of herself that I almost feel bad.

“And for Prom King, Juuuuustin Conner.” Justin hops off his chair and bows. Langley places the king’s crown on his head and kisses him on the cheek. Everyone is yelling and cheering, “Speech, Speech.”

Justin takes the mic from Shandy. “This means the world to me. The world. I’ve been dreaming about this day since I was a baby. Literally. This one time, when I was a baby, in my crib, I had this dream. I was right here. Right now. Telling you about a dream I had. Seriously folks, thanks.” Shandy yanks the microphone from Justin’s hands. Then she grabs his shoulder to keep him next to her on stage.

“And now the masses have spoken. Belmont High’s Senior Prom Queen is …” She looks back at us. “Breeeeee Hughes!”

Molly leans over Jane and pats my shoulder, smiling. Kallie jumps up and hugs me.

“We did it, girl!”

The roar of the audience clapping and Jane sucking her teeth sound like echoes. I’m not sure but I think they just called my name. Molly stands up, walks behind Jane, and pushes me up out of my seat.

“What?” I say to Kallie.

“Oh please, give us a break with the theatrics. You fucking won,” Jane hisses in my ear.

Ami Allen-Vath's books